Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.12
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2022-04-25
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • Yohei Kakiuchi
  • Kei Okada
  • Masaki Murooka


  • Yohei Kakiuchi
  • Kei Okada
  • Masaki Murooka
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package hrpsys_gazebo_general

0.1.12 (2017-01-11)

  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general][iob/CMakeLists.txt] fix: remove build type specification from install
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Pass CONF_FILE option to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Iori Kumagai

0.1.11 (2016-08-30)

  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/CMakeLists.txt, hrpsys_gazebo_general/cmake/compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake] install whole robot_models directory.
  • Modified package.xml to fix dependency
  • Merge pull request #224 from mmurooka/add-LIP-plugin [hrpsys_gazebo_general, hrpsys_gazebo_msgs] Add plugin for Linear Inverted Pendulum
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/LIPPlugin.cpp] add LIPPlugin, which controls Linear Inverted Pendulum.
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/package.xml] set gazebo_model_path in package.xml
  • Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Yanokura

0.1.10 (2016-03-24)

  • [CMakeLists.txt] hotfix for compiling iob,
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Supress message from SetVelPlugin.cpp
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add message when timeout loose synchronization
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF and USE_FOOTCOORDS argument to select how to compute odometry
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Use $PROJECT_DIR to specify path to model file
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/SetVelPlugin.cpp] set pose in gazebo loop by SetVelPlugin
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch] add kinematics mode option to launch file of sample robot in rtmros_gazebo
  • [CMakeLists.txt, Makefile] Remove rosbuild related files
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/scripts/] do not disable gravity in kinematics mode
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add publish stepping
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add averaging joint effort
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/cmake/compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake] add auto generation for default robot config file for gazebo
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] add loose_synchronize mode to IOBPlugin
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] fix for setting gain on velocity feedback mode
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] average filtering force sensor
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Add BASE_LINK argument
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch,hrpsys_gazebo_general/scripts/] add launch file option and script for gazebo kinematics mode
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/gazebo_kinect.launch, hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/gazebo_sensor.launch, hrpsys_gazebo_general/worlds/] use slow update world file for sensor simulation
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch] add hrpsys_py argument
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Add kinect sensor
    • add PubTfPlugin
    • fix indent of SetVelPlugin
    • add kinect launch file
  • Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Shintaro Noda

0.1.9 (2015-06-11)

  • Replace shared_dynamic_cast to dynamic_pointer_cast because shared_dynamic_cast is deprecated from boost 1.53
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Use find_package macro to look up collada_jsk_patch package
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Fix typo
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Fix path for catkin build
  • add use_joint_effort for using effort on velocity feedback mode
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Iori Kumagai

0.1.8 (2015-01-09)

0.1.7 (2015-01-09)

  • add pthread for link only for raling 64bit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.1.6 (2015-01-08)

  • update CHANGELOG.rst
  • add dl to target_link_libraries
  • add SPAWN_MODEL and fix for PAUSE
  • change model name when spawning robot model
  • update
  • fix using SPAWN_MODEL argument
  • udpate PubQueue.h for matching gazebo_ros_pkgs
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, YoheiKakiuchi

0.1.4 (2014-10-23)

  • install compile-robot-model-for-gazebo.cmake
  • deletece unnecessary file. added xacro file

0.1.3 (2014-10-12)

  • set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to install, also support RelWithDebInfo for deb release
  • install files
  • add compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake and generate model and launch file for samplerobot simulation.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka

0.1.2 (2014-10-06)

  • add gazebo_ros, gazebo_msgs, and gazebo_plugins to dependency of hrpsys_gazebo_general, eusgaebo.
  • Merge pull request #111 from k-okada/hrpEC_with_hrpIo_gazebo compile hrpEC liked with hrpIo_gazebo
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Masaki Murooka

0.1.1 (2014-09-26)

  • Initial release of hrpsys_gazebo_general
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Masaki Murooka, Shinichiro Noda

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

Launch files

  • launch/gazebo_samplerobot_no_controllers_indigo.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • HRPSYS_GAZEBO_CONFIG [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/SampleRobot_indigo.yaml]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.urdf.xacro]
  • launch/gazebo_kinect.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
  • launch/gazebo_robot_no_controllers.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: SampleRobot]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • HRPSYS_GAZEBO_CONFIG [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).yaml]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).urdf.xacro]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • USE_INSTANCE_NAME [default: false]
      • ROBOT_INSTANCE_NAME [default: $(arg ROBOT_TYPE)]
      • LOOPBACK [default: false]
      • SPAWN_MODEL [default: true]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_X [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Y [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Z [default: 0.73]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_R [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_P [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_Y [default: 0.0]
      • USE_CALIBRATED_URDF [default: false]
      • CALIB_FILE_COMMAND [default: ]
      • use_robot_state_publisher [default: true]
  • launch/gazebo_sensor.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: Kinect]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).urdf.xacro]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • ROBOT_INSTANCE_NAME [default: $(arg ROBOT_TYPE)]
      • SPAWN_MODEL [default: true]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_X [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Y [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Z [default: 0.73]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_R [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_P [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_Y [default: 0.0]
  • launch/samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch
      • KINEMATICS_MODE [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
  • launch/gazebo_samplerobot_no_controllers.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • HRPSYS_GAZEBO_CONFIG [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/SampleRobot.yaml]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.urdf.xacro]
  • launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • BASE_LINK [default: BODY]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: SampleRobot]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • CONFIG_NAME [default: hrpsys_gazebo_configuration]
      • LOOPBACK [default: false]
      • LAUNCH_DASHBOARD [default: false]
      • ROBOT_INSTANCE_NAME [default: $(arg ROBOT_TYPE)]
      • USE_INSTANCE_NAME [default: false]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: hrpsys_tools]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default:]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: ]
      • CONF_DIR [default: $(find hrpsys_ros_bridge)/models]
      • CONF_FILE [default: $(arg CONF_DIR)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).conf]
      • KINEMATICS_MODE [default: false]
      • USE_COMMON [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: true]
      • USE_WALKING [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF [default: true]
      • USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: true]
      • USE_IMPEDANCECONTROLLER [default: true]
      • USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: true]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: false]
      • USE_FOOTCOORDS [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • IOB_SUBSTEPS [default: 5]
      • HRPSYS_RATE [default: 200]
      • hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/lib,$(find hrpsys)/lib]
      • RobotHardware_conf [default: $(arg CONF_DIR)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).RobotHardware.conf]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: $(arg HRPSYS_PY_PKG)]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default: $(arg HRPSYS_PY_NAME)]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: $(arg HRPSYS_PY_ARGS)]
      • CONF_FILE [default: $(arg CONF_FILE)]
      • USE_COMMON [default: $(arg USE_COMMON)]
      • USE_WALKING [default: $(arg USE_WALKING)]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: $(arg USE_IMAGESENSOR)]
  • launch/samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup_indigo.launch
      • KINEMATICS_MODE [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • CONF_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/SampleRobot_indigo.conf]


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged hrpsys_gazebo_general at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.12
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2022-04-25
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description


Additional Links


  • Yohei Kakiuchi
  • Kei Okada
  • Masaki Murooka


  • Yohei Kakiuchi
  • Kei Okada
  • Masaki Murooka
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package hrpsys_gazebo_general

0.1.12 (2017-01-11)

  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general][iob/CMakeLists.txt] fix: remove build type specification from install
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Pass CONF_FILE option to hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
  • Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Iori Kumagai

0.1.11 (2016-08-30)

  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/CMakeLists.txt, hrpsys_gazebo_general/cmake/compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake] install whole robot_models directory.
  • Modified package.xml to fix dependency
  • Merge pull request #224 from mmurooka/add-LIP-plugin [hrpsys_gazebo_general, hrpsys_gazebo_msgs] Add plugin for Linear Inverted Pendulum
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/LIPPlugin.cpp] add LIPPlugin, which controls Linear Inverted Pendulum.
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/package.xml] set gazebo_model_path in package.xml
  • Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Yanokura

0.1.10 (2016-03-24)

  • [CMakeLists.txt] hotfix for compiling iob,
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Supress message from SetVelPlugin.cpp
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add message when timeout loose synchronization
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] add USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF and USE_FOOTCOORDS argument to select how to compute odometry
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Use $PROJECT_DIR to specify path to model file
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/SetVelPlugin.cpp] set pose in gazebo loop by SetVelPlugin
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch] add kinematics mode option to launch file of sample robot in rtmros_gazebo
  • [CMakeLists.txt, Makefile] Remove rosbuild related files
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/scripts/] do not disable gravity in kinematics mode
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add publish stepping
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/src/IOBPlugin.cpp] add averaging joint effort
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/cmake/compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake] add auto generation for default robot config file for gazebo
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] add loose_synchronize mode to IOBPlugin
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] fix for setting gain on velocity feedback mode
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/iob/iob.cpp] average filtering force sensor
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Add BASE_LINK argument
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch,hrpsys_gazebo_general/scripts/] add launch file option and script for gazebo kinematics mode
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/gazebo_kinect.launch, hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/gazebo_sensor.launch, hrpsys_gazebo_general/worlds/] use slow update world file for sensor simulation
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general/launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch] add hrpsys_py argument
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Add kinect sensor
    • add PubTfPlugin
    • fix indent of SetVelPlugin
    • add kinect launch file
  • Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yohei Kakiuchi, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Shintaro Noda

0.1.9 (2015-06-11)

  • Replace shared_dynamic_cast to dynamic_pointer_cast because shared_dynamic_cast is deprecated from boost 1.53
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Use find_package macro to look up collada_jsk_patch package
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Fix typo
  • [hrpsys_gazebo_general] Fix path for catkin build
  • add use_joint_effort for using effort on velocity feedback mode
  • Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Iori Kumagai

0.1.8 (2015-01-09)

0.1.7 (2015-01-09)

  • add pthread for link only for raling 64bit
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

0.1.6 (2015-01-08)

  • update CHANGELOG.rst
  • add dl to target_link_libraries
  • add SPAWN_MODEL and fix for PAUSE
  • change model name when spawning robot model
  • update
  • fix using SPAWN_MODEL argument
  • udpate PubQueue.h for matching gazebo_ros_pkgs
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, YoheiKakiuchi

0.1.4 (2014-10-23)

  • install compile-robot-model-for-gazebo.cmake
  • deletece unnecessary file. added xacro file

0.1.3 (2014-10-12)

  • set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to install, also support RelWithDebInfo for deb release
  • install files
  • add compile_robot_model_for_gazebo.cmake and generate model and launch file for samplerobot simulation.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka

0.1.2 (2014-10-06)

  • add gazebo_ros, gazebo_msgs, and gazebo_plugins to dependency of hrpsys_gazebo_general, eusgaebo.
  • Merge pull request #111 from k-okada/hrpEC_with_hrpIo_gazebo compile hrpEC liked with hrpIo_gazebo
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Masaki Murooka

0.1.1 (2014-09-26)

  • Initial release of hrpsys_gazebo_general
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Ryohei Ueda, YoheiKakiuchi, Masaki Murooka, Shinichiro Noda

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

Launch files

  • launch/gazebo_samplerobot_no_controllers_indigo.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • HRPSYS_GAZEBO_CONFIG [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/SampleRobot_indigo.yaml]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.urdf.xacro]
  • launch/gazebo_kinect.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
  • launch/gazebo_robot_no_controllers.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: SampleRobot]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • HRPSYS_GAZEBO_CONFIG [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).yaml]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).urdf.xacro]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • USE_INSTANCE_NAME [default: false]
      • ROBOT_INSTANCE_NAME [default: $(arg ROBOT_TYPE)]
      • LOOPBACK [default: false]
      • SPAWN_MODEL [default: true]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_X [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Y [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Z [default: 0.73]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_R [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_P [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_Y [default: 0.0]
      • USE_CALIBRATED_URDF [default: false]
      • CALIB_FILE_COMMAND [default: ]
      • use_robot_state_publisher [default: true]
  • launch/gazebo_sensor.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: Kinect]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).urdf.xacro]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • ROBOT_INSTANCE_NAME [default: $(arg ROBOT_TYPE)]
      • SPAWN_MODEL [default: true]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_X [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Y [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_TRANSLATE_Z [default: 0.73]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_R [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_P [default: 0.0]
      • MODEL_ROTATE_Y [default: 0.0]
  • launch/samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup.launch
      • KINEMATICS_MODE [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • USE_UNSTABLE_RTC [default: true]
  • launch/gazebo_samplerobot_no_controllers.launch
      • gzname [default: gazebo]
      • WORLD [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/worlds/]
      • PAUSED [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • HRPSYS_GAZEBO_CONFIG [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/SampleRobot.yaml]
      • ROBOT_MODEL [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/robot_models/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.urdf.xacro]
  • launch/robot_hrpsys_bringup.launch
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • BASE_LINK [default: BODY]
      • ROBOT_TYPE [default: SampleRobot]
      • SIMULATOR_NAME [default: RobotHardware0]
      • CONFIG_NAME [default: hrpsys_gazebo_configuration]
      • LOOPBACK [default: false]
      • LAUNCH_DASHBOARD [default: false]
      • ROBOT_INSTANCE_NAME [default: $(arg ROBOT_TYPE)]
      • USE_INSTANCE_NAME [default: false]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: hrpsys_tools]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default:]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: ]
      • CONF_DIR [default: $(find hrpsys_ros_bridge)/models]
      • CONF_FILE [default: $(arg CONF_DIR)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).conf]
      • KINEMATICS_MODE [default: false]
      • USE_COMMON [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOTHARDWARE [default: true]
      • USE_WALKING [default: true]
      • USE_ROBOT_POSE_EKF [default: true]
      • USE_COLLISIONCHECK [default: true]
      • USE_IMPEDANCECONTROLLER [default: true]
      • USE_SOFTERRORLIMIT [default: true]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: false]
      • USE_FOOTCOORDS [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • IOB_SUBSTEPS [default: 5]
      • HRPSYS_RATE [default: 200]
      • hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/lib,$(find hrpsys)/lib]
      • RobotHardware_conf [default: $(arg CONF_DIR)/$(arg ROBOT_TYPE).RobotHardware.conf]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: $(arg HRPSYS_PY_PKG)]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default: $(arg HRPSYS_PY_NAME)]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: $(arg HRPSYS_PY_ARGS)]
      • CONF_FILE [default: $(arg CONF_FILE)]
      • USE_COMMON [default: $(arg USE_COMMON)]
      • USE_WALKING [default: $(arg USE_WALKING)]
      • USE_IMAGESENSOR [default: $(arg USE_IMAGESENSOR)]
  • launch/samplerobot_hrpsys_bringup_indigo.launch
      • KINEMATICS_MODE [default: false]
      • SYNCHRONIZED [default: false]
      • CONF_FILE [default: $(find hrpsys_gazebo_general)/config/SampleRobot_indigo.conf]


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged hrpsys_gazebo_general at Robotics Stack Exchange