No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
nextage_gazebo package from rtmros_nextage reponextage_calibration nextage_description nextage_gazebo nextage_ik_plugin nextage_moveit_config nextage_ros_bridge rtmros_nextage |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.6 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-07-01 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Gazebo simulation for NEXTAGE Open
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Isaac I. Y. Saito
How to setup
- install from source
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash ;; Setup ROS environment
$ mkdir -p ~/ws_nextage/src ;; Create workspace
$ cd ~/ws_nextage/src/ ;; Move to workspace
$ git clone ;; Checkout source code
$ rosdep install -r --from-paths src --ignore-src ;; Install dependency packages
;; This command outputs following errors, but you can ignore
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
nextage_moveit_config: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [hironx_moveit_config]
nextage_ros_bridge: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ar_track_alvar]
nextage_calibration: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [turtlebot_description]
Continuing to install resolvable dependencies...
- Build
Note that normal catkin build
will outputs build erros, so run following commands
$ catkin build nextage_gazebo nextage_description --no-deps
How to use
- Setup workspace environment
$ source ~/ws_nextage/devel/setup.bash
- Run gazebo simulator
$ roslaunch nextage_gazebo nextage_world.launch
- How to move arms
You can use rqt-joint-trajectory-controller
to examine controllers
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
$ rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
- Check list of topics
$ rostopic list
Changelog for package nextage_gazebo
0.8.6 (2020-06-17)
- Merge pull request #371 from pazeshun/add-bright-world Add gazebo world for non-NVIDIA GPU
- Add gazebo world for non-NVIDIA GPU Without activating NVIDIA GPU, world is very dark on gazebo 9 (ROS melodic), so disable shadow to make world bright See See
- use default instaed of value of <arg name='model'> tag
- [nextage_gazebo/package.xml] add gazebo_model_path setting.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Shun Hasegawa
0.8.5 (2019-05-10)
- add ar_track_alvar dependency and gazebo model path to nextage_gazebo/models (#362)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yamamoto Yosuke
0.8.4 (2018-01-16)
0.8.3 (2017-12-22)
- add model cafe_tabel and mod ar_headcamera.launch to spawn gazebo models in the case of sim:=true (#354)
- Contributors: Yosuke Yamamoto
0.8.1 (2017-09-28)
- Add files for manuals and tutorials / Changes for Gazebo head camera
- increase retry time
- gz.test: set verbose to launch nextage_world.launch
- time-limit 10 is too small for hz test
- move ar marker model files to nextage_gazebo/models from nextage_moveit_config/models
- mod name CAMERA_HEAD_R/L, remove CATKIN_IGNORE (forgot to add/rm them)
- [Gazebo] Missing dependency for using camera plugin.
- [Gazebo] Unwind the frequency test. hz requirement for Gazebo sensor plugin on Travis CI needs to be generous. There's a known issue about Gazebo's sensor frequency and with the lack of GPU or higher CPU, the sensor output is significantly slow on Travis CI.
- [gazebo] Add headmount cameras.
- [gazebo] Remove a redundant model file that was added by mistake in
- [gazebo] Cleanup CMakeLists.txt, package.xml.
- Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Yosuke Yamamoto
0.8.0 (2017-09-07)
0.7.16 (2017-05-04)
- [enhance] nextage_gazebo/launch/nextage_gazebo_control.launch : add --shutdown-timeout
- [enhance] nextage_gazebo/test/gz.test: add retry=2
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito, Kei Okada
0.7.15 (2017-03-11)
0.7.14 (2017-02-21)
0.7.13 (2017-01-24)
0.7.12 (2017-01-10)
0.7.11 (2016-11-05)
0.7.10 (2016-10-19)
0.7.9 (2016-10-13)
- [fix][test] gz.test must be one file to avoid collsion on gazebo master uri
- [fix] Missing installation
- [fix] : test/, because of changeing contorller parameter?
- [improve] tune pid parameter for gazebo
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.7.8 (2016-07-01)
0.7.7 (2016-05-16)
0.7.6 (2016-02-09)
0.7.5 (2016-01-27)
- [fix] fix namespace so that existing app can operate the robot on Gazebo
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.7.4 (2016-01-26)
- need to wait for finishing (
- pass arg GUI
- [gz] Retry tests upon failure
- [gz] Add small unit tests
- [gz] Minor formatting
- [gazebo] Add non-zero mass so that links are not ignored
- update control parameters
-, we may not need both position controller and trajectory controller
- use NextageOpen name space, use robot name. Not sure if this is necessary
- package.xml: add depends to ros_controllers
- set depend from nextage_description to nextage_gazebo is not a good idea, nextage_gazbeo should depends on nextage_description
- [gazebo] Add non-zero mass so that links are not ignored
- Add Gazebo package. So far model not shown, and model seems to keep falling.
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito, Kei Okada
0.7.3 (2015-12-31)
0.7.2 (2015-11-02)
0.7.1 (2015-10-26)
0.7.0 (2015-10-21)
0.6.6 (2015-10-17)
0.6.5 (2015-10-16)
0.6.4 (2015-10-02)
0.6.3 (2015-08-15)
0.6.2 (2015-05-12)
0.6.1 (2015-03-09)
0.6.0 (2015-02-03)
0.5.3 (2014-11-13)
0.5.2 (2014-11-03)
0.5.1 (2014-10-17)
0.4.2 (2014-10-01)
0.4.1 (2014-09-03)
0.2.18 (2014-08-01)
0.2.17 (2014-07-24 14:01)
0.2.16 (2014-07-24 10:09)
0.2.15 (2014-07-13)
0.2.14 (2014-06-20)
0.2.13 (2014-05-28)
0.2.12 (2014-05-06)
0.2.11 (2014-03-05)
0.2.10 (2014-02-18)
0.2.9 (2014-02-03 12:34)
0.2.8 (2014-02-03 03:12)
0.2.7 (2014-01-19)
0.2.6 (2014-01-13)
0.2.5 (2013-12-25)
0.2.4 (2013-12-03)
0.2.3 (2013-11-05)
0.2.2 (2013-11-04)
0.2.1 (2013-10-31)
0.2.0 (2013-10-30)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
gazebo_plugins | |
gazebo_ros | |
gazebo_ros_control | |
nextage_description | |
ros_controllers | |
rostest | |
nextage_moveit_config |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
nextage_calibration | |
rtmros_nextage |
Launch files
- launch/nextage_world.launch
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- gzpose [default: -x 0.01 -y 0.01 -z 1.0]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- physics [default: ode]
- verbose [default: false]
- sec_idle [default: 1.0]
- visualize_laser [default: false]
- world_file [default: worlds/]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: ]
- model [default: $(find nextage_description)/urdf/nxo_gz.xacro]
- launch/nextage_gazebo_control.launch
- launch/gz_viz.launch
- Took nextage_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch as an example.
- debug [default: false] — Passing true to `debug` allows you to run this launch on gdb.
- extra_gazebo_args [default: ]
- gui [default: true]
- gzpose [default: -x 0.01 -y 0.01 -z 1.0]
- headless [default: false]
- paused [default: false]
- physics [default: ode]
- sec_idle [default: 1.0]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- verbose [default: false]
- visualize_laser [default: false]
- world_file [default: worlds/]
- command_args [default: -d $(find nextage_gazebo)/launch/gz.rviz --fixed-frame $(arg RVIZ_FIXEDFRAME)]
- launch/rviz.launch
- Took nextage_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch as an example.
- command_args [default: -d $(find nextage_gazebo)/launch/gz.rviz --fixed-frame $(arg RVIZ_FIXEDFRAME)]
- debug [default: false] — Passing true to `debug` allows you to run this launch on gdb.
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged nextage_gazebo at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
nextage_gazebo package from rtmros_nextage reponextage_calibration nextage_description nextage_gazebo nextage_ik_plugin nextage_moveit_config nextage_ros_bridge rtmros_nextage |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.6 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-07-01 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Gazebo simulation for NEXTAGE Open
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Isaac I. Y. Saito
How to setup
- install from source
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash ;; Setup ROS environment
$ mkdir -p ~/ws_nextage/src ;; Create workspace
$ cd ~/ws_nextage/src/ ;; Move to workspace
$ git clone ;; Checkout source code
$ rosdep install -r --from-paths src --ignore-src ;; Install dependency packages
;; This command outputs following errors, but you can ignore
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
nextage_moveit_config: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [hironx_moveit_config]
nextage_ros_bridge: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ar_track_alvar]
nextage_calibration: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [turtlebot_description]
Continuing to install resolvable dependencies...
- Build
Note that normal catkin build
will outputs build erros, so run following commands
$ catkin build nextage_gazebo nextage_description --no-deps
How to use
- Setup workspace environment
$ source ~/ws_nextage/devel/setup.bash
- Run gazebo simulator
$ roslaunch nextage_gazebo nextage_world.launch
- How to move arms
You can use rqt-joint-trajectory-controller
to examine controllers
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
$ rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
- Check list of topics
$ rostopic list
Changelog for package nextage_gazebo
0.8.6 (2020-06-17)
- Merge pull request #371 from pazeshun/add-bright-world Add gazebo world for non-NVIDIA GPU
- Add gazebo world for non-NVIDIA GPU Without activating NVIDIA GPU, world is very dark on gazebo 9 (ROS melodic), so disable shadow to make world bright See See
- use default instaed of value of <arg name='model'> tag
- [nextage_gazebo/package.xml] add gazebo_model_path setting.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Shun Hasegawa
0.8.5 (2019-05-10)
- add ar_track_alvar dependency and gazebo model path to nextage_gazebo/models (#362)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yamamoto Yosuke
0.8.4 (2018-01-16)
0.8.3 (2017-12-22)
- add model cafe_tabel and mod ar_headcamera.launch to spawn gazebo models in the case of sim:=true (#354)
- Contributors: Yosuke Yamamoto
0.8.1 (2017-09-28)
- Add files for manuals and tutorials / Changes for Gazebo head camera
- increase retry time
- gz.test: set verbose to launch nextage_world.launch
- time-limit 10 is too small for hz test
- move ar marker model files to nextage_gazebo/models from nextage_moveit_config/models
- mod name CAMERA_HEAD_R/L, remove CATKIN_IGNORE (forgot to add/rm them)
- [Gazebo] Missing dependency for using camera plugin.
- [Gazebo] Unwind the frequency test. hz requirement for Gazebo sensor plugin on Travis CI needs to be generous. There's a known issue about Gazebo's sensor frequency and with the lack of GPU or higher CPU, the sensor output is significantly slow on Travis CI.
- [gazebo] Add headmount cameras.
- [gazebo] Remove a redundant model file that was added by mistake in
- [gazebo] Cleanup CMakeLists.txt, package.xml.
- Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Yosuke Yamamoto
0.8.0 (2017-09-07)
0.7.16 (2017-05-04)
- [enhance] nextage_gazebo/launch/nextage_gazebo_control.launch : add --shutdown-timeout
- [enhance] nextage_gazebo/test/gz.test: add retry=2
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito, Kei Okada
0.7.15 (2017-03-11)
0.7.14 (2017-02-21)
0.7.13 (2017-01-24)
0.7.12 (2017-01-10)
0.7.11 (2016-11-05)
0.7.10 (2016-10-19)
0.7.9 (2016-10-13)
- [fix][test] gz.test must be one file to avoid collsion on gazebo master uri
- [fix] Missing installation
- [fix] : test/, because of changeing contorller parameter?
- [improve] tune pid parameter for gazebo
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.7.8 (2016-07-01)
0.7.7 (2016-05-16)
0.7.6 (2016-02-09)
0.7.5 (2016-01-27)
- [fix] fix namespace so that existing app can operate the robot on Gazebo
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.7.4 (2016-01-26)
- need to wait for finishing (
- pass arg GUI
- [gz] Retry tests upon failure
- [gz] Add small unit tests
- [gz] Minor formatting
- [gazebo] Add non-zero mass so that links are not ignored
- update control parameters
-, we may not need both position controller and trajectory controller
- use NextageOpen name space, use robot name. Not sure if this is necessary
- package.xml: add depends to ros_controllers
- set depend from nextage_description to nextage_gazebo is not a good idea, nextage_gazbeo should depends on nextage_description
- [gazebo] Add non-zero mass so that links are not ignored
- Add Gazebo package. So far model not shown, and model seems to keep falling.
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito, Kei Okada
0.7.3 (2015-12-31)
0.7.2 (2015-11-02)
0.7.1 (2015-10-26)
0.7.0 (2015-10-21)
0.6.6 (2015-10-17)
0.6.5 (2015-10-16)
0.6.4 (2015-10-02)
0.6.3 (2015-08-15)
0.6.2 (2015-05-12)
0.6.1 (2015-03-09)
0.6.0 (2015-02-03)
0.5.3 (2014-11-13)
0.5.2 (2014-11-03)
0.5.1 (2014-10-17)
0.4.2 (2014-10-01)
0.4.1 (2014-09-03)
0.2.18 (2014-08-01)
0.2.17 (2014-07-24 14:01)
0.2.16 (2014-07-24 10:09)
0.2.15 (2014-07-13)
0.2.14 (2014-06-20)
0.2.13 (2014-05-28)
0.2.12 (2014-05-06)
0.2.11 (2014-03-05)
0.2.10 (2014-02-18)
0.2.9 (2014-02-03 12:34)
0.2.8 (2014-02-03 03:12)
0.2.7 (2014-01-19)
0.2.6 (2014-01-13)
0.2.5 (2013-12-25)
0.2.4 (2013-12-03)
0.2.3 (2013-11-05)
0.2.2 (2013-11-04)
0.2.1 (2013-10-31)
0.2.0 (2013-10-30)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
gazebo_plugins | |
gazebo_ros | |
gazebo_ros_control | |
nextage_description | |
ros_controllers | |
rostest | |
nextage_moveit_config |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
nextage_calibration | |
rtmros_nextage |
Launch files
- launch/nextage_world.launch
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- gzpose [default: -x 0.01 -y 0.01 -z 1.0]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- physics [default: ode]
- verbose [default: false]
- sec_idle [default: 1.0]
- visualize_laser [default: false]
- world_file [default: worlds/]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: ]
- model [default: $(find nextage_description)/urdf/nxo_gz.xacro]
- launch/nextage_gazebo_control.launch
- launch/gz_viz.launch
- Took nextage_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch as an example.
- debug [default: false] — Passing true to `debug` allows you to run this launch on gdb.
- extra_gazebo_args [default: ]
- gui [default: true]
- gzpose [default: -x 0.01 -y 0.01 -z 1.0]
- headless [default: false]
- paused [default: false]
- physics [default: ode]
- sec_idle [default: 1.0]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- verbose [default: false]
- visualize_laser [default: false]
- world_file [default: worlds/]
- command_args [default: -d $(find nextage_gazebo)/launch/gz.rviz --fixed-frame $(arg RVIZ_FIXEDFRAME)]
- launch/rviz.launch
- Took nextage_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch as an example.
- command_args [default: -d $(find nextage_gazebo)/launch/gz.rviz --fixed-frame $(arg RVIZ_FIXEDFRAME)]
- debug [default: false] — Passing true to `debug` allows you to run this launch on gdb.
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged nextage_gazebo at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
nextage_gazebo package from rtmros_nextage reponextage_calibration nextage_description nextage_gazebo nextage_ik_plugin nextage_moveit_config nextage_ros_bridge rtmros_nextage |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.6 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2024-07-01 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Gazebo simulation for NEXTAGE Open
Additional Links
- Kei Okada
- Isaac I. Y. Saito
How to setup
- install from source
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash ;; Setup ROS environment
$ mkdir -p ~/ws_nextage/src ;; Create workspace
$ cd ~/ws_nextage/src/ ;; Move to workspace
$ git clone ;; Checkout source code
$ rosdep install -r --from-paths src --ignore-src ;; Install dependency packages
;; This command outputs following errors, but you can ignore
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
nextage_moveit_config: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [hironx_moveit_config]
nextage_ros_bridge: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [ar_track_alvar]
nextage_calibration: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [turtlebot_description]
Continuing to install resolvable dependencies...
- Build
Note that normal catkin build
will outputs build erros, so run following commands
$ catkin build nextage_gazebo nextage_description --no-deps
How to use
- Setup workspace environment
$ source ~/ws_nextage/devel/setup.bash
- Run gazebo simulator
$ roslaunch nextage_gazebo nextage_world.launch
- How to move arms
You can use rqt-joint-trajectory-controller
to examine controllers
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller
$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
$ rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
- Check list of topics
$ rostopic list
Changelog for package nextage_gazebo
0.8.6 (2020-06-17)
- Merge pull request #371 from pazeshun/add-bright-world Add gazebo world for non-NVIDIA GPU
- Add gazebo world for non-NVIDIA GPU Without activating NVIDIA GPU, world is very dark on gazebo 9 (ROS melodic), so disable shadow to make world bright See See
- use default instaed of value of <arg name='model'> tag
- [nextage_gazebo/package.xml] add gazebo_model_path setting.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Shun Hasegawa
0.8.5 (2019-05-10)
- add ar_track_alvar dependency and gazebo model path to nextage_gazebo/models (#362)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Yamamoto Yosuke
0.8.4 (2018-01-16)
0.8.3 (2017-12-22)
- add model cafe_tabel and mod ar_headcamera.launch to spawn gazebo models in the case of sim:=true (#354)
- Contributors: Yosuke Yamamoto
0.8.1 (2017-09-28)
- Add files for manuals and tutorials / Changes for Gazebo head camera
- increase retry time
- gz.test: set verbose to launch nextage_world.launch
- time-limit 10 is too small for hz test
- move ar marker model files to nextage_gazebo/models from nextage_moveit_config/models
- mod name CAMERA_HEAD_R/L, remove CATKIN_IGNORE (forgot to add/rm them)
- [Gazebo] Missing dependency for using camera plugin.
- [Gazebo] Unwind the frequency test. hz requirement for Gazebo sensor plugin on Travis CI needs to be generous. There's a known issue about Gazebo's sensor frequency and with the lack of GPU or higher CPU, the sensor output is significantly slow on Travis CI.
- [gazebo] Add headmount cameras.
- [gazebo] Remove a redundant model file that was added by mistake in
- [gazebo] Cleanup CMakeLists.txt, package.xml.
- Contributors: Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Yosuke Yamamoto
0.8.0 (2017-09-07)
0.7.16 (2017-05-04)
- [enhance] nextage_gazebo/launch/nextage_gazebo_control.launch : add --shutdown-timeout
- [enhance] nextage_gazebo/test/gz.test: add retry=2
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito, Kei Okada
0.7.15 (2017-03-11)
0.7.14 (2017-02-21)
0.7.13 (2017-01-24)
0.7.12 (2017-01-10)
0.7.11 (2016-11-05)
0.7.10 (2016-10-19)
0.7.9 (2016-10-13)
- [fix][test] gz.test must be one file to avoid collsion on gazebo master uri
- [fix] Missing installation
- [fix] : test/, because of changeing contorller parameter?
- [improve] tune pid parameter for gazebo
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.7.8 (2016-07-01)
0.7.7 (2016-05-16)
0.7.6 (2016-02-09)
0.7.5 (2016-01-27)
- [fix] fix namespace so that existing app can operate the robot on Gazebo
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.7.4 (2016-01-26)
- need to wait for finishing (
- pass arg GUI
- [gz] Retry tests upon failure
- [gz] Add small unit tests
- [gz] Minor formatting
- [gazebo] Add non-zero mass so that links are not ignored
- update control parameters
-, we may not need both position controller and trajectory controller
- use NextageOpen name space, use robot name. Not sure if this is necessary
- package.xml: add depends to ros_controllers
- set depend from nextage_description to nextage_gazebo is not a good idea, nextage_gazbeo should depends on nextage_description
- [gazebo] Add non-zero mass so that links are not ignored
- Add Gazebo package. So far model not shown, and model seems to keep falling.
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito, Kei Okada
0.7.3 (2015-12-31)
0.7.2 (2015-11-02)
0.7.1 (2015-10-26)
0.7.0 (2015-10-21)
0.6.6 (2015-10-17)
0.6.5 (2015-10-16)
0.6.4 (2015-10-02)
0.6.3 (2015-08-15)
0.6.2 (2015-05-12)
0.6.1 (2015-03-09)
0.6.0 (2015-02-03)
0.5.3 (2014-11-13)
0.5.2 (2014-11-03)
0.5.1 (2014-10-17)
0.4.2 (2014-10-01)
0.4.1 (2014-09-03)
0.2.18 (2014-08-01)
0.2.17 (2014-07-24 14:01)
0.2.16 (2014-07-24 10:09)
0.2.15 (2014-07-13)
0.2.14 (2014-06-20)
0.2.13 (2014-05-28)
0.2.12 (2014-05-06)
0.2.11 (2014-03-05)
0.2.10 (2014-02-18)
0.2.9 (2014-02-03 12:34)
0.2.8 (2014-02-03 03:12)
0.2.7 (2014-01-19)
0.2.6 (2014-01-13)
0.2.5 (2013-12-25)
0.2.4 (2013-12-03)
0.2.3 (2013-11-05)
0.2.2 (2013-11-04)
0.2.1 (2013-10-31)
0.2.0 (2013-10-30)
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
gazebo_plugins | |
gazebo_ros | |
gazebo_ros_control | |
nextage_description | |
ros_controllers | |
rostest | |
nextage_moveit_config |
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
nextage_calibration | |
rtmros_nextage |
Launch files
- launch/nextage_world.launch
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- gui [default: true]
- gzpose [default: -x 0.01 -y 0.01 -z 1.0]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- physics [default: ode]
- verbose [default: false]
- sec_idle [default: 1.0]
- visualize_laser [default: false]
- world_file [default: worlds/]
- extra_gazebo_args [default: ]
- model [default: $(find nextage_description)/urdf/nxo_gz.xacro]
- launch/nextage_gazebo_control.launch
- launch/gz_viz.launch
- Took nextage_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch as an example.
- debug [default: false] — Passing true to `debug` allows you to run this launch on gdb.
- extra_gazebo_args [default: ]
- gui [default: true]
- gzpose [default: -x 0.01 -y 0.01 -z 1.0]
- headless [default: false]
- paused [default: false]
- physics [default: ode]
- sec_idle [default: 1.0]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- verbose [default: false]
- visualize_laser [default: false]
- world_file [default: worlds/]
- command_args [default: -d $(find nextage_gazebo)/launch/gz.rviz --fixed-frame $(arg RVIZ_FIXEDFRAME)]
- launch/rviz.launch
- Took nextage_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch as an example.
- command_args [default: -d $(find nextage_gazebo)/launch/gz.rviz --fixed-frame $(arg RVIZ_FIXEDFRAME)]
- debug [default: false] — Passing true to `debug` allows you to run this launch on gdb.
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.