![]() |
pddl_planner package from jsk_planning repojsk_planning pddl_msgs pddl_planner pddl_planner_viewer task_compiler |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.14 |
License | Apache License 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2023-12-05 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ryohei Ueda
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Yuki Furuta
- Ryohei Ueda (ueda
This package provides ROS interface for ff/ffha/downward planners
- ff: J. Hoffmann, B. Nebel, “The FF Planning System: Fast Plan Generation Through Heuristic Search”, in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 14, 2001, Pages 253-302.
- ffha: Emil Keyder, Hector Geffner, “The FF(ha) Planner for Planning with Action Costs”
- downward: http://www.fast-downward.org/
bare example
- ff example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ff ff -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- ffha example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ffha ffha -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- downward example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun downward plan sample-domain.pddl ./sample-problem.pddl ipc seq-sat-lama-2011 --plan-file sample.plan
ros example
This package provides ROS actionlib interface for planners, using API defined in pddl_msgs. Please see pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/sample-client.py for cliet example.
- ff example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ff.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- ffha example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ffha.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- downward example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_downward.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
Changelog for package pddl_planner
0.1.14 (2023-12-05)
- Fix regressons of https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88, when [planner_option]{.title-ref} without &quat;, (#104)
- test to cehck #103 (planner_option without &quat;)
- https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88 changes 'sp.Popen(command' to 'sp.Popen(" ".join(command)', this assumes [planner_option]{.title-ref} uses [--search &quat;iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm], preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)&quat;]{.title-ref} but some launch file uses [--search iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm],preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)]{.title-ref}, without &quat; and spaces, and jsk_planning 0.1.13 did not work this such eample(https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/blob/ab0360b5580e77ca70006ce505497894fe4ac0d2/jsk_2013_04_pr2_610/test/test-demo-plan.test#L10), https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 this fix uses shlex.split() to keep quated substrings and uses Popen(command, stead of Popen(" ".join(command), to input quated argument as one word.
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.1.13 (2023-11-29)
- [pddl_panner/src/eus-pddl.l] support multiple simbols for 'forall and 'exists (#79)
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 (#88)
- add github/workflows
- pddlresulttest: fix for python3, use map and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60532658/python-2-vs-python-3-difference-in-map-behavior-with-three-arguments
- pddl.py : fix for python3, bytes vs str
- add launch_prefix and repet 5 times
- exit when sovle.l was started from rostest
- increase time-limit
- run assertTrue at end of test
- update LPG download link (#97)
- Add obinata demo
- Use only move-with-obj action by introducing none item
- Use different initial condition for office demo and kitchen car demo
- Add obinata's multiple robot cooperation demo
- add launch to run simple_metric_plan
- 2to3 -w -f has_key *
- 2to3 -w -f print *
- cannot run graph-solver for pddl-graph
- add test to check #92
- :add-neighbor is obsolated methods, use :add-arc-from-to https://github.com/euslisp/jskeus/blob/689b015f0c727616e2745652423f2918d1e52252/irteus/irtgraph.l#L379
- add test to check pddl planning results
- search_object/simple_failure_torelant : run euslisp planning script with repeat.sh
- use unique test-name
- use proc.returncode instead of proc.poll()
- test multiple sequence_action at once
- pddlresulttest: support multiple sequence at once
- add add_rostest(test/search_object.test)
- demos/search_object: use display_graph to gnome-open pdf
- [pddl_planner/demos/search_object] fix bug, and add launch file
- add_rostest for test directory
- add pddl result test for demo
- add simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- 2016_kamada_durative: demo.launch,example.launch starts euslisp file too, for complete example
- gnome-open .pdf only when ~display_graph is set
- use display_graph argument for launch file to skip gnome-open pdf demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- add pddlresulttest
- use shell to run pddl solver
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286
- [pddl_planner/demos/simple_metrix] add launch file (#77)
- use xdg-open instad of evince. Both installed by ubuntu-desktop package (#76)
- [pddl_planner] format README.md (#74)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Yoshiki Obinata
0.1.12 (2020-04-01)
- Add max_planning_time option
- pddl_planner: revert run_depend
- pddl.py: disable auto_start
- add detailed infor!
- pddl_planner: fix deadlock on planning process
- pddl.py: print detailed info on error
- Set timeout for planning in task_compiler
- pddl_planner: add timeout for planning function
- Fix: add failed state if no recovery action exists
- pddl_planner: fix use global variables in function
- Fix miss configuration in test (#65)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.11 (2018-04-26)
- pddl_planner: pddl.py: remove (REACH-GOAL) on action which emerges occasionally (#61)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.10 (2017-03-03)
- [task_compiler] fix: symbol is compared with string (#60)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.9 (2017-03-01)
0.1.8 (2017-02-17)
- fix for kinetic
(#52 )
- CMakeLists.txt : clean up catkin_package() command
- add lpg_planner to run_depends and remove planners from build_depends
- [pddl_planner] add relationship graph (#51 )
- add durative-action graph (#48 )
- make graph for durative action (#47 )
- add durative action mode (#46 )
- [pddl_planner&task_compiler] add test for task_compiler hook functions (#45 )
- Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta
0.1.7 (2016-05-28)
- [pddl_planner/demos/2013_fridge_demo/solve-bring-can.l] comment in recovery motion ( #43 )
- [pddl_planner/README] fix typo ( #42 )
- [pddl_planner/README] Update README.md, Add search option and plan file path to bare downward example ( #38 )
- Contributors: Grollo, Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta
0.1.6 (2015-12-15)
- pddl_planner: mv demos/sample-pddl/README README.md
- pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl: add sample-client.py and its test to test-sample-pddl.test
- demos/sample-pddl/{sample-problem.pddl, README}: fix problem.pddl which fails on downward, and added to README
- add test for demos/sample-pddl directory
- [pddl_planner/CMakeLists.txt] add test to install
- [pddl/pddl_planner/package.xml] add time to run_depend for downward on hydro
- [pddl_planner] add test for pddl_planner
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.5 (2015-11-26)
0.1.4 (2015-06-11)
0.1.3 (2015-01-31)
- remove rosbuild stuff, change to pure catkin packages
- use rosrun instead of find_package to search pddl planner
- not use roslib in hydro
- add planner option for downward
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.2 (2014-05-06)
0.1.1 (2014-05-05)
- pddl_planner: add samples
- catkinize jsk_planning
- add solved-fridge-graph.l
- update step-state in a while loop
- merge ffha and downward clients
- suport fastdownward
- added metric plan sample
- fix: using single state in a node
- fix for metric plan
- rename action grasp-can -> grasp-object
- fix global variable name
- add comments to search_object plan
- udpate action name
- fix typo
- add pddl-plan-to-graph function for creating plan graph
- use require and provide in pddl_planner
- add pddl demo for searching an object where it is
- make enable to use specific failed action name
- fix waring message
- add keyword for using copy
- fix typo
- remove negative precondition keyword
- fix order of pddl effects
- update return value
- add planning domain for fridge demo
- read-from-string except ff:
- add :durative-actions examples
- set default display_graph value to true
- revert wrong fommit r4686 and fix when ~display_graph is not set
- mv samples/agentsystem.py demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.py
- delete eus-sample.l, this is duplicate of demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.l
- fix ffha.launch to show final domain representation, and fix pddl.py to check if final rep. is showen in the output
- delete debug files
- add comment to samples/agentsystem.py
- add sample-pddl
- support metrics and functions, [#89]
- use default variables, see [#89]
- add comment -g 6 -h 2 sometimes does not returns result
- ff does not have :data
- use append instaed of push-back
- add comment
- fix, old api?
- remove load command for irtgraph.l
- do not add the condition(state) already exists, and state compare test 'eq'->'not xor'
- changed the end condition in add-failed-nodes
- fix bug in sort-condition
- sort compare function should be <= or >=
- changed append -> union in apply-act function
- changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
- change the loop condition to make correct plan graph. (ex. Act1 is needed only after Act2 is failed)
- move some sample scripts to new package, task_compiler
- add level argument in demo-failure-recovery-task.launch
- add sample script for pddl->smach
- change sorting method to ignore negation of ffha-result conditions
- remove space from name of pddl-state, and make-readable-graph method
- move convert script from pddl to smach
- fix, add additional(fixed) condition to solved result
- add simple sample for PDDL->SMACH
- change name of predicates
- set 3 goals in pddl/2011_saito
- add goal nodes once
- add convert function from domain to eus script template
- fix add-failed-nodes for multiple results
- add another goal condition in one PDDL domain
- update PDDL-SMACH converter, I want to patch smach_viewer
- add smach convert sample
- dump :functions if functions slot is specified
- add additional-conditions for constant condition
- change for using REACHABLE
- add debug keyword for pddl-planning and fix minor bug
- delete REACHABLE predicates
- spell sepalate -> separate
- add knock door navigation problem
- add launch files for making graph pdf file
- add result parser and pddl samples
- add eus-pddl-client program
- update parser for pddl result
- add support constants for pddl-domain
- fix sample for using result parser
- add ffha-result-parser.l for making conditions of each step
- uncomment data valiable in pddl action and fix launch files
- fix, allow null parameters
- add ffha to the dependency
- add ffha (ff like pddl solver)
- fix: action parse when using typing
- fix: parse properly for more than 10 results
- update for latest roseus format
- move 3rdparty/pddl to jsk-ros-pkg/pddl, because pddl stack except ff is developed by R.Ueda and JSK, now 3rdparty
- mv jtalk and pddl to 3rdparty directory
- add pddl stack
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Ryohei Ueda, Youhei Kakiuchi
Wiki Tutorials
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_planning | |
pddl_planner_viewer | |
task_compiler |
Launch files
- demos/simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric.launch
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric_plan.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/search_object/demo_search_object.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/example.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- roseus_command [default: '(progn (demo)(exit))']
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/demo.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2020_obinata_cooperation/demo_cooperation_task.launch
- demo [default: kitchen_car] — kitchen_car or office
- launch/pddl_downward.launch
- planner_option [default: ipc seq-sat-lama-2011]
- launch/pddl_ffha.launch
- launch/pddl_ff.launch
Recent questions tagged pddl_planner at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pddl_planner package from jsk_planning repojsk_planning pddl_msgs pddl_planner pddl_planner_viewer task_compiler |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.10 |
License | Apache License 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | 0.1.10 |
Last Updated | 2017-03-03 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ryohei Ueda
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Yuki Furuta
- Ryohei Ueda (ueda
This package provides ROS interface for ff/ffha/downward planners
- ff: J. Hoffmann, B. Nebel, “The FF Planning System: Fast Plan Generation Through Heuristic Search”, in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 14, 2001, Pages 253-302.
- ffha: Emil Keyder, Hector Geffner, “The FF(ha) Planner for Planning with Action Costs”
- downward: http://www.fast-downward.org/
bare example
ff example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ff ff -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- ffha example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ffha ffha -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- downward example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun downward plan sample-domain.pddl ./sample-problem.pddl ipc seq-sat-lama-2011 --plan-file sample.plan
ros example
This package provides ROS actionlib interface for planners, using API defined in pddl_msgs, see pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/sample-client.py for cliet example.
ff example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ff.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- ffha example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ffha.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- downward example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_downward.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
Changelog for package pddl_planner
0.1.10 (2017-03-03)
- [task_compiler] fix: symbol is compared with string (#60)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.9 (2017-03-01)
0.1.8 (2017-02-17)
- fix for kinetic
(#52 )
- CMakeLists.txt : clean up catkin_package() command
- add lpg_planner to run_depends and remove planners from build_depends
- [pddl_planner] add relationship graph (#51 )
- add durative-action graph (#48 )
- make graph for durative action (#47 )
- add durative action mode (#46 )
- [pddl_planner&task_compiler] add test for task_compiler hook functions (#45 )
- Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta
0.1.7 (2016-05-28)
- [pddl_planner/demos/2013_fridge_demo/solve-bring-can.l] comment in recovery motion ( #43 )
- [pddl_planner/README] fix typo ( #42 )
- [pddl_planner/README] Update README.md, Add search option and plan file path to bare downward example ( #38 )
- Contributors: Grollo, Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta
0.1.6 (2015-12-15)
- pddl_planner: mv demos/sample-pddl/README README.md
- pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl: add sample-client.py and its test to test-sample-pddl.test
- demos/sample-pddl/{sample-problem.pddl, README}: fix problem.pddl which fails on downward, and added to README
- add test for demos/sample-pddl directory
- [pddl_planner/CMakeLists.txt] add test to install
- [pddl/pddl_planner/package.xml] add time to run_depend for downward on hydro
- [pddl_planner] add test for pddl_planner
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.5 (2015-11-26)
0.1.4 (2015-06-11)
0.1.3 (2015-01-31)
- remove rosbuild stuff, change to pure catkin packages
- use rosrun instead of find_package to search pddl planner
- not use roslib in hydro
- add planner option for downward
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.2 (2014-05-06)
0.1.1 (2014-05-05)
- pddl_planner: add samples
- catkinize jsk_planning
- add solved-fridge-graph.l
- update step-state in a while loop
- merge ffha and downward clients
- suport fastdownward
- added metric plan sample
- fix: using single state in a node
- fix for metric plan
- rename action grasp-can -> grasp-object
- fix global variable name
- add comments to search_object plan
- udpate action name
- fix typo
- add pddl-plan-to-graph function for creating plan graph
- use require and provide in pddl_planner
- add pddl demo for searching an object where it is
- make enable to use specific failed action name
- fix waring message
- add keyword for using copy
- fix typo
- remove negative precondition keyword
- fix order of pddl effects
- update return value
- add planning domain for fridge demo
- read-from-string except ff:
- add :durative-actions examples
- set default display_graph value to true
- revert wrong fommit r4686 and fix when ~display_graph is not set
- mv samples/agentsystem.py demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.py
- delete eus-sample.l, this is duplicate of demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.l
- fix ffha.launch to show final domain representation, and fix pddl.py to check if final rep. is showen in the output
- delete debug files
- add comment to samples/agentsystem.py
- add sample-pddl
- support metrics and functions, [#89]
- use default variables, see [#89]
- add comment -g 6 -h 2 sometimes does not returns result
- ff does not have :data
- use append instaed of push-back
- add comment
- fix, old api?
- remove load command for irtgraph.l
- do not add the condition(state) already exists, and state compare test 'eq'->'not xor'
- changed the end condition in add-failed-nodes
- fix bug in sort-condition
- sort compare function should be <= or >=
- changed append -> union in apply-act function
- changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
- change the loop condition to make correct plan graph. (ex. Act1 is needed only after Act2 is failed)
- move some sample scripts to new package, task_compiler
- add level argument in demo-failure-recovery-task.launch
- add sample script for pddl->smach
- change sorting method to ignore negation of ffha-result conditions
- remove space from name of pddl-state, and make-readable-graph method
- move convert script from pddl to smach
- fix, add additional(fixed) condition to solved result
- add simple sample for PDDL->SMACH
- change name of predicates
- set 3 goals in pddl/2011_saito
- add goal nodes once
- add convert function from domain to eus script template
- fix add-failed-nodes for multiple results
- add another goal condition in one PDDL domain
- update PDDL-SMACH converter, I want to patch smach_viewer
- add smach convert sample
- dump :functions if functions slot is specified
- add additional-conditions for constant condition
- change for using REACHABLE
- add debug keyword for pddl-planning and fix minor bug
- delete REACHABLE predicates
- spell sepalate -> separate
- add knock door navigation problem
- add launch files for making graph pdf file
- add result parser and pddl samples
- add eus-pddl-client program
- update parser for pddl result
- add support constants for pddl-domain
- fix sample for using result parser
- add ffha-result-parser.l for making conditions of each step
- uncomment data valiable in pddl action and fix launch files
- fix, allow null parameters
- add ffha to the dependency
- add ffha (ff like pddl solver)
- fix: action parse when using typing
- fix: parse properly for more than 10 results
- update for latest roseus format
- move 3rdparty/pddl to jsk-ros-pkg/pddl, because pddl stack except ff is developed by R.Ueda and JSK, now 3rdparty
- mv jtalk and pddl to 3rdparty directory
- add pddl stack
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Ryohei Ueda, Youhei Kakiuchi
Wiki Tutorials
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_planning | |
pddl_planner_viewer | |
task_compiler |
Launch files
- demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch
- demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch
- demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch
- demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/example.launch
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/demo.launch
- launch/pddl_downward.launch
- planner_option [default: ipc seq-sat-lama-2011]
- launch/pddl_ffha.launch
- launch/pddl_ff.launch
Recent questions tagged pddl_planner at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pddl_planner package from jsk_planning repojsk_planning pddl_msgs pddl_planner pddl_planner_viewer task_compiler |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.14 |
License | Apache License 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2023-12-05 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ryohei Ueda
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Yuki Furuta
- Ryohei Ueda (ueda
This package provides ROS interface for ff/ffha/downward planners
- ff: J. Hoffmann, B. Nebel, “The FF Planning System: Fast Plan Generation Through Heuristic Search”, in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 14, 2001, Pages 253-302.
- ffha: Emil Keyder, Hector Geffner, “The FF(ha) Planner for Planning with Action Costs”
- downward: http://www.fast-downward.org/
bare example
- ff example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ff ff -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- ffha example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ffha ffha -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- downward example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun downward plan sample-domain.pddl ./sample-problem.pddl ipc seq-sat-lama-2011 --plan-file sample.plan
ros example
This package provides ROS actionlib interface for planners, using API defined in pddl_msgs. Please see pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/sample-client.py for cliet example.
- ff example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ff.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- ffha example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ffha.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- downward example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_downward.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
Changelog for package pddl_planner
0.1.14 (2023-12-05)
- Fix regressons of https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88, when [planner_option]{.title-ref} without &quat;, (#104)
- test to cehck #103 (planner_option without &quat;)
- https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88 changes 'sp.Popen(command' to 'sp.Popen(" ".join(command)', this assumes [planner_option]{.title-ref} uses [--search &quat;iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm], preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)&quat;]{.title-ref} but some launch file uses [--search iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm],preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)]{.title-ref}, without &quat; and spaces, and jsk_planning 0.1.13 did not work this such eample(https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/blob/ab0360b5580e77ca70006ce505497894fe4ac0d2/jsk_2013_04_pr2_610/test/test-demo-plan.test#L10), https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 this fix uses shlex.split() to keep quated substrings and uses Popen(command, stead of Popen(" ".join(command), to input quated argument as one word.
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.1.13 (2023-11-29)
- [pddl_panner/src/eus-pddl.l] support multiple simbols for 'forall and 'exists (#79)
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 (#88)
- add github/workflows
- pddlresulttest: fix for python3, use map and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60532658/python-2-vs-python-3-difference-in-map-behavior-with-three-arguments
- pddl.py : fix for python3, bytes vs str
- add launch_prefix and repet 5 times
- exit when sovle.l was started from rostest
- increase time-limit
- run assertTrue at end of test
- update LPG download link (#97)
- Add obinata demo
- Use only move-with-obj action by introducing none item
- Use different initial condition for office demo and kitchen car demo
- Add obinata's multiple robot cooperation demo
- add launch to run simple_metric_plan
- 2to3 -w -f has_key *
- 2to3 -w -f print *
- cannot run graph-solver for pddl-graph
- add test to check #92
- :add-neighbor is obsolated methods, use :add-arc-from-to https://github.com/euslisp/jskeus/blob/689b015f0c727616e2745652423f2918d1e52252/irteus/irtgraph.l#L379
- add test to check pddl planning results
- search_object/simple_failure_torelant : run euslisp planning script with repeat.sh
- use unique test-name
- use proc.returncode instead of proc.poll()
- test multiple sequence_action at once
- pddlresulttest: support multiple sequence at once
- add add_rostest(test/search_object.test)
- demos/search_object: use display_graph to gnome-open pdf
- [pddl_planner/demos/search_object] fix bug, and add launch file
- add_rostest for test directory
- add pddl result test for demo
- add simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- 2016_kamada_durative: demo.launch,example.launch starts euslisp file too, for complete example
- gnome-open .pdf only when ~display_graph is set
- use display_graph argument for launch file to skip gnome-open pdf demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- add pddlresulttest
- use shell to run pddl solver
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286
- [pddl_planner/demos/simple_metrix] add launch file (#77)
- use xdg-open instad of evince. Both installed by ubuntu-desktop package (#76)
- [pddl_planner] format README.md (#74)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Yoshiki Obinata
0.1.12 (2020-04-01)
- Add max_planning_time option
- pddl_planner: revert run_depend
- pddl.py: disable auto_start
- add detailed infor!
- pddl_planner: fix deadlock on planning process
- pddl.py: print detailed info on error
- Set timeout for planning in task_compiler
- pddl_planner: add timeout for planning function
- Fix: add failed state if no recovery action exists
- pddl_planner: fix use global variables in function
- Fix miss configuration in test (#65)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.11 (2018-04-26)
- pddl_planner: pddl.py: remove (REACH-GOAL) on action which emerges occasionally (#61)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.10 (2017-03-03)
- [task_compiler] fix: symbol is compared with string (#60)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.9 (2017-03-01)
0.1.8 (2017-02-17)
- fix for kinetic
(#52 )
- CMakeLists.txt : clean up catkin_package() command
- add lpg_planner to run_depends and remove planners from build_depends
- [pddl_planner] add relationship graph (#51 )
- add durative-action graph (#48 )
- make graph for durative action (#47 )
- add durative action mode (#46 )
- [pddl_planner&task_compiler] add test for task_compiler hook functions (#45 )
- Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta
0.1.7 (2016-05-28)
- [pddl_planner/demos/2013_fridge_demo/solve-bring-can.l] comment in recovery motion ( #43 )
- [pddl_planner/README] fix typo ( #42 )
- [pddl_planner/README] Update README.md, Add search option and plan file path to bare downward example ( #38 )
- Contributors: Grollo, Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta
0.1.6 (2015-12-15)
- pddl_planner: mv demos/sample-pddl/README README.md
- pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl: add sample-client.py and its test to test-sample-pddl.test
- demos/sample-pddl/{sample-problem.pddl, README}: fix problem.pddl which fails on downward, and added to README
- add test for demos/sample-pddl directory
- [pddl_planner/CMakeLists.txt] add test to install
- [pddl/pddl_planner/package.xml] add time to run_depend for downward on hydro
- [pddl_planner] add test for pddl_planner
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.5 (2015-11-26)
0.1.4 (2015-06-11)
0.1.3 (2015-01-31)
- remove rosbuild stuff, change to pure catkin packages
- use rosrun instead of find_package to search pddl planner
- not use roslib in hydro
- add planner option for downward
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.2 (2014-05-06)
0.1.1 (2014-05-05)
- pddl_planner: add samples
- catkinize jsk_planning
- add solved-fridge-graph.l
- update step-state in a while loop
- merge ffha and downward clients
- suport fastdownward
- added metric plan sample
- fix: using single state in a node
- fix for metric plan
- rename action grasp-can -> grasp-object
- fix global variable name
- add comments to search_object plan
- udpate action name
- fix typo
- add pddl-plan-to-graph function for creating plan graph
- use require and provide in pddl_planner
- add pddl demo for searching an object where it is
- make enable to use specific failed action name
- fix waring message
- add keyword for using copy
- fix typo
- remove negative precondition keyword
- fix order of pddl effects
- update return value
- add planning domain for fridge demo
- read-from-string except ff:
- add :durative-actions examples
- set default display_graph value to true
- revert wrong fommit r4686 and fix when ~display_graph is not set
- mv samples/agentsystem.py demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.py
- delete eus-sample.l, this is duplicate of demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.l
- fix ffha.launch to show final domain representation, and fix pddl.py to check if final rep. is showen in the output
- delete debug files
- add comment to samples/agentsystem.py
- add sample-pddl
- support metrics and functions, [#89]
- use default variables, see [#89]
- add comment -g 6 -h 2 sometimes does not returns result
- ff does not have :data
- use append instaed of push-back
- add comment
- fix, old api?
- remove load command for irtgraph.l
- do not add the condition(state) already exists, and state compare test 'eq'->'not xor'
- changed the end condition in add-failed-nodes
- fix bug in sort-condition
- sort compare function should be <= or >=
- changed append -> union in apply-act function
- changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
- change the loop condition to make correct plan graph. (ex. Act1 is needed only after Act2 is failed)
- move some sample scripts to new package, task_compiler
- add level argument in demo-failure-recovery-task.launch
- add sample script for pddl->smach
- change sorting method to ignore negation of ffha-result conditions
- remove space from name of pddl-state, and make-readable-graph method
- move convert script from pddl to smach
- fix, add additional(fixed) condition to solved result
- add simple sample for PDDL->SMACH
- change name of predicates
- set 3 goals in pddl/2011_saito
- add goal nodes once
- add convert function from domain to eus script template
- fix add-failed-nodes for multiple results
- add another goal condition in one PDDL domain
- update PDDL-SMACH converter, I want to patch smach_viewer
- add smach convert sample
- dump :functions if functions slot is specified
- add additional-conditions for constant condition
- change for using REACHABLE
- add debug keyword for pddl-planning and fix minor bug
- delete REACHABLE predicates
- spell sepalate -> separate
- add knock door navigation problem
- add launch files for making graph pdf file
- add result parser and pddl samples
- add eus-pddl-client program
- update parser for pddl result
- add support constants for pddl-domain
- fix sample for using result parser
- add ffha-result-parser.l for making conditions of each step
- uncomment data valiable in pddl action and fix launch files
- fix, allow null parameters
- add ffha to the dependency
- add ffha (ff like pddl solver)
- fix: action parse when using typing
- fix: parse properly for more than 10 results
- update for latest roseus format
- move 3rdparty/pddl to jsk-ros-pkg/pddl, because pddl stack except ff is developed by R.Ueda and JSK, now 3rdparty
- mv jtalk and pddl to 3rdparty directory
- add pddl stack
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Ryohei Ueda, Youhei Kakiuchi
Wiki Tutorials
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- demos/simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric.launch
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric_plan.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/search_object/demo_search_object.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/example.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- roseus_command [default: '(progn (demo)(exit))']
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/demo.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2020_obinata_cooperation/demo_cooperation_task.launch
- demo [default: kitchen_car] — kitchen_car or office
- launch/pddl_downward.launch
- planner_option [default: ipc seq-sat-lama-2011]
- launch/pddl_ffha.launch
- launch/pddl_ff.launch
Recent questions tagged pddl_planner at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pddl_planner package from jsk_planning repojsk_planning pddl_msgs pddl_planner pddl_planner_viewer task_compiler |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.14 |
License | Apache License 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2023-12-05 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ryohei Ueda
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Yuki Furuta
- Ryohei Ueda (ueda
This package provides ROS interface for ff/ffha/downward planners
- ff: J. Hoffmann, B. Nebel, “The FF Planning System: Fast Plan Generation Through Heuristic Search”, in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 14, 2001, Pages 253-302.
- ffha: Emil Keyder, Hector Geffner, “The FF(ha) Planner for Planning with Action Costs”
- downward: http://www.fast-downward.org/
bare example
- ff example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ff ff -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- ffha example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ffha ffha -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- downward example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun downward plan sample-domain.pddl ./sample-problem.pddl ipc seq-sat-lama-2011 --plan-file sample.plan
ros example
This package provides ROS actionlib interface for planners, using API defined in pddl_msgs. Please see pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/sample-client.py for cliet example.
- ff example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ff.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- ffha example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ffha.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- downward example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_downward.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
Changelog for package pddl_planner
0.1.14 (2023-12-05)
- Fix regressons of https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88, when [planner_option]{.title-ref} without &quat;, (#104)
- test to cehck #103 (planner_option without &quat;)
- https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88 changes 'sp.Popen(command' to 'sp.Popen(" ".join(command)', this assumes [planner_option]{.title-ref} uses [--search &quat;iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm], preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)&quat;]{.title-ref} but some launch file uses [--search iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm],preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)]{.title-ref}, without &quat; and spaces, and jsk_planning 0.1.13 did not work this such eample(https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/blob/ab0360b5580e77ca70006ce505497894fe4ac0d2/jsk_2013_04_pr2_610/test/test-demo-plan.test#L10), https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 this fix uses shlex.split() to keep quated substrings and uses Popen(command, stead of Popen(" ".join(command), to input quated argument as one word.
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.1.13 (2023-11-29)
- [pddl_panner/src/eus-pddl.l] support multiple simbols for 'forall and 'exists (#79)
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 (#88)
- add github/workflows
- pddlresulttest: fix for python3, use map and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60532658/python-2-vs-python-3-difference-in-map-behavior-with-three-arguments
- pddl.py : fix for python3, bytes vs str
- add launch_prefix and repet 5 times
- exit when sovle.l was started from rostest
- increase time-limit
- run assertTrue at end of test
- update LPG download link (#97)
- Add obinata demo
- Use only move-with-obj action by introducing none item
- Use different initial condition for office demo and kitchen car demo
- Add obinata's multiple robot cooperation demo
- add launch to run simple_metric_plan
- 2to3 -w -f has_key *
- 2to3 -w -f print *
- cannot run graph-solver for pddl-graph
- add test to check #92
- :add-neighbor is obsolated methods, use :add-arc-from-to https://github.com/euslisp/jskeus/blob/689b015f0c727616e2745652423f2918d1e52252/irteus/irtgraph.l#L379
- add test to check pddl planning results
- search_object/simple_failure_torelant : run euslisp planning script with repeat.sh
- use unique test-name
- use proc.returncode instead of proc.poll()
- test multiple sequence_action at once
- pddlresulttest: support multiple sequence at once
- add add_rostest(test/search_object.test)
- demos/search_object: use display_graph to gnome-open pdf
- [pddl_planner/demos/search_object] fix bug, and add launch file
- add_rostest for test directory
- add pddl result test for demo
- add simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- 2016_kamada_durative: demo.launch,example.launch starts euslisp file too, for complete example
- gnome-open .pdf only when ~display_graph is set
- use display_graph argument for launch file to skip gnome-open pdf demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- add pddlresulttest
- use shell to run pddl solver
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286
- [pddl_planner/demos/simple_metrix] add launch file (#77)
- use xdg-open instad of evince. Both installed by ubuntu-desktop package (#76)
- [pddl_planner] format README.md (#74)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Yoshiki Obinata
0.1.12 (2020-04-01)
- Add max_planning_time option
- pddl_planner: revert run_depend
- pddl.py: disable auto_start
- add detailed infor!
- pddl_planner: fix deadlock on planning process
- pddl.py: print detailed info on error
- Set timeout for planning in task_compiler
- pddl_planner: add timeout for planning function
- Fix: add failed state if no recovery action exists
- pddl_planner: fix use global variables in function
- Fix miss configuration in test (#65)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.11 (2018-04-26)
- pddl_planner: pddl.py: remove (REACH-GOAL) on action which emerges occasionally (#61)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.10 (2017-03-03)
- [task_compiler] fix: symbol is compared with string (#60)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.9 (2017-03-01)
0.1.8 (2017-02-17)
- fix for kinetic
(#52 )
- CMakeLists.txt : clean up catkin_package() command
- add lpg_planner to run_depends and remove planners from build_depends
- [pddl_planner] add relationship graph (#51 )
- add durative-action graph (#48 )
- make graph for durative action (#47 )
- add durative action mode (#46 )
- [pddl_planner&task_compiler] add test for task_compiler hook functions (#45 )
- Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta
0.1.7 (2016-05-28)
- [pddl_planner/demos/2013_fridge_demo/solve-bring-can.l] comment in recovery motion ( #43 )
- [pddl_planner/README] fix typo ( #42 )
- [pddl_planner/README] Update README.md, Add search option and plan file path to bare downward example ( #38 )
- Contributors: Grollo, Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta
0.1.6 (2015-12-15)
- pddl_planner: mv demos/sample-pddl/README README.md
- pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl: add sample-client.py and its test to test-sample-pddl.test
- demos/sample-pddl/{sample-problem.pddl, README}: fix problem.pddl which fails on downward, and added to README
- add test for demos/sample-pddl directory
- [pddl_planner/CMakeLists.txt] add test to install
- [pddl/pddl_planner/package.xml] add time to run_depend for downward on hydro
- [pddl_planner] add test for pddl_planner
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.5 (2015-11-26)
0.1.4 (2015-06-11)
0.1.3 (2015-01-31)
- remove rosbuild stuff, change to pure catkin packages
- use rosrun instead of find_package to search pddl planner
- not use roslib in hydro
- add planner option for downward
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.2 (2014-05-06)
0.1.1 (2014-05-05)
- pddl_planner: add samples
- catkinize jsk_planning
- add solved-fridge-graph.l
- update step-state in a while loop
- merge ffha and downward clients
- suport fastdownward
- added metric plan sample
- fix: using single state in a node
- fix for metric plan
- rename action grasp-can -> grasp-object
- fix global variable name
- add comments to search_object plan
- udpate action name
- fix typo
- add pddl-plan-to-graph function for creating plan graph
- use require and provide in pddl_planner
- add pddl demo for searching an object where it is
- make enable to use specific failed action name
- fix waring message
- add keyword for using copy
- fix typo
- remove negative precondition keyword
- fix order of pddl effects
- update return value
- add planning domain for fridge demo
- read-from-string except ff:
- add :durative-actions examples
- set default display_graph value to true
- revert wrong fommit r4686 and fix when ~display_graph is not set
- mv samples/agentsystem.py demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.py
- delete eus-sample.l, this is duplicate of demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.l
- fix ffha.launch to show final domain representation, and fix pddl.py to check if final rep. is showen in the output
- delete debug files
- add comment to samples/agentsystem.py
- add sample-pddl
- support metrics and functions, [#89]
- use default variables, see [#89]
- add comment -g 6 -h 2 sometimes does not returns result
- ff does not have :data
- use append instaed of push-back
- add comment
- fix, old api?
- remove load command for irtgraph.l
- do not add the condition(state) already exists, and state compare test 'eq'->'not xor'
- changed the end condition in add-failed-nodes
- fix bug in sort-condition
- sort compare function should be <= or >=
- changed append -> union in apply-act function
- changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
- change the loop condition to make correct plan graph. (ex. Act1 is needed only after Act2 is failed)
- move some sample scripts to new package, task_compiler
- add level argument in demo-failure-recovery-task.launch
- add sample script for pddl->smach
- change sorting method to ignore negation of ffha-result conditions
- remove space from name of pddl-state, and make-readable-graph method
- move convert script from pddl to smach
- fix, add additional(fixed) condition to solved result
- add simple sample for PDDL->SMACH
- change name of predicates
- set 3 goals in pddl/2011_saito
- add goal nodes once
- add convert function from domain to eus script template
- fix add-failed-nodes for multiple results
- add another goal condition in one PDDL domain
- update PDDL-SMACH converter, I want to patch smach_viewer
- add smach convert sample
- dump :functions if functions slot is specified
- add additional-conditions for constant condition
- change for using REACHABLE
- add debug keyword for pddl-planning and fix minor bug
- delete REACHABLE predicates
- spell sepalate -> separate
- add knock door navigation problem
- add launch files for making graph pdf file
- add result parser and pddl samples
- add eus-pddl-client program
- update parser for pddl result
- add support constants for pddl-domain
- fix sample for using result parser
- add ffha-result-parser.l for making conditions of each step
- uncomment data valiable in pddl action and fix launch files
- fix, allow null parameters
- add ffha to the dependency
- add ffha (ff like pddl solver)
- fix: action parse when using typing
- fix: parse properly for more than 10 results
- update for latest roseus format
- move 3rdparty/pddl to jsk-ros-pkg/pddl, because pddl stack except ff is developed by R.Ueda and JSK, now 3rdparty
- mv jtalk and pddl to 3rdparty directory
- add pddl stack
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Ryohei Ueda, Youhei Kakiuchi
Wiki Tutorials
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_planning | |
pddl_planner_viewer | |
task_compiler |
Launch files
- demos/simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric.launch
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric_plan.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/search_object/demo_search_object.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/example.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- roseus_command [default: '(progn (demo)(exit))']
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/demo.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2020_obinata_cooperation/demo_cooperation_task.launch
- demo [default: kitchen_car] — kitchen_car or office
- launch/pddl_downward.launch
- planner_option [default: ipc seq-sat-lama-2011]
- launch/pddl_ffha.launch
- launch/pddl_ff.launch
Recent questions tagged pddl_planner at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pddl_planner package from jsk_planning repojsk_planning pddl_msgs pddl_planner pddl_planner_viewer task_compiler |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.10 |
License | Apache License 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | 0.1.10 |
Last Updated | 2017-03-03 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ryohei Ueda
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Yuki Furuta
- Ryohei Ueda (ueda
This package provides ROS interface for ff/ffha/downward planners
- ff: J. Hoffmann, B. Nebel, “The FF Planning System: Fast Plan Generation Through Heuristic Search”, in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 14, 2001, Pages 253-302.
- ffha: Emil Keyder, Hector Geffner, “The FF(ha) Planner for Planning with Action Costs”
- downward: http://www.fast-downward.org/
bare example
ff example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ff ff -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- ffha example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ffha ffha -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- downward example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun downward plan sample-domain.pddl ./sample-problem.pddl ipc seq-sat-lama-2011 --plan-file sample.plan
ros example
This package provides ROS actionlib interface for planners, using API defined in pddl_msgs, see pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/sample-client.py for cliet example.
ff example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ff.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- ffha example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ffha.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- downward example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_downward.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
Changelog for package pddl_planner
0.1.10 (2017-03-03)
- [task_compiler] fix: symbol is compared with string (#60)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.9 (2017-03-01)
0.1.8 (2017-02-17)
- fix for kinetic
(#52 )
- CMakeLists.txt : clean up catkin_package() command
- add lpg_planner to run_depends and remove planners from build_depends
- [pddl_planner] add relationship graph (#51 )
- add durative-action graph (#48 )
- make graph for durative action (#47 )
- add durative action mode (#46 )
- [pddl_planner&task_compiler] add test for task_compiler hook functions (#45 )
- Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta
0.1.7 (2016-05-28)
- [pddl_planner/demos/2013_fridge_demo/solve-bring-can.l] comment in recovery motion ( #43 )
- [pddl_planner/README] fix typo ( #42 )
- [pddl_planner/README] Update README.md, Add search option and plan file path to bare downward example ( #38 )
- Contributors: Grollo, Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta
0.1.6 (2015-12-15)
- pddl_planner: mv demos/sample-pddl/README README.md
- pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl: add sample-client.py and its test to test-sample-pddl.test
- demos/sample-pddl/{sample-problem.pddl, README}: fix problem.pddl which fails on downward, and added to README
- add test for demos/sample-pddl directory
- [pddl_planner/CMakeLists.txt] add test to install
- [pddl/pddl_planner/package.xml] add time to run_depend for downward on hydro
- [pddl_planner] add test for pddl_planner
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.5 (2015-11-26)
0.1.4 (2015-06-11)
0.1.3 (2015-01-31)
- remove rosbuild stuff, change to pure catkin packages
- use rosrun instead of find_package to search pddl planner
- not use roslib in hydro
- add planner option for downward
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.2 (2014-05-06)
0.1.1 (2014-05-05)
- pddl_planner: add samples
- catkinize jsk_planning
- add solved-fridge-graph.l
- update step-state in a while loop
- merge ffha and downward clients
- suport fastdownward
- added metric plan sample
- fix: using single state in a node
- fix for metric plan
- rename action grasp-can -> grasp-object
- fix global variable name
- add comments to search_object plan
- udpate action name
- fix typo
- add pddl-plan-to-graph function for creating plan graph
- use require and provide in pddl_planner
- add pddl demo for searching an object where it is
- make enable to use specific failed action name
- fix waring message
- add keyword for using copy
- fix typo
- remove negative precondition keyword
- fix order of pddl effects
- update return value
- add planning domain for fridge demo
- read-from-string except ff:
- add :durative-actions examples
- set default display_graph value to true
- revert wrong fommit r4686 and fix when ~display_graph is not set
- mv samples/agentsystem.py demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.py
- delete eus-sample.l, this is duplicate of demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.l
- fix ffha.launch to show final domain representation, and fix pddl.py to check if final rep. is showen in the output
- delete debug files
- add comment to samples/agentsystem.py
- add sample-pddl
- support metrics and functions, [#89]
- use default variables, see [#89]
- add comment -g 6 -h 2 sometimes does not returns result
- ff does not have :data
- use append instaed of push-back
- add comment
- fix, old api?
- remove load command for irtgraph.l
- do not add the condition(state) already exists, and state compare test 'eq'->'not xor'
- changed the end condition in add-failed-nodes
- fix bug in sort-condition
- sort compare function should be <= or >=
- changed append -> union in apply-act function
- changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
- change the loop condition to make correct plan graph. (ex. Act1 is needed only after Act2 is failed)
- move some sample scripts to new package, task_compiler
- add level argument in demo-failure-recovery-task.launch
- add sample script for pddl->smach
- change sorting method to ignore negation of ffha-result conditions
- remove space from name of pddl-state, and make-readable-graph method
- move convert script from pddl to smach
- fix, add additional(fixed) condition to solved result
- add simple sample for PDDL->SMACH
- change name of predicates
- set 3 goals in pddl/2011_saito
- add goal nodes once
- add convert function from domain to eus script template
- fix add-failed-nodes for multiple results
- add another goal condition in one PDDL domain
- update PDDL-SMACH converter, I want to patch smach_viewer
- add smach convert sample
- dump :functions if functions slot is specified
- add additional-conditions for constant condition
- change for using REACHABLE
- add debug keyword for pddl-planning and fix minor bug
- delete REACHABLE predicates
- spell sepalate -> separate
- add knock door navigation problem
- add launch files for making graph pdf file
- add result parser and pddl samples
- add eus-pddl-client program
- update parser for pddl result
- add support constants for pddl-domain
- fix sample for using result parser
- add ffha-result-parser.l for making conditions of each step
- uncomment data valiable in pddl action and fix launch files
- fix, allow null parameters
- add ffha to the dependency
- add ffha (ff like pddl solver)
- fix: action parse when using typing
- fix: parse properly for more than 10 results
- update for latest roseus format
- move 3rdparty/pddl to jsk-ros-pkg/pddl, because pddl stack except ff is developed by R.Ueda and JSK, now 3rdparty
- mv jtalk and pddl to 3rdparty directory
- add pddl stack
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Ryohei Ueda, Youhei Kakiuchi
Wiki Tutorials
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_planning | |
pddl_planner_viewer | |
task_compiler |
Launch files
- demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch
- demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch
- demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch
- demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/example.launch
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/demo.launch
- launch/pddl_downward.launch
- planner_option [default: ipc seq-sat-lama-2011]
- launch/pddl_ffha.launch
- launch/pddl_ff.launch
Recent questions tagged pddl_planner at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
pddl_planner package from jsk_planning repojsk_planning pddl_msgs pddl_planner pddl_planner_viewer task_compiler |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.14 |
License | Apache License 2.0 |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2023-12-05 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ryohei Ueda
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Kei Okada
- Yuki Furuta
- Ryohei Ueda (ueda
This package provides ROS interface for ff/ffha/downward planners
- ff: J. Hoffmann, B. Nebel, “The FF Planning System: Fast Plan Generation Through Heuristic Search”, in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 14, 2001, Pages 253-302.
- ffha: Emil Keyder, Hector Geffner, “The FF(ha) Planner for Planning with Action Costs”
- downward: http://www.fast-downward.org/
bare example
- ff example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ff ff -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- ffha example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun ffha ffha -f ./sample-problem.pddl -o sample-domain.pddl
- downward example
roscd pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/
rosrun downward plan sample-domain.pddl ./sample-problem.pddl ipc seq-sat-lama-2011 --plan-file sample.plan
ros example
This package provides ROS actionlib interface for planners, using API defined in pddl_msgs. Please see pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl/sample-client.py for cliet example.
- ff example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ff.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- ffha example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_ffha.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
- downward example
roslaunch pddl_planner pddl_downward.launch
rosrun pddl_planner sample-client.py --text
Changelog for package pddl_planner
0.1.14 (2023-12-05)
- Fix regressons of https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88, when [planner_option]{.title-ref} without &quat;, (#104)
- test to cehck #103 (planner_option without &quat;)
- https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/pull/88 changes 'sp.Popen(command' to 'sp.Popen(" ".join(command)', this assumes [planner_option]{.title-ref} uses [--search &quat;iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm], preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)&quat;]{.title-ref} but some launch file uses [--search iterated([lazy_greedy([hff,hlm],preferred=[hff,hlm]), ...)]{.title-ref}, without &quat; and spaces, and jsk_planning 0.1.13 did not work this such eample(https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/blob/ab0360b5580e77ca70006ce505497894fe4ac0d2/jsk_2013_04_pr2_610/test/test-demo-plan.test#L10), https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 this fix uses shlex.split() to keep quated substrings and uses Popen(command, stead of Popen(" ".join(command), to input quated argument as one word.
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.1.13 (2023-11-29)
- [pddl_panner/src/eus-pddl.l] support multiple simbols for 'forall and 'exists (#79)
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286 (#88)
- add github/workflows
- pddlresulttest: fix for python3, use map and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60532658/python-2-vs-python-3-difference-in-map-behavior-with-three-arguments
- pddl.py : fix for python3, bytes vs str
- add launch_prefix and repet 5 times
- exit when sovle.l was started from rostest
- increase time-limit
- run assertTrue at end of test
- update LPG download link (#97)
- Add obinata demo
- Use only move-with-obj action by introducing none item
- Use different initial condition for office demo and kitchen car demo
- Add obinata's multiple robot cooperation demo
- add launch to run simple_metric_plan
- 2to3 -w -f has_key *
- 2to3 -w -f print *
- cannot run graph-solver for pddl-graph
- add test to check #92
- :add-neighbor is obsolated methods, use :add-arc-from-to https://github.com/euslisp/jskeus/blob/689b015f0c727616e2745652423f2918d1e52252/irteus/irtgraph.l#L379
- add test to check pddl planning results
- search_object/simple_failure_torelant : run euslisp planning script with repeat.sh
- use unique test-name
- use proc.returncode instead of proc.poll()
- test multiple sequence_action at once
- pddlresulttest: support multiple sequence at once
- add add_rostest(test/search_object.test)
- demos/search_object: use display_graph to gnome-open pdf
- [pddl_planner/demos/search_object] fix bug, and add launch file
- add_rostest for test directory
- add pddl result test for demo
- add simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- 2016_kamada_durative: demo.launch,example.launch starts euslisp file too, for complete example
- gnome-open .pdf only when ~display_graph is set
- use display_graph argument for launch file to skip gnome-open pdf demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- add pddlresulttest
- use shell to run pddl solver
- add test to reproduce https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/issues/1286
- [pddl_planner/demos/simple_metrix] add launch file (#77)
- use xdg-open instad of evince. Both installed by ubuntu-desktop package (#76)
- [pddl_planner] format README.md (#74)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Naoki Hiraoka, Naoya Yamaguchi, Yoshiki Obinata
0.1.12 (2020-04-01)
- Add max_planning_time option
- pddl_planner: revert run_depend
- pddl.py: disable auto_start
- add detailed infor!
- pddl_planner: fix deadlock on planning process
- pddl.py: print detailed info on error
- Set timeout for planning in task_compiler
- pddl_planner: add timeout for planning function
- Fix: add failed state if no recovery action exists
- pddl_planner: fix use global variables in function
- Fix miss configuration in test (#65)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.11 (2018-04-26)
- pddl_planner: pddl.py: remove (REACH-GOAL) on action which emerges occasionally (#61)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.10 (2017-03-03)
- [task_compiler] fix: symbol is compared with string (#60)
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta
0.1.9 (2017-03-01)
0.1.8 (2017-02-17)
- fix for kinetic
(#52 )
- CMakeLists.txt : clean up catkin_package() command
- add lpg_planner to run_depends and remove planners from build_depends
- [pddl_planner] add relationship graph (#51 )
- add durative-action graph (#48 )
- make graph for durative action (#47 )
- add durative action mode (#46 )
- [pddl_planner&task_compiler] add test for task_compiler hook functions (#45 )
- Contributors: Kamada Hitoshi, Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta
0.1.7 (2016-05-28)
- [pddl_planner/demos/2013_fridge_demo/solve-bring-can.l] comment in recovery motion ( #43 )
- [pddl_planner/README] fix typo ( #42 )
- [pddl_planner/README] Update README.md, Add search option and plan file path to bare downward example ( #38 )
- Contributors: Grollo, Kamada Hitoshi, Yuki Furuta
0.1.6 (2015-12-15)
- pddl_planner: mv demos/sample-pddl/README README.md
- pddl_planner/demos/sample-pddl: add sample-client.py and its test to test-sample-pddl.test
- demos/sample-pddl/{sample-problem.pddl, README}: fix problem.pddl which fails on downward, and added to README
- add test for demos/sample-pddl directory
- [pddl_planner/CMakeLists.txt] add test to install
- [pddl/pddl_planner/package.xml] add time to run_depend for downward on hydro
- [pddl_planner] add test for pddl_planner
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.5 (2015-11-26)
0.1.4 (2015-06-11)
0.1.3 (2015-01-31)
- remove rosbuild stuff, change to pure catkin packages
- use rosrun instead of find_package to search pddl planner
- not use roslib in hydro
- add planner option for downward
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Kei Okada
0.1.2 (2014-05-06)
0.1.1 (2014-05-05)
- pddl_planner: add samples
- catkinize jsk_planning
- add solved-fridge-graph.l
- update step-state in a while loop
- merge ffha and downward clients
- suport fastdownward
- added metric plan sample
- fix: using single state in a node
- fix for metric plan
- rename action grasp-can -> grasp-object
- fix global variable name
- add comments to search_object plan
- udpate action name
- fix typo
- add pddl-plan-to-graph function for creating plan graph
- use require and provide in pddl_planner
- add pddl demo for searching an object where it is
- make enable to use specific failed action name
- fix waring message
- add keyword for using copy
- fix typo
- remove negative precondition keyword
- fix order of pddl effects
- update return value
- add planning domain for fridge demo
- read-from-string except ff:
- add :durative-actions examples
- set default display_graph value to true
- revert wrong fommit r4686 and fix when ~display_graph is not set
- mv samples/agentsystem.py demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.py
- delete eus-sample.l, this is duplicate of demos/hanoi/solve-hanoi.l
- fix ffha.launch to show final domain representation, and fix pddl.py to check if final rep. is showen in the output
- delete debug files
- add comment to samples/agentsystem.py
- add sample-pddl
- support metrics and functions, [#89]
- use default variables, see [#89]
- add comment -g 6 -h 2 sometimes does not returns result
- ff does not have :data
- use append instaed of push-back
- add comment
- fix, old api?
- remove load command for irtgraph.l
- do not add the condition(state) already exists, and state compare test 'eq'->'not xor'
- changed the end condition in add-failed-nodes
- fix bug in sort-condition
- sort compare function should be <= or >=
- changed append -> union in apply-act function
- changed to use unreviewed version of irtgraph.l
- change the loop condition to make correct plan graph. (ex. Act1 is needed only after Act2 is failed)
- move some sample scripts to new package, task_compiler
- add level argument in demo-failure-recovery-task.launch
- add sample script for pddl->smach
- change sorting method to ignore negation of ffha-result conditions
- remove space from name of pddl-state, and make-readable-graph method
- move convert script from pddl to smach
- fix, add additional(fixed) condition to solved result
- add simple sample for PDDL->SMACH
- change name of predicates
- set 3 goals in pddl/2011_saito
- add goal nodes once
- add convert function from domain to eus script template
- fix add-failed-nodes for multiple results
- add another goal condition in one PDDL domain
- update PDDL-SMACH converter, I want to patch smach_viewer
- add smach convert sample
- dump :functions if functions slot is specified
- add additional-conditions for constant condition
- change for using REACHABLE
- add debug keyword for pddl-planning and fix minor bug
- delete REACHABLE predicates
- spell sepalate -> separate
- add knock door navigation problem
- add launch files for making graph pdf file
- add result parser and pddl samples
- add eus-pddl-client program
- update parser for pddl result
- add support constants for pddl-domain
- fix sample for using result parser
- add ffha-result-parser.l for making conditions of each step
- uncomment data valiable in pddl action and fix launch files
- fix, allow null parameters
- add ffha to the dependency
- add ffha (ff like pddl solver)
- fix: action parse when using typing
- fix: parse properly for more than 10 results
- update for latest roseus format
- move 3rdparty/pddl to jsk-ros-pkg/pddl, because pddl stack except ff is developed by R.Ueda and JSK, now 3rdparty
- mv jtalk and pddl to 3rdparty directory
- add pddl stack
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yuki Furuta, Manabu Saito, Hiroyuki Mikita, Ryohei Ueda, Youhei Kakiuchi
Wiki Tutorials
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
jsk_planning | |
pddl_planner_viewer | |
task_compiler |
Launch files
- demos/simple_metric/simple_metric.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric.launch
- demos/simple_metric/demo_simple_metric_plan.launch
- demos/2011_saito/demo-simple-task.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-knock-door.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_saito/demo-taking-elevator.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/search_object/demo_search_object.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/simple_failure_torelant/demo_simple_failure_torelant.launch
- viewer [default: true]
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/hanoi/demo_hanoi.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2013_fridge_demo/demo_bring_can.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2011_kakiuchi/demo_cleanup_table.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2008_okada_ias/demo_pour_tea.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- launch_prefix [default: ]
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/example.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- roseus_command [default: '(progn (demo)(exit))']
- demos/2016_kamada_durative/demo.launch
- display_graph [default: true]
- demos/2020_obinata_cooperation/demo_cooperation_task.launch
- demo [default: kitchen_car] — kitchen_car or office
- launch/pddl_downward.launch
- planner_option [default: ipc seq-sat-lama-2011]
- launch/pddl_ffha.launch
- launch/pddl_ff.launch