unitree_ros package from unitree_ros repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.0
License GPL-3.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/snt-arg/unitree_ros.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-08-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Unitree ros package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Pedro Soares


No additional authors.

🐕 Unitree Go1 ROS2 Driver

A ROS2 package which can be used to control the legged robot Unitree Go1 Edu using ROS topics.

This package acts has middleware between ROS2 and unitree_legged_sdk, which enables anyone to control the robot with velocity commands as well as receive back the robot state. Furthermore, additional features are also available such as standing up/down the robot and use head LEDs for some status information.

[!NOTE] Only supports unitree_legged_sdk High level commands

📜 Table of Contents

⚙ī¸ Installation

This package is available in the ROS index for both Iron and Humble distributions.

sudo apt install ros-[distro]-unitree-ros

[!IMPORTANT] If you are using foxy as your ROS distribution, you need to build from source

đŸ“Ļ Installation From Source

[!NOTE] Make sure to clone it recursively, as depends on the unitree_legged_sdk.

mkdir -p ~/unitree_ws/src
cd ~/unitree_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/snt-arg/unitree_ros.git

Once you have cloned this repository, you will need to build it using Colcon.

cd ~/unitree_ws
source /opt/ros/[ros-distro]/setup.bash # or zsh if using the zsh shell!
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash # or zsh if using the zsh shell!

After having built the workspace, you should now be able to use the driver to control your robot.

🚀 Usage

You can use this driver wired or with a Wi-Fi connection. By default, it is set to use the wired connection.

To launch the driver, you can use the launch file available. For a wired connection use the following command:

ros2 launch unitree_ros unitree_driver_launch.py

For a Wi-Fi connection use the following command:

ros2 launch unitree_ros unitree_driver_launch.py wifi:=true

In case you prefer to modify more parameters, you can do so by passing the parameters file. The default parameters can be found in config/params.yaml or here.

ros2 launch unitree_ros unitree_driver_launch.py params_file:="path_to_your_params_file" #wifi:=true/false

đŸ“Ĩ Subscribed Topics

Topic name Message Type Description
cmd_vel geometry_mgs/msg/Twist.msg This is used by the driver to receive velocity commands and send the appropriate commands to the robot.
/stand_up std_msgs/msg/Empty.msg Triggers the robot to stand up
/stand_down std_msgs/msg/Empty.msg Triggers the robot to stand down

📤 Published Topics

Topic name Message Type Description
/odom nav_msgs/msg/Odometry.msg The odometry state received from the robot is being published to this topic.
/imu sensor_msgs/msg/IMU.msg The IMU state received from the robot is being published to this topic.
/bms_state unitree_ros/msg/bms.msg The battery state received from the robot is being published to this topic.
/sensor_ranges unitree_ros/msg/SensorRanges.msg The battery state received from the robot is being published to this topic.

🔧 ROS Parameters

Parameter Name Default value Description
ns - Name space that should be given to robot driver
robot_ip Robot IP that should be used to establish the UDP connection. For a Wi-Fi conntection use
robot_target_port 8082 The port that should be used to communicate with the robot.
cmd_vel_topic_name /cmd_vel Topic name that should be used for subscribing to velocity commands
odom_topic_name /odom Topic name that should be used for publishing the odometry state
imu_topic_name /imu Topic name that should be used for publishing the IMU state
bms_state_topic_name /bms_state Topic name that should be used for publishing the battery management state, such as battery level.
imu_frame_id imu Frame id that should be used for the IMU frame
odom_frame_id odom Frame id that should be used for the odometry frame
odom_child_frame_id base_link Frame id of the body of the robot
use_obstacle_avoidance false Enables (true) or disables (false) the robot obstacle avoidance.
low_batt_shutdown_threshold 20 Battery threshold for when to stop the robot from moving, in case the battery is below

🛠ī¸ Features

[!NOTE] In the next version, joint states will also be available.

💡 Robot LED statuses

The robot has a few predetermined LED statuses, which are useful to give some information to anyone using the robot. The following statuses are available:

  • đŸŸĸ Green Light: Ready status

  • âšĒī¸ White Light: Idle status

  • đŸ”ĩ Blue Light: Moving status

  • 🟡 Yellow Light: Low battery (< 30 %)

đŸĒĢ Low Battery Protection

By specifying a low battery threshold using the parameters file (low_batt_shutdown_threshold), the driver will stop the robot from moving and will stand it down. By default, the low battery threshold value is set to 20%.

🚧 Obstacle Avoidance

The robot has an obstacle avoidance mode. However, this mode is not enabled by default. Therefore, this driver allows you to enable it using the parameters file (use_obstacle_avoidance). By default, this is set to false

🔑 License

This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license - see the LICENSE for more details.

👏 Contributions

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please create a new issue or pull request.

🎖ī¸ Credits

This package was developed for the Autonomous Robotics Group (ARG) from the University of Luxembourg.


Third-party Assets

  • unitree_legged_sdk: This is the SDK provided by the Unitree robotics. It is being used to send/receive all the High level commands to/from the robot.

  • faceLightSDK_nano: This is the SDK that can be found on the internal computers of the Unitree Go1. It has been ported to this ROS package with the goal of being able to control the face LEDs, which are used to give some robot statuses.


Changelog for package unitree_ros

1.2.0 (2024-07-23)

  • Merge pull request #30 from snt-arg/feat/pub_joint_states Feature: Publish Joint states of robot (#24)
  • fix: joint indexes
  • feat(config): add default topic name for joint states
  • feat(driver): create function to retrive motor states
  • feat: create serializer function to create join_state msg
  • feat: create publisher for joint_state
  • feat(ci): add a specific container image to each ci
  • fix(ci/jazzy): add container with ubuntu noble
  • docs: update location of build status
  • chore(ci/jazzy): use relative version
  • fix(ci/jazzy): use ros2-testing
  • fix(ci/jazzy): remove v from the ros-setup action version
  • fix(ci): bump setup-ros action to 0.7.7 which fixes a bug
  • chore(ci): update workflow names and remove tests
  • feat(ci): include ci for ros jazzy
  • chore(ci): rename workflows
  • chore(ci): upgrade to ros-tooling actions
  • chore(ci): bump checkout actions to v4 and fix setup-ros distributions
  • chore(ci): make use of ros-tooling
  • docs: update usage section
  • chore: add copyright notice to all source files
  • Merge pull request #28 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-1 docs: remove foxy from being shown in status
  • docs: remove foxy from being shown in status
  • fix(docker): add missing dependency to be installed (#23)
  • Update issue and feature templates
  • docs: update title
  • docs: add missing > to the important alert
  • docs: update usage instructions
  • chore: update image
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

1.1.1 (2024-04-25)

  • Merge pull request #22 from snt-arg/dev fix: import error (#21)
  • fix: import error (#21) This commit fixes issue (#21) and changes the way we use the launch file. Now we only need use wifi:=true instead of passing the robot ip.
  • chore: update gitignore to conform ros2 development
  • Merge pull request #20 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-1 docs: update installation with apt
  • docs: update installation with apt
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

1.1.0 (2024-03-25)

  • fix: only make foxy CI run on the foxy branch
  • chore: merge changes made in foxy branch
  • build: fix deprecation warning
  • build: add boost build dependency
  • build: add missing depdendencies for tf2 in package.xml
  • chore: change submodule url to https
  • Merge pull request #19 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-3 docs: fix some miscellaneous typos
  • docs: fix some miscellaneous typos
  • Update README.md
  • Merge pull request #18 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-2 chore: update license to GPL
  • chore: update license to GPL
  • Merge pull request #17 from snt-arg/feature/license [Misc] Update license to GPLv3
  • [Misc] Update license to GPLv3
  • Merge pull request #16 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-1 docs(fix): specify the unitree go1 edu version
  • docs(fix): specify the unitree go1 edu version
  • Update README.md
  • Contributors: Hriday Bavle, Pedro Soares

1.0.0 (2024-02-08)

  • Update README.md
  • fix(docs): TOC
  • feat(docs): add emojis
  • refactor(docs): clean description
  • fix(docs): change info alert to note
  • feat(docs): make documentation up to date
    • Improve description
    • Add new published topic [/sensor_ranges]{.title-ref}
    • Update bms topic name
    • Correct dependencies
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.2.1 (2024-02-08)

  • feat(launch): add robot_ip argument for easier change
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.2.0 (2024-02-08)

  • fix(driver): quaternion has been corrected
  • style(config): apply formatter
  • refactor(docs): remove instructions for only foxy distro
  • chore: update unitree sdk submodule (#15)
  • feat(docs): add build status for ros distros
  • feat(actions): add workflow names
  • feat(actions): move each distro build to separate workflows
  • feat(ci): add humble and iron docker images to the pipeline
  • feat(docker): create seperate images for distros humble and iron
  • fix(docker): remove ssh keys from the image
  • fix: add missing includes
  • chore: update submodule to use snt-arg fork
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.1.9 (2024-02-02)

0.1.8 (2024-01-15)

  • feat(driver): increase the receive high state rate to 2ms
  • docs: update license and add a section comming soon
  • chore: update licence to snt non commercial
  • chore: bump version
  • feat: update sdk to latest version
  • build: add sensor ranges msg
  • fix: fix quaternions and imu
  • feat: add a serializer for sensor ranges
  • refactor: change orientation to quarternion
  • feat: increase the odometry publish rate
  • refactor: clean the launch file
  • fix: change base_link frame id to base_link
  • [docs] Remove temporary command from installation guide
  • [docs] Correct typos and remove emojis from titles With emojis on the titles, the hyperlinks were not working for some reason on GitHub.
  • [build(fix)] Fix the problem of linking the faceLight library
  • [docs] Add gifs demonstrating statuses LEDs
  • Merge pull request #14 from snt-arg/dev [Hotfix] Fix problem with the initial battery level check
  • [docs] Fix toc links and added a required installation command
  • Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into dev
  • [fix] Add a delay before readin battery level when starting
  • Merge pull request #13 from snt-arg/dev Tweeks to the driver and documentation
  • [docs] Add emojis to titles
  • [fix] Remove the rest of the unused message files
  • [build] Remove unecessary message files
  • [chore] Remove unecessary message files
  • [refactor] Add some missing docstrings and removed dead code
  • Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into dev
  • [chore] Change unitree_dat to common_defines
  • [chore] Change unitree_data to common_defines
  • [docs] Fix toc
  • [docs] Improve ros topics section and add a paramers table
  • [docs] Apply formatting
  • [refactor] Remove unused ros timer and its callback function
  • [docs] Fix typos
  • Update README.md [docs] Fix the table of contents
  • [docs] Add a table of contents and fixed some typos
  • Merge pull request #12 from snt-arg/dev Merge a stable version of development branch to main
  • [docs] Improve the documentaion on its entirety
  • [license] Add a BSD-3 license to the project
  • [docs] Remove the "not yet functional" from the stand up/down topics
  • [docs] Update the dependencies section and add a section on robot status
  • [build] Add facelight lib For some reason I need to manually copy the lib file into the pc /lib folder. This will need to be fixed in the future. I am leaving it as it is for now.
  • [feat] Make face LED blink yellow when battery is below 30%
  • Merge pull request #11 from snt-arg/dev Merge a stable version of the development branch
  • [chore] Bump version to 0.1.7
  • [refactor] Remove debugging prints
  • [build] Add faceLight library support
  • [chore] Remove lib folder from begin ignored
  • Merge pull request #10 from snt-arg/feature/add_face_light_status [feat] Show status colors in robot face light
  • [feat] Show status colors in robot face light In this commit, we have a new functionality which is to give robot status using the robot's face RGB lights. With this commit, only 3 types of status are currently available:
    • READY: means the robot is ready to be operated (green color)
    • IDDLE: means the robot is in the standing down (white color)
    • MOVING: means the robot is currently in movement (blue color)
  • [chore] Add the faceLightSDK package
  • [fix] Change default robot ip to
  • Merge branch 'main' into dev
  • [fix] Make the checkout clone recursively submodules
  • [fix] Change setup.bash to setup.sh
  • [fix] Change source to .
  • [fix] Fix Steps
  • [fix] Change entry workdir to package path
  • [fix] Fix the build pipeline
  • [fix] Merge the colcon build with the source
  • [fix] Fix identation
  • [chore] Add a docker file containing the ros package
  • [fix] Add image to the container
  • [fix] Trying to fix action
  • Merge branch 'main' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into main
  • [chore] Add github action to build package
  • [chore] Bump package version to 0.1.6
  • [fix] Change driver attribute to a unique_ptr The ros parameters for the robot ip and the robot target port were never being used. Thus this commit makes now use of them.
  • [fix] Pass constructor parameters to class attributes
  • [refactor] Add the alternative ip as a comment
  • [docs] Removed extra introduction section
  • Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into dev
  • [refactor] Change robot ip to use ethernet's ip
  • Merge pull request #7 from snt-arg/dev Merge stable version of the development branch
  • [chore] Bump the version to 0.1.5
  • [refactor] Add comments and cleaned code
  • [refactor] Remove code for turning on foot leds
  • [refactor] Set obstacle avoidance to false as the default value
  • [chore] Bump version to 0.1.3
  • [feat] Add a flag to enable/disable robot's obstacle avoidance
  • [feat] Add a battery watcher and shutdown in case below a threshold (#4)
  • [refactor] Remove bottom value from sensor_ranges has is non existant
  • [feat] Make the driver aware if it is connected to the robot on start
  • [feat] Implement a detector to see if the connection to the robot is established
  • Merge pull request #5 from snt-arg/dev Ability to stand up/down added
  • [fix] Fix the problem when telling the robot to stand up/down
  • [feat] Try using the wireless remote from high command
  • [docs] Update README.md
  • [fix] apply merge fix
  • [refactor] change namespace to empty string
  • [fix] make the publishers use a reliable QoS
  • [fix] Fix some problems related to command vel
  • [feat] Add subscribers for stand_up/down + retrieve the ranges comming from sensor
  • [fix] Change queue depth from 10 to 1 for the velocity command sub
  • Merge branch 'main' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into main
  • Improving the overall package This commit brings some improvements to the package. ## What has changed:
    1. A driver class has been created, which acts as a middleware between ros and UNITREE_SDK.
    2. Brings additional features such as stand up, stand down, a way of choosing different modes etc.

    3. It allows to easily add new features to the package thanks to the separation between classes ## These new changes have not yet been tested on the real robot, thus need to be taken with precaution

  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.1.0 (2023-05-13)

  • Bump version to 0.1.0
  • [feat] Add and odometry reset flag and the logic to reset it
  • [feat] Implement a simple obstacle avoidance logic. For this simple implementaion, when a velocity command is received, the ranges of the front, left and right sensors are checked. If we are moving forward and an object is in front, the velocity command will then be ignored. Same principle is applied to the other directions.
  • [feat] Add an obstacle avoidance flag
  • [feat] Create a utils header Currently, this header file contains a function to check if one of the 3 distances passed are within a range of collision to the robot.
  • [refactor] Change methods names to follow the file name
  • [feat] Add obstacle_avoidance flag
  • [misc] Apply a new convention for launch file name
  • [fix] fix the odometry orientation
  • [fix] Merge fix
  • [feat] Add a new transormation between base_footprint and base_link
  • [fix] Change frame ids to the correct names
  • [refactor] Update odom child to os_sensor
  • [refactor] Lowercase imu frameid
  • [fix] Merge fix
  • [reafactor] Improve the launch file
  • [refactor] Change odom frame ids default values
  • [refactor] Add the right values for transform between lidar and body
  • [refactor] Change odom child frame id to base_link
  • [fix] Fix odom orientation
  • [refactor] Change body frame id to base_link
  • [refactor] Change body frame id to base_link
  • [refactor] use function from conversion header file
  • [refactor] update the order of attributes declaration
  • [feat] create method to generate the odometry tf transformation
  • [feat] broadcast a transform between odom and body
  • [style] Apply formatting
  • [feat] Add a static transform between lidar and body
  • [build] Add tf2 as a dependency
  • [refactor] Improved the cmd_vel reset callback
  • [feat] Add the params file as a launch argument
  • [feat] Send an emtpy cmd_vel to robot if no cmd_vel was received within a timeout
  • [feat+refactor] Add a childFrameId for the odometry and refactored the code
  • [feat] Apply a timeout in the cmdvel callback in case no command is received to stop the robot
  • [misc] Update submodule
  • [misc] Update submodule
  • [fix] Update branch to use v3.8.0
  • [fix] Update branch to use v3.8.0
  • [fix] Update branch to be v3.8.0 since v3.8.6 is broken
  • [feat] Add bms state to be published to a topic /bms_state
  • [feat] Add bms state topic name
  • [refactor] Cleaned the code
  • [refactor] Cleaned the code
  • [feat] Create function to generate both the imu and odometry msg
  • [feat] Add odometry and imu frame ids
  • [fix] Fix problme with GetRecv
  • [refactor] Change the UDP constructor call to another one
  • [refactor] Initialized class attributes
  • [fix] Fix the network ports
  • [feat] Add callback methods, pubs, subs, timers and topic names
  • [feat] Implementation of the declared methods
  • [misc] File renamed to unitree_driver_ros
  • [refactor] Update to the new name of the driver class
  • [build] Update CMakelists to install config and launch folders + misc
  • [refactor] applied formatting
  • [feat] Create a launch file to execute the driver node
  • [feat] Include some conversion functions from unitree repo
  • [feat] Add some necessary parameters
  • [docs] Update readme
  • Delete .cache/clangd/index directory
  • [docs] Update the introduction
  • [feat] Create the basic private attributes for the driver
  • [build] Add the required dependencies and ros messages
  • [feat] Imported the necessary ros messages from unitree_ros_to_real
  • [misc] Renamed file to unitree_driver_ros.hpp
  • [feat] Create a config file for ros parameters
  • [refactor] Update gitignore
  • [refactor] Update gitignore
  • [refactor] Update indetation to 4
  • Update README.md
  • [Feat] Add unitree sdk as submoduel
  • [build] Adding unitree_legged_sdk to the CMakelists
  • [feat] Create a simple ROS node
  • [misc] Create a clang-format file
  • [misc] Update package.xml description
  • [misc] Create empty ros2 package
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Hriday Bavle, Pedro Soares, hriday

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged unitree_ros at Robotics Stack Exchange

unitree_ros package from unitree_ros repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.2.0
License GPL-3.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/snt-arg/unitree_ros.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-08-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Unitree ros package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Pedro Soares


No additional authors.

🐕 Unitree Go1 ROS2 Driver

A ROS2 package which can be used to control the legged robot Unitree Go1 Edu using ROS topics.

This package acts has middleware between ROS2 and unitree_legged_sdk, which enables anyone to control the robot with velocity commands as well as receive back the robot state. Furthermore, additional features are also available such as standing up/down the robot and use head LEDs for some status information.

[!NOTE] Only supports unitree_legged_sdk High level commands

📜 Table of Contents

⚙ī¸ Installation

This package is available in the ROS index for both Iron and Humble distributions.

sudo apt install ros-[distro]-unitree-ros

[!IMPORTANT] If you are using foxy as your ROS distribution, you need to build from source

đŸ“Ļ Installation From Source

[!NOTE] Make sure to clone it recursively, as depends on the unitree_legged_sdk.

mkdir -p ~/unitree_ws/src
cd ~/unitree_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/snt-arg/unitree_ros.git

Once you have cloned this repository, you will need to build it using Colcon.

cd ~/unitree_ws
source /opt/ros/[ros-distro]/setup.bash # or zsh if using the zsh shell!
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash # or zsh if using the zsh shell!

After having built the workspace, you should now be able to use the driver to control your robot.

🚀 Usage

You can use this driver wired or with a Wi-Fi connection. By default, it is set to use the wired connection.

To launch the driver, you can use the launch file available. For a wired connection use the following command:

ros2 launch unitree_ros unitree_driver_launch.py

For a Wi-Fi connection use the following command:

ros2 launch unitree_ros unitree_driver_launch.py wifi:=true

In case you prefer to modify more parameters, you can do so by passing the parameters file. The default parameters can be found in config/params.yaml or here.

ros2 launch unitree_ros unitree_driver_launch.py params_file:="path_to_your_params_file" #wifi:=true/false

đŸ“Ĩ Subscribed Topics

Topic name Message Type Description
cmd_vel geometry_mgs/msg/Twist.msg This is used by the driver to receive velocity commands and send the appropriate commands to the robot.
/stand_up std_msgs/msg/Empty.msg Triggers the robot to stand up
/stand_down std_msgs/msg/Empty.msg Triggers the robot to stand down

📤 Published Topics

Topic name Message Type Description
/odom nav_msgs/msg/Odometry.msg The odometry state received from the robot is being published to this topic.
/imu sensor_msgs/msg/IMU.msg The IMU state received from the robot is being published to this topic.
/bms_state unitree_ros/msg/bms.msg The battery state received from the robot is being published to this topic.
/sensor_ranges unitree_ros/msg/SensorRanges.msg The battery state received from the robot is being published to this topic.

🔧 ROS Parameters

Parameter Name Default value Description
ns - Name space that should be given to robot driver
robot_ip Robot IP that should be used to establish the UDP connection. For a Wi-Fi conntection use
robot_target_port 8082 The port that should be used to communicate with the robot.
cmd_vel_topic_name /cmd_vel Topic name that should be used for subscribing to velocity commands
odom_topic_name /odom Topic name that should be used for publishing the odometry state
imu_topic_name /imu Topic name that should be used for publishing the IMU state
bms_state_topic_name /bms_state Topic name that should be used for publishing the battery management state, such as battery level.
imu_frame_id imu Frame id that should be used for the IMU frame
odom_frame_id odom Frame id that should be used for the odometry frame
odom_child_frame_id base_link Frame id of the body of the robot
use_obstacle_avoidance false Enables (true) or disables (false) the robot obstacle avoidance.
low_batt_shutdown_threshold 20 Battery threshold for when to stop the robot from moving, in case the battery is below

🛠ī¸ Features

[!NOTE] In the next version, joint states will also be available.

💡 Robot LED statuses

The robot has a few predetermined LED statuses, which are useful to give some information to anyone using the robot. The following statuses are available:

  • đŸŸĸ Green Light: Ready status

  • âšĒī¸ White Light: Idle status

  • đŸ”ĩ Blue Light: Moving status

  • 🟡 Yellow Light: Low battery (< 30 %)

đŸĒĢ Low Battery Protection

By specifying a low battery threshold using the parameters file (low_batt_shutdown_threshold), the driver will stop the robot from moving and will stand it down. By default, the low battery threshold value is set to 20%.

🚧 Obstacle Avoidance

The robot has an obstacle avoidance mode. However, this mode is not enabled by default. Therefore, this driver allows you to enable it using the parameters file (use_obstacle_avoidance). By default, this is set to false

🔑 License

This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license - see the LICENSE for more details.

👏 Contributions

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please create a new issue or pull request.

🎖ī¸ Credits

This package was developed for the Autonomous Robotics Group (ARG) from the University of Luxembourg.


Third-party Assets

  • unitree_legged_sdk: This is the SDK provided by the Unitree robotics. It is being used to send/receive all the High level commands to/from the robot.

  • faceLightSDK_nano: This is the SDK that can be found on the internal computers of the Unitree Go1. It has been ported to this ROS package with the goal of being able to control the face LEDs, which are used to give some robot statuses.


Changelog for package unitree_ros

1.2.0 (2024-07-23)

  • Merge pull request #30 from snt-arg/feat/pub_joint_states Feature: Publish Joint states of robot (#24)
  • fix: joint indexes
  • feat(config): add default topic name for joint states
  • feat(driver): create function to retrive motor states
  • feat: create serializer function to create join_state msg
  • feat: create publisher for joint_state
  • feat(ci): add a specific container image to each ci
  • fix(ci/jazzy): add container with ubuntu noble
  • docs: update location of build status
  • chore(ci/jazzy): use relative version
  • fix(ci/jazzy): use ros2-testing
  • fix(ci/jazzy): remove v from the ros-setup action version
  • fix(ci): bump setup-ros action to 0.7.7 which fixes a bug
  • chore(ci): update workflow names and remove tests
  • feat(ci): include ci for ros jazzy
  • chore(ci): rename workflows
  • chore(ci): upgrade to ros-tooling actions
  • chore(ci): bump checkout actions to v4 and fix setup-ros distributions
  • chore(ci): make use of ros-tooling
  • docs: update usage section
  • chore: add copyright notice to all source files
  • Merge pull request #28 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-1 docs: remove foxy from being shown in status
  • docs: remove foxy from being shown in status
  • fix(docker): add missing dependency to be installed (#23)
  • Update issue and feature templates
  • docs: update title
  • docs: add missing > to the important alert
  • docs: update usage instructions
  • chore: update image
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

1.1.1 (2024-04-25)

  • Merge pull request #22 from snt-arg/dev fix: import error (#21)
  • fix: import error (#21) This commit fixes issue (#21) and changes the way we use the launch file. Now we only need use wifi:=true instead of passing the robot ip.
  • chore: update gitignore to conform ros2 development
  • Merge pull request #20 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-1 docs: update installation with apt
  • docs: update installation with apt
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

1.1.0 (2024-03-25)

  • fix: only make foxy CI run on the foxy branch
  • chore: merge changes made in foxy branch
  • build: fix deprecation warning
  • build: add boost build dependency
  • build: add missing depdendencies for tf2 in package.xml
  • chore: change submodule url to https
  • Merge pull request #19 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-3 docs: fix some miscellaneous typos
  • docs: fix some miscellaneous typos
  • Update README.md
  • Merge pull request #18 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-2 chore: update license to GPL
  • chore: update license to GPL
  • Merge pull request #17 from snt-arg/feature/license [Misc] Update license to GPLv3
  • [Misc] Update license to GPLv3
  • Merge pull request #16 from snt-arg/PedroS235-patch-1 docs(fix): specify the unitree go1 edu version
  • docs(fix): specify the unitree go1 edu version
  • Update README.md
  • Contributors: Hriday Bavle, Pedro Soares

1.0.0 (2024-02-08)

  • Update README.md
  • fix(docs): TOC
  • feat(docs): add emojis
  • refactor(docs): clean description
  • fix(docs): change info alert to note
  • feat(docs): make documentation up to date
    • Improve description
    • Add new published topic [/sensor_ranges]{.title-ref}
    • Update bms topic name
    • Correct dependencies
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.2.1 (2024-02-08)

  • feat(launch): add robot_ip argument for easier change
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.2.0 (2024-02-08)

  • fix(driver): quaternion has been corrected
  • style(config): apply formatter
  • refactor(docs): remove instructions for only foxy distro
  • chore: update unitree sdk submodule (#15)
  • feat(docs): add build status for ros distros
  • feat(actions): add workflow names
  • feat(actions): move each distro build to separate workflows
  • feat(ci): add humble and iron docker images to the pipeline
  • feat(docker): create seperate images for distros humble and iron
  • fix(docker): remove ssh keys from the image
  • fix: add missing includes
  • chore: update submodule to use snt-arg fork
  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.1.9 (2024-02-02)

0.1.8 (2024-01-15)

  • feat(driver): increase the receive high state rate to 2ms
  • docs: update license and add a section comming soon
  • chore: update licence to snt non commercial
  • chore: bump version
  • feat: update sdk to latest version
  • build: add sensor ranges msg
  • fix: fix quaternions and imu
  • feat: add a serializer for sensor ranges
  • refactor: change orientation to quarternion
  • feat: increase the odometry publish rate
  • refactor: clean the launch file
  • fix: change base_link frame id to base_link
  • [docs] Remove temporary command from installation guide
  • [docs] Correct typos and remove emojis from titles With emojis on the titles, the hyperlinks were not working for some reason on GitHub.
  • [build(fix)] Fix the problem of linking the faceLight library
  • [docs] Add gifs demonstrating statuses LEDs
  • Merge pull request #14 from snt-arg/dev [Hotfix] Fix problem with the initial battery level check
  • [docs] Fix toc links and added a required installation command
  • Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into dev
  • [fix] Add a delay before readin battery level when starting
  • Merge pull request #13 from snt-arg/dev Tweeks to the driver and documentation
  • [docs] Add emojis to titles
  • [fix] Remove the rest of the unused message files
  • [build] Remove unecessary message files
  • [chore] Remove unecessary message files
  • [refactor] Add some missing docstrings and removed dead code
  • Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into dev
  • [chore] Change unitree_dat to common_defines
  • [chore] Change unitree_data to common_defines
  • [docs] Fix toc
  • [docs] Improve ros topics section and add a paramers table
  • [docs] Apply formatting
  • [refactor] Remove unused ros timer and its callback function
  • [docs] Fix typos
  • Update README.md [docs] Fix the table of contents
  • [docs] Add a table of contents and fixed some typos
  • Merge pull request #12 from snt-arg/dev Merge a stable version of development branch to main
  • [docs] Improve the documentaion on its entirety
  • [license] Add a BSD-3 license to the project
  • [docs] Remove the "not yet functional" from the stand up/down topics
  • [docs] Update the dependencies section and add a section on robot status
  • [build] Add facelight lib For some reason I need to manually copy the lib file into the pc /lib folder. This will need to be fixed in the future. I am leaving it as it is for now.
  • [feat] Make face LED blink yellow when battery is below 30%
  • Merge pull request #11 from snt-arg/dev Merge a stable version of the development branch
  • [chore] Bump version to 0.1.7
  • [refactor] Remove debugging prints
  • [build] Add faceLight library support
  • [chore] Remove lib folder from begin ignored
  • Merge pull request #10 from snt-arg/feature/add_face_light_status [feat] Show status colors in robot face light
  • [feat] Show status colors in robot face light In this commit, we have a new functionality which is to give robot status using the robot's face RGB lights. With this commit, only 3 types of status are currently available:
    • READY: means the robot is ready to be operated (green color)
    • IDDLE: means the robot is in the standing down (white color)
    • MOVING: means the robot is currently in movement (blue color)
  • [chore] Add the faceLightSDK package
  • [fix] Change default robot ip to
  • Merge branch 'main' into dev
  • [fix] Make the checkout clone recursively submodules
  • [fix] Change setup.bash to setup.sh
  • [fix] Change source to .
  • [fix] Fix Steps
  • [fix] Change entry workdir to package path
  • [fix] Fix the build pipeline
  • [fix] Merge the colcon build with the source
  • [fix] Fix identation
  • [chore] Add a docker file containing the ros package
  • [fix] Add image to the container
  • [fix] Trying to fix action
  • Merge branch 'main' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into main
  • [chore] Add github action to build package
  • [chore] Bump package version to 0.1.6
  • [fix] Change driver attribute to a unique_ptr The ros parameters for the robot ip and the robot target port were never being used. Thus this commit makes now use of them.
  • [fix] Pass constructor parameters to class attributes
  • [refactor] Add the alternative ip as a comment
  • [docs] Removed extra introduction section
  • Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into dev
  • [refactor] Change robot ip to use ethernet's ip
  • Merge pull request #7 from snt-arg/dev Merge stable version of the development branch
  • [chore] Bump the version to 0.1.5
  • [refactor] Add comments and cleaned code
  • [refactor] Remove code for turning on foot leds
  • [refactor] Set obstacle avoidance to false as the default value
  • [chore] Bump version to 0.1.3
  • [feat] Add a flag to enable/disable robot's obstacle avoidance
  • [feat] Add a battery watcher and shutdown in case below a threshold (#4)
  • [refactor] Remove bottom value from sensor_ranges has is non existant
  • [feat] Make the driver aware if it is connected to the robot on start
  • [feat] Implement a detector to see if the connection to the robot is established
  • Merge pull request #5 from snt-arg/dev Ability to stand up/down added
  • [fix] Fix the problem when telling the robot to stand up/down
  • [feat] Try using the wireless remote from high command
  • [docs] Update README.md
  • [fix] apply merge fix
  • [refactor] change namespace to empty string
  • [fix] make the publishers use a reliable QoS
  • [fix] Fix some problems related to command vel
  • [feat] Add subscribers for stand_up/down + retrieve the ranges comming from sensor
  • [fix] Change queue depth from 10 to 1 for the velocity command sub
  • Merge branch 'main' of github.com:snt-arg/unitree_ros into main
  • Improving the overall package This commit brings some improvements to the package. ## What has changed:
    1. A driver class has been created, which acts as a middleware between ros and UNITREE_SDK.
    2. Brings additional features such as stand up, stand down, a way of choosing different modes etc.

    3. It allows to easily add new features to the package thanks to the separation between classes ## These new changes have not yet been tested on the real robot, thus need to be taken with precaution

  • Contributors: Pedro Soares

0.1.0 (2023-05-13)

  • Bump version to 0.1.0
  • [feat] Add and odometry reset flag and the logic to reset it
  • [feat] Implement a simple obstacle avoidance logic. For this simple implementaion, when a velocity command is received, the ranges of the front, left and right sensors are checked. If we are moving forward and an object is in front, the velocity command will then be ignored. Same principle is applied to the other directions.
  • [feat] Add an obstacle avoidance flag
  • [feat] Create a utils header Currently, this header file contains a function to check if one of the 3 distances passed are within a range of collision to the robot.
  • [refactor] Change methods names to follow the file name
  • [feat] Add obstacle_avoidance flag
  • [misc] Apply a new convention for launch file name
  • [fix] fix the odometry orientation
  • [fix] Merge fix
  • [feat] Add a new transormation between base_footprint and base_link
  • [fix] Change frame ids to the correct names
  • [refactor] Update odom child to os_sensor
  • [refactor] Lowercase imu frameid
  • [fix] Merge fix
  • [reafactor] Improve the launch file
  • [refactor] Change odom frame ids default values
  • [refactor] Add the right values for transform between lidar and body
  • [refactor] Change odom child frame id to base_link
  • [fix] Fix odom orientation
  • [refactor] Change body frame id to base_link
  • [refactor] Change body frame id to base_link
  • [refactor] use function from conversion header file
  • [refactor] update the order of attributes declaration
  • [feat] create method to generate the odometry tf transformation
  • [feat] broadcast a transform between odom and body
  • [style] Apply formatting
  • [feat] Add a static transform between lidar and body
  • [build] Add tf2 as a dependency
  • [refactor] Improved the cmd_vel reset callback
  • [feat] Add the params file as a launch argument
  • [feat] Send an emtpy cmd_vel to robot if no cmd_vel was received within a timeout
  • [feat+refactor] Add a childFrameId for the odometry and refactored the code
  • [feat] Apply a timeout in the cmdvel callback in case no command is received to stop the robot
  • [misc] Update submodule
  • [misc] Update submodule
  • [fix] Update branch to use v3.8.0
  • [fix] Update branch to use v3.8.0
  • [fix] Update branch to be v3.8.0 since v3.8.6 is broken
  • [feat] Add bms state to be published to a topic /bms_state
  • [feat] Add bms state topic name
  • [refactor] Cleaned the code
  • [refactor] Cleaned the code
  • [feat] Create function to generate both the imu and odometry msg
  • [feat] Add odometry and imu frame ids
  • [fix] Fix problme with GetRecv
  • [refactor] Change the UDP constructor call to another one
  • [refactor] Initialized class attributes
  • [fix] Fix the network ports
  • [feat] Add callback methods, pubs, subs, timers and topic names
  • [feat] Implementation of the declared methods
  • [misc] File renamed to unitree_driver_ros
  • [refactor] Update to the new name of the driver class
  • [build] Update CMakelists to install config and launch folders + misc
  • [refactor] applied formatting
  • [feat] Create a launch file to execute the driver node
  • [feat] Include some conversion functions from unitree repo
  • [feat] Add some necessary parameters
  • [docs] Update readme
  • Delete .cache/clangd/index directory
  • [docs] Update the introduction
  • [feat] Create the basic private attributes for the driver
  • [build] Add the required dependencies and ros messages
  • [feat] Imported the necessary ros messages from unitree_ros_to_real
  • [misc] Renamed file to unitree_driver_ros.hpp
  • [feat] Create a config file for ros parameters
  • [refactor] Update gitignore
  • [refactor] Update gitignore
  • [refactor] Update indetation to 4
  • Update README.md
  • [Feat] Add unitree sdk as submoduel
  • [build] Adding unitree_legged_sdk to the CMakelists
  • [feat] Create a simple ROS node
  • [misc] Create a clang-format file
  • [misc] Update package.xml description
  • [misc] Create empty ros2 package
  • Initial commit
  • Contributors: Hriday Bavle, Pedro Soares, hriday

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


No plugins found.

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