Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.2.0
License BSD Clause 3
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble
Last Updated 2024-07-23
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
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Package Description

The andino_firmware package

Additional Links

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  • Franco Cipollone
  • Javier Balloffet


No additional authors.


Firmware code to be run in the arduino microcontroller for proper control of the motors of the robot.


Check encoder_driver.h and motor_driver.h files to check the expected pins for the connection.



In Arduino IDE, go to tools->Manage Libraries ... and install: - "Adafruit BNO055"

Verify and Upload andino_firmware.ino to your arduino board.


  1. Install dependencies sudo apt-get install python3.10-venv
  2. Install platformio
curl -fsSL -o /tmp/
python3 /tmp/

  1. Add platformio to your $PATH:
echo "PATH=\"\$PATH:\$HOME/.platformio/penv/bin\"" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

  1. Build and upload the firmware
    • If you're using an arduino uno pio run --target upload -e uno
    • If you're using an arduino nano pio run --target upload -e nanoatmega328


Via serial connection (57600 baud) it is possible to interact with the microcontroller. The interface is described in the commands.h file. Here are the most used commands:

  • Get encoder values: 'e'
  • Set open-loop speed for the motors[pwm] 'o <left> <right>'
    • Example to move forward full speed: 'o 255 255'
    • Range [-255 -> 255]
  • Set closed-loop speed for the motors[ticks/sec] 'm <left> <right>'
    • Important!: See the Test it! section.
  • Set PID values: 'u <kp> <kd> <ki> <offset>'

Note: Remember the carriage return character at the end of the message.

Test it!

A serial port connection must be created at 57600 bauds. You can use the serial monitor from Arduino IDE for example.

  • Open loop verification:

    • Send o 255 255 to go full speed
    • Send o 0 0 to stop it.
  • Read the encoders

    • Send e to get the encoders values.
  • Get the ticks per revolution of your motor.

    • First set the encoders to zero, (reeboting with r).
    • Then rotate your motors as many revs you want,(say 10 for example) and then divide the encoder ticks per the number of revs. -> Then you get the ticks per revolution. Save this value, it is calibration for the control loop.
  • Closed loop verification

    • Send m <tps> <tps> where tps stands for ticks per second. For example if your motor-encoder system gets 700 ticks per revolution then sending m 700 700 will rotate both motors at 1 rev per sec. (~3.14rad/sec)

Changelog for package andino_firmware

0.2.0 (2024-07-19)

  • Camera info yaml (#231)
  • Improve Shell unit tests (#245)
  • fix minor typo in App class (#246)
  • Changes to add IMU to andino firmware (#215)
  • Add Shell class tests (#242)
  • Modify Shell class API to allow dependency injection (#221)
  • Add basic Platform IO instructions (#229)
  • Add serial stream interface and the Arduino implementation (#220)
  • Rename PID class (#218)
  • Rename init method from Shell class (#219)
  • Add PID class tests (#217)
  • Only send motor commands if pid is enabled (#222)
  • Add Encoder unit tests (#214)
  • Add Motor unit tests (#211)
  • Modify Encoder class API to allow dependency injection (#213)
  • Modify Motor class API to allow dependency injection (#210)
  • Add digital in interface (#212)
  • Add PWM output interface and the Arduino implementation (#209)
  • Add digital output interface and the Arduino implementation (#208)
  • Fix Arduino header file inclusion (#207)
  • Add basic setup for unit testing (#205)
  • Improve app loop (#197)
  • Improve command prompt parsing (#194)
  • Add Shell class (#193)
  • Supports Arduino Nano by providing a new Arduino configuration. (#195)
  • Fixes some compilation warnings. (#196)
  • Add command methods (#187)
  • Enable all compiler warnings (#186)
  • Add Hw struct (#177)
  • Add Constants struct (#176)
  • Add App class (#175)
  • Add main function (#173)
  • Fixes link to commands. (#178)
  • Add Encoder class (#172)
  • Contributors: Agustin Alba Chicar, Franco Cipollone, Gary Servin, Gonzo, Javier Balloffet, Jes

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 ament_cmake

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


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