rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rcdiscover at Robotics Stack Exchange

rcdiscover package from rcdiscover repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.7
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/roboception/rcdiscover.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-06-11
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices via GigE Vision.

Additional Links


  • Felix Ruess


  • Heiko Hirschmueller
  • Raphael Schaller

Discovery of roboception sensors

This package contains tools for the discovery of Roboception devices (e.g. rc_visard and rc_cube) via GigE Vision.

  • rcdiscover: console application for discovering Roboception devices
  • rcdiscover-gui: graphical application for discovering Roboception devices and sending magic packets for resetting of parameters

Installation: You can find some prebuilt packages for Linux or Windows on the releases page. Alternatively follow the compilation steps in the next sections.

Compiling on Linux

For compilation of rcdiscover cmake is required.

rcdiscover-gui additionally requires FLTK.

To install this under Debian/Ubuntu >= 20.04.0:

sudo apt-get install cmake libfltk1.3-dev

Building rcdiscover

Building steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To build the gui as well, pass the CMAKE option BUILD_RCDISCOVER_GUI:


Afterwards, the binaries can be found in build/tools/.


Installation can either be done via

make install

On Debian (and derivatives like Ubuntu) Debian packages can be built with

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ..
make package

which can be installed with e.g. sudo dpkg -i rcdiscover*.deb

Discovering sensors in other subnets

Most Linux distributions have reverse path filtering turned on, which restricts discoverability of sensor to the same subnet as the host.

Check this with

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter

Reverse path filtering can be turned off with

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0

You might also need to disable it for your specific interface, e.g.:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0

Note: These settings are not persistent across reboots! To persist them you can add a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ on most distributions. See debian/50-rcdiscover-rpfilter.conf for an example.

If you built a Debian package with make package, it will automatically ask you if you want to disable reverse path filtering at package installation.

Compiling on Windows

The main directory of rcdiscover contains the script build_win.bat. This script can be run in a Command Prompt for Visual Studio. It was tested with Visual Studio 2022. In the beginning, the script will check for the git and cmake commands. If these commands are not available, the script provides an URL for downloading them and stops. If the tools are found, the script clones the git repository of FLTK, compiles it and thereafter compiles rcdiscover and rcdiscover-gui. After successful compilation, the executables can be found in the build directory.


Changelog for package rcdiscover

2.0.0 (2024-06-11)

  • rcdiscover-gui has been redeveloped from scratch for replacing wxWidgets by FLTK
  • Additionally to Debian packages for Ubuntu, rcdiscover-gui is now also available as AppImage
  • New features in rcdiscover-gui:
    • The table is now updated immediately when discovery responses arrive instead of waiting until the last device responds
    • Filtering and sorting settings are now persistent
    • Newly discovered devices are highlighted in gray

1.1.7 (2024-03-12)

  • CI: remove bionic and appimage, add arm64 jammy
  • fix include cstdint for newer gcc versions

1.1.6 (2022-08-08)

  • Always wait minimum of 1 seconds for getting responses to discovery request
  • CI, also build for jammy

1.1.5 (2022-06-30)

  • Changing label of filter from \"Only Roboception devices\" to \"Only rc... devices\"
  • Trying to create a CI build job for an appimage (not yet complete)

1.1.4 (2021-07-15)

  • fix version in package.xml

1.1.3 (2021-07-15)

  • use target_compile_features instead of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
  • fix installation destination for package.xml

1.1.2 (2021-06-14)

  • update cmake files and packaging, requires cmake >= 3.1

1.1.1 (2021-04-16)

  • Ignore network unreachable socket error under Windows

1.1.0 (2021-02-05)

  • Treat all devices as comming from Roboception if model starts with either rc_visard or rc_cube

1.0.5 (2020-10-02)

  • Added building on CI for focal
  • persistently store window state

1.0.4 (2020-04-04)

  • only enable reset button and context menu entry for rc_visard devices
  • remove catkin build_export_depend from package.xml

1.0.3 (2020-03-22)

  • fix mapping of reachability flag in the GUI
  • more generic naming as it can also be used for other GEV devices
  • only show rc_visards in \"reset\" dialog

1.0.2 (2019-12-12)

  • Added filtering by model name in command line tool
  • Do not append alternative interface to output of cli if --serialonly or --iponly is given

1.0.1 (2019-09-16)

  • rename CMAKE options from [INSTALL_x]{.title-ref} to [BUILD_x]{.title-ref}
  • improve debian packaging via CPack

1.0.0 (2019-06-04)

  • fix wildcard matching
  • allow filtering by interface
  • print interface on which the device was found
  • also build shared lib for use in other packages
  • make it possible to release as ROS third party package

0.9.2 (2019-01-10)

  • GUI: fix WebGUI cannot be opened via context menu (GitHub issue #4)

0.9.1] (2019-01-08)

  • GUI: fix reading of device name
  • CLI: rename \'username\' to \'name\' and \'serialnumber\' to \'serial number\' in device list header

0.9.0 (2018-12-19)

  • CLI: print model
  • extend CLI interface (SW-302)
    • reset
    • forceip
    • reconnect
  • show model on GUI (SW-300)
  • GUI: show complete package version in about dialog
  • fixed hidden buttons for Ubuntu Bionic

0.8.0 (2018-11-12)

  • add opying device info to clipboard
  • add device filter text field
  • Changed some dialog workflows
  • Added KUKA to manufacturer filter

0.7.0 (2018-01-05)

  • Added possibility to filter for name, serial number and mac address to command line tool
  • include <array> in utils

0.6.0 (2017-11-09)

  • add force IP command: setting of temporary IP address
  • add [-serialonly]{.title-ref} flag for command line tool

0.5.0 (2017-09-29)

  • Optional disabling of RP filtering during installation on Ubuntu
  • Directed broadcasts on Windows

0.4.2 (2017-08-31)

  • add Desktop files and icons for debian
  • Disabled vectorization and binding to CUDA

0.4.1 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed bug that prevented the main window from being closed once the help dialog was opened from the reset dialog

0.4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Help buttons

0.3.2 (2017-07-06)

  • Build console application as Windows console application
  • Sign with SHA512

0.3.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Fixed rcdiscover console application

0.3.0 (2017-07-04)

  • Global broadcast instead of directed
  • add reachability check via ping

0.2.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Removed IP address form from Reset Dialog

0.1.0 (2017-06-26)

  • Initial release

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