No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.0.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-10-22
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • Carnegie Robotics


No additional authors.
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package multisense_bringup

4.0.5 (2020-08-03)

  • Update for OpenCV 4.2, and updated launch file for ROS Noetic compatibility (#4)
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson

4.0.4 (2020-07-01)

  • update release to reference github instead of bitbucket

4.0.3 (2020-01-07)

  • undo early commit
  • incremented package.xml version numbers for next release
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson <<>>

4.0.2 (2019-04-03)

  • added C++98 compatibility
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson <<>>

3.3.0 (2014-09-30)

  • Updated LibMultiSense to build under C++11. Added URDF for the MultiSense S7/S7S and BCAM. Added support for 16 bit mono images. Added support for the MultiSense ST21 thermal stereo camera. Added organized pointcloud publishing. Changed laser and camera pointcloud color fields to FLOAT32 for PCL compatibility. Changed default color image encoding to BGR8. Added spindle joint publishing via the ROS joint_state_publisher. Updated multisense_cal_check to handle various serial number entires. Added the launch-file sensor parameter to load different URDF’s on startup. Published camera info topics for each image topic (for unrectified topics K, D, and R are populated). Added default laser transform publishing to keep the laser TF tree valid even when there are no subscriptions to laser topics.
  • Changed license from LGPL to BSD in both the ROS Driver and LibMultiSense C++ library. Fixed bug in disparity image publishing. Fixed bug in raw_cam_config publishing. Fixed bug in building using rosbuild under Groovy, Hydro, Indigo, etc. Fixed Jenkins linking issue with libpng. Fixed termination bug in
  • Add wire-protocol support for DirectedStreams on CRL's Monocular IP Camera. Misc. other bugfixes.
  • Add initial support for CRL's Mono IP Camera. Numerous fixes in catkin build infrastructure.
  • Add support for catkin and rosbuild (Builds under Fuerte, Groovy, Hydro, and Indigo). Transitioned laser calibration from KDL and joint_state_publisher to pure ROS TF messages. Add support for multiple Multisene units via namespacing and tf_prefix's. Modified default topic names to reflect the new namespacing parameters (Default base namespace is now /multisense rather than /multisense_sl). Add support for 3.1_beta sensor firmware which includes support for Multisense-S21 units. Please note that the 3.1 ROS driver release is fully backwards compatible with all 2.X firmware versions.
  • Release_3.0_beta: Add support for 3.0_beta sensor firmware (SGM hardware stereo core: disparity at all resolutions, 2:1 rectangular pixel modes, 64/128/256 disparity modes, hardware bi-lateral post-stereo disparity filter support with tuning), add colorized points2 topic, add pointcloud egde and range filtering, add raw left/right disparitiy image topics, add stereo-cost image topic, misc other feature enhancements and bugfixes. Please note that the 3.0_beta release is fully backwards compatiblie with all 2.X firmware versions.
  • Release_2.3: Add support for 2.3 sensor firmware (IMU / CMV4000 support), add 'MultiSenseUpdater' firmware upgrade tool, add smart dynamic_reconfigure presentation, remove multisense_diagnostics/multisense_dashboard, wire protocol to version 3.0 (w/ support for forthcoming SGM core), misc. other bugfixes and feature enhancements.
  • Imported Release 2.0 of MultiSense-SL ROS driver.
  • Contributors: David LaRose <<>>, Eric Kratzer <<>>, Matt Alvarado <<>>

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • remote_head.launch
      • ip_address [default:] — IP address of the multisense being connected to
      • mtu [default: 7200] — The maximum packet size that image data will be broken into when sent from the multisense. Setting to values above network adapter MTU will block image data from camera
      • launch_vpb [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for VPB
      • launch_head0 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 0
      • launch_head1 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 1
      • launch_head2 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 2
      • launch_head3 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 3
      • vpb_namespace [default: multisense_vpb]
      • head0_namespace [default: remote_head_0]
      • head1_namespace [default: remote_head_1]
      • head2_namespace [default: remote_head_2]
      • head3_namespace [default: remote_head_3]
      • vpb_sensor [default: remote_head_vpb] — VPB Sensor type, should always be remote_head_vpb
      • head0_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 0 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head1_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 1 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head2_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 2 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head3_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 3 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • vpb_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg vpb_namespace)]
      • head0_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head0_namespace)]
      • head1_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head1_namespace)]
      • head2_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head2_namespace)]
      • head3_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head3_namespace)]
      • vpb_tf_prefix [default: $(arg vpb_namespace)]
      • head0_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head0_namespace)]
      • head1_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head1_namespace)]
      • head2_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head2_namespace)]
      • head3_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head3_namespace)]
      • launch_robot_state_publisher [default: true]
  • multisense.launch
      • show_rviz [default: false] — Launch an RViz window to visualize the camera data
      • rviz_config [default: $(find multisense_bringup)/rviz_config.rviz] — Configuration file to launch RViz with
      • ip_address [default:] — IP address of the multisense being connected to
      • namespace [default: multisense] — Namespace for all topics for this multisense instance
      • mtu [default: 1500] — The maximum packet size that image data will be broken into when sent from the multisense. Setting to values above network adapter MTU will block image data from camera
      • sensor [default: S30] — The camera type. Used to determine the URDF model that will be loaded. Options: SL, S7, S7S, S21, KS21, KS21i, S21B, S27, S30, BCAM, remote_head_vpb, remote_head_stereo, remote_head_mono
      • head_id [default: -1] — Head ID to be used when connecting to remote head cameras. -1 for VPB or traditional MultiSense cameras
      • launch_robot_state_publisher [default: true] — Set true to launch the state publisher
      • launch_color_laser_publisher [default: false] — Set true to launch the laser colorization publisher for SL cameras
      • nodes_prefix [default: $(arg namespace)] — Prefix used for naming the nodes on launch
      • tf_prefix [default: $(arg namespace)] — Prefix used for transform names


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged multisense_bringup at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.0.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-10-22
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • Carnegie Robotics


No additional authors.
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package multisense_bringup

4.0.5 (2020-08-03)

  • Update for OpenCV 4.2, and updated launch file for ROS Noetic compatibility (#4)
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson

4.0.4 (2020-07-01)

  • update release to reference github instead of bitbucket

4.0.3 (2020-01-07)

  • undo early commit
  • incremented package.xml version numbers for next release
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson <<>>

4.0.2 (2019-04-03)

  • added C++98 compatibility
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson <<>>

3.3.0 (2014-09-30)

  • Updated LibMultiSense to build under C++11. Added URDF for the MultiSense S7/S7S and BCAM. Added support for 16 bit mono images. Added support for the MultiSense ST21 thermal stereo camera. Added organized pointcloud publishing. Changed laser and camera pointcloud color fields to FLOAT32 for PCL compatibility. Changed default color image encoding to BGR8. Added spindle joint publishing via the ROS joint_state_publisher. Updated multisense_cal_check to handle various serial number entires. Added the launch-file sensor parameter to load different URDF’s on startup. Published camera info topics for each image topic (for unrectified topics K, D, and R are populated). Added default laser transform publishing to keep the laser TF tree valid even when there are no subscriptions to laser topics.
  • Changed license from LGPL to BSD in both the ROS Driver and LibMultiSense C++ library. Fixed bug in disparity image publishing. Fixed bug in raw_cam_config publishing. Fixed bug in building using rosbuild under Groovy, Hydro, Indigo, etc. Fixed Jenkins linking issue with libpng. Fixed termination bug in
  • Add wire-protocol support for DirectedStreams on CRL's Monocular IP Camera. Misc. other bugfixes.
  • Add initial support for CRL's Mono IP Camera. Numerous fixes in catkin build infrastructure.
  • Add support for catkin and rosbuild (Builds under Fuerte, Groovy, Hydro, and Indigo). Transitioned laser calibration from KDL and joint_state_publisher to pure ROS TF messages. Add support for multiple Multisene units via namespacing and tf_prefix's. Modified default topic names to reflect the new namespacing parameters (Default base namespace is now /multisense rather than /multisense_sl). Add support for 3.1_beta sensor firmware which includes support for Multisense-S21 units. Please note that the 3.1 ROS driver release is fully backwards compatible with all 2.X firmware versions.
  • Release_3.0_beta: Add support for 3.0_beta sensor firmware (SGM hardware stereo core: disparity at all resolutions, 2:1 rectangular pixel modes, 64/128/256 disparity modes, hardware bi-lateral post-stereo disparity filter support with tuning), add colorized points2 topic, add pointcloud egde and range filtering, add raw left/right disparitiy image topics, add stereo-cost image topic, misc other feature enhancements and bugfixes. Please note that the 3.0_beta release is fully backwards compatiblie with all 2.X firmware versions.
  • Release_2.3: Add support for 2.3 sensor firmware (IMU / CMV4000 support), add 'MultiSenseUpdater' firmware upgrade tool, add smart dynamic_reconfigure presentation, remove multisense_diagnostics/multisense_dashboard, wire protocol to version 3.0 (w/ support for forthcoming SGM core), misc. other bugfixes and feature enhancements.
  • Imported Release 2.0 of MultiSense-SL ROS driver.
  • Contributors: David LaRose <<>>, Eric Kratzer <<>>, Matt Alvarado <<>>

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • remote_head.launch
      • ip_address [default:] — IP address of the multisense being connected to
      • mtu [default: 7200] — The maximum packet size that image data will be broken into when sent from the multisense. Setting to values above network adapter MTU will block image data from camera
      • launch_vpb [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for VPB
      • launch_head0 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 0
      • launch_head1 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 1
      • launch_head2 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 2
      • launch_head3 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 3
      • vpb_namespace [default: multisense_vpb]
      • head0_namespace [default: remote_head_0]
      • head1_namespace [default: remote_head_1]
      • head2_namespace [default: remote_head_2]
      • head3_namespace [default: remote_head_3]
      • vpb_sensor [default: remote_head_vpb] — VPB Sensor type, should always be remote_head_vpb
      • head0_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 0 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head1_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 1 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head2_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 2 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head3_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 3 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • vpb_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg vpb_namespace)]
      • head0_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head0_namespace)]
      • head1_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head1_namespace)]
      • head2_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head2_namespace)]
      • head3_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head3_namespace)]
      • vpb_tf_prefix [default: $(arg vpb_namespace)]
      • head0_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head0_namespace)]
      • head1_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head1_namespace)]
      • head2_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head2_namespace)]
      • head3_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head3_namespace)]
      • launch_robot_state_publisher [default: true]
  • multisense.launch
      • show_rviz [default: false] — Launch an RViz window to visualize the camera data
      • rviz_config [default: $(find multisense_bringup)/rviz_config.rviz] — Configuration file to launch RViz with
      • ip_address [default:] — IP address of the multisense being connected to
      • namespace [default: multisense] — Namespace for all topics for this multisense instance
      • mtu [default: 1500] — The maximum packet size that image data will be broken into when sent from the multisense. Setting to values above network adapter MTU will block image data from camera
      • sensor [default: S30] — The camera type. Used to determine the URDF model that will be loaded. Options: SL, S7, S7S, S21, KS21, KS21i, S21B, S27, S30, BCAM, remote_head_vpb, remote_head_stereo, remote_head_mono
      • head_id [default: -1] — Head ID to be used when connecting to remote head cameras. -1 for VPB or traditional MultiSense cameras
      • launch_robot_state_publisher [default: true] — Set true to launch the state publisher
      • launch_color_laser_publisher [default: false] — Set true to launch the laser colorization publisher for SL cameras
      • nodes_prefix [default: $(arg namespace)] — Prefix used for naming the nodes on launch
      • tf_prefix [default: $(arg namespace)] — Prefix used for transform names


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged multisense_bringup at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 4.0.5
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-10-22
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • Carnegie Robotics


No additional authors.
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package multisense_bringup

4.0.5 (2020-08-03)

  • Update for OpenCV 4.2, and updated launch file for ROS Noetic compatibility (#4)
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson

4.0.4 (2020-07-01)

  • update release to reference github instead of bitbucket

4.0.3 (2020-01-07)

  • undo early commit
  • incremented package.xml version numbers for next release
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson <<>>

4.0.2 (2019-04-03)

  • added C++98 compatibility
  • Contributors: Quentin Torgerson <<>>

3.3.0 (2014-09-30)

  • Updated LibMultiSense to build under C++11. Added URDF for the MultiSense S7/S7S and BCAM. Added support for 16 bit mono images. Added support for the MultiSense ST21 thermal stereo camera. Added organized pointcloud publishing. Changed laser and camera pointcloud color fields to FLOAT32 for PCL compatibility. Changed default color image encoding to BGR8. Added spindle joint publishing via the ROS joint_state_publisher. Updated multisense_cal_check to handle various serial number entires. Added the launch-file sensor parameter to load different URDF’s on startup. Published camera info topics for each image topic (for unrectified topics K, D, and R are populated). Added default laser transform publishing to keep the laser TF tree valid even when there are no subscriptions to laser topics.
  • Changed license from LGPL to BSD in both the ROS Driver and LibMultiSense C++ library. Fixed bug in disparity image publishing. Fixed bug in raw_cam_config publishing. Fixed bug in building using rosbuild under Groovy, Hydro, Indigo, etc. Fixed Jenkins linking issue with libpng. Fixed termination bug in
  • Add wire-protocol support for DirectedStreams on CRL's Monocular IP Camera. Misc. other bugfixes.
  • Add initial support for CRL's Mono IP Camera. Numerous fixes in catkin build infrastructure.
  • Add support for catkin and rosbuild (Builds under Fuerte, Groovy, Hydro, and Indigo). Transitioned laser calibration from KDL and joint_state_publisher to pure ROS TF messages. Add support for multiple Multisene units via namespacing and tf_prefix's. Modified default topic names to reflect the new namespacing parameters (Default base namespace is now /multisense rather than /multisense_sl). Add support for 3.1_beta sensor firmware which includes support for Multisense-S21 units. Please note that the 3.1 ROS driver release is fully backwards compatible with all 2.X firmware versions.
  • Release_3.0_beta: Add support for 3.0_beta sensor firmware (SGM hardware stereo core: disparity at all resolutions, 2:1 rectangular pixel modes, 64/128/256 disparity modes, hardware bi-lateral post-stereo disparity filter support with tuning), add colorized points2 topic, add pointcloud egde and range filtering, add raw left/right disparitiy image topics, add stereo-cost image topic, misc other feature enhancements and bugfixes. Please note that the 3.0_beta release is fully backwards compatiblie with all 2.X firmware versions.
  • Release_2.3: Add support for 2.3 sensor firmware (IMU / CMV4000 support), add 'MultiSenseUpdater' firmware upgrade tool, add smart dynamic_reconfigure presentation, remove multisense_diagnostics/multisense_dashboard, wire protocol to version 3.0 (w/ support for forthcoming SGM core), misc. other bugfixes and feature enhancements.
  • Imported Release 2.0 of MultiSense-SL ROS driver.
  • Contributors: David LaRose <<>>, Eric Kratzer <<>>, Matt Alvarado <<>>

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • remote_head.launch
      • ip_address [default:] — IP address of the multisense being connected to
      • mtu [default: 7200] — The maximum packet size that image data will be broken into when sent from the multisense. Setting to values above network adapter MTU will block image data from camera
      • launch_vpb [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for VPB
      • launch_head0 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 0
      • launch_head1 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 1
      • launch_head2 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 2
      • launch_head3 [default: true] — Set to false to prevent launching a multisense driver instance for remote head channel 3
      • vpb_namespace [default: multisense_vpb]
      • head0_namespace [default: remote_head_0]
      • head1_namespace [default: remote_head_1]
      • head2_namespace [default: remote_head_2]
      • head3_namespace [default: remote_head_3]
      • vpb_sensor [default: remote_head_vpb] — VPB Sensor type, should always be remote_head_vpb
      • head0_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 0 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head1_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 1 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head2_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 2 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • head3_sensor [default: remote_head_stereo] — Remote head 3 sensor type. Options: remote_head_stereo, remote_head_monocam
      • vpb_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg vpb_namespace)]
      • head0_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head0_namespace)]
      • head1_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head1_namespace)]
      • head2_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head2_namespace)]
      • head3_nodes_prefix [default: $(arg head3_namespace)]
      • vpb_tf_prefix [default: $(arg vpb_namespace)]
      • head0_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head0_namespace)]
      • head1_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head1_namespace)]
      • head2_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head2_namespace)]
      • head3_tf_prefix [default: $(arg head3_namespace)]
      • launch_robot_state_publisher [default: true]
  • multisense.launch
      • show_rviz [default: false] — Launch an RViz window to visualize the camera data
      • rviz_config [default: $(find multisense_bringup)/rviz_config.rviz] — Configuration file to launch RViz with
      • ip_address [default:] — IP address of the multisense being connected to
      • namespace [default: multisense] — Namespace for all topics for this multisense instance
      • mtu [default: 1500] — The maximum packet size that image data will be broken into when sent from the multisense. Setting to values above network adapter MTU will block image data from camera
      • sensor [default: S30] — The camera type. Used to determine the URDF model that will be loaded. Options: SL, S7, S7S, S21, KS21, KS21i, S21B, S27, S30, BCAM, remote_head_vpb, remote_head_stereo, remote_head_mono
      • head_id [default: -1] — Head ID to be used when connecting to remote head cameras. -1 for VPB or traditional MultiSense cameras
      • launch_robot_state_publisher [default: true] — Set true to launch the state publisher
      • launch_color_laser_publisher [default: false] — Set true to launch the laser colorization publisher for SL cameras
      • nodes_prefix [default: $(arg namespace)] — Prefix used for naming the nodes on launch
      • tf_prefix [default: $(arg namespace)] — Prefix used for transform names


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged multisense_bringup at Robotics Stack Exchange