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ubiquity_motor package from ubiquity_motor repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.14.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2023-11-16
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Rohan Agrawal


No additional authors.


Build Status


This is a Package that provides a ROS interface for the motors in UbiquityRobotics robots. It communicates with the motor controller via a serial port.


This package may be installed from binaries for both x86 and ARM architectures.

The package may be installed with:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ubiquity-motor

Configuration launch files for the Magni robot are in the package magni_robot.


Subscribed topics

cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist The command input.

system_control std_msgs/String A channel to command the motor node to change mode of operation. A text string with a commnad followed by parameter such as enable or disable are used.

motor_control disable      Stops the MCB control over serial (used for firmware load)
motor_control enable       Re-attaches the MCB control over serial for normal operation

speed_control disable      Stops the robot so no speed control is used for collision avoiance
speed_control enable       Re-enables the motor node to respond to cmd_vel speed messages

Published topics

odom nav_msgs/Odometry Odometry computed from motor controller messages.

/tf tf/tfMessage The transform from odom to base_link

firmware_version std_msgs/String Version of motor control board (MCB) firmware formatted as “vXX YYYYMMDD” or just “vXX” if there’s no daycode found.

battery_state sensor_msgs/BatteryState Charge state of the robot’s batteries.

publish_cmd geometry_msgs/TwistStamped The value of cmd_vel after limits were applied. Available if the publish_cmd paramater is set.

motor_power_active std_msgs/Bool The state of motor power being active is published. This follows the ESTOP switch within about a half second.

motor_state ubiquity_motor::MotorState The combined motor state for both wheels with positions, rotate rates, currents, pwm drive values

left_error std_msgs/Int32 The error in expected left wheel position relative to current left wheel position is published for diagnostics purposes.

right_error std_msgs/Int32 The error in expected right wheel position relative to current right wheel position is published for diagnostics purposes.

left_current std_msgs/Int32 The motor current in amps that the left motor is running at at this time

right_current std_msgs/Int32 The motor current in amps that the right motor is running at at this time

left_tick_interval std_msgs/Int32 A value that is proportional to the time between left wheel encoder ticks for usage in diagnostics. This unsigned value is only published when velocity is non zero.

right_tick_interval std_msgs/Int32 A value that is proportional to the time between right wheel encoder ticks for usage in diagnostics. This unsigned value is only published when velocity is non zero.


Comms paramaters

serial_port (string, default: “/dev/ttyS0”) Name of device with which to communicate with motor controller hardware.

baud_rate (int, default: 9600) Baud rate for serial communication with motor controller hardware.

Firmware parameters

pid_proportional (int, default: 5000) The P paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_integral (int, default: 10) The I paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_derivative (int, default: 1) The D paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_denominator (int, default: 1000) Divisor for the above PID paramaters.

pid_moving_buffer_size (int, default: 10) Size of a moving buffer used in the control loop.

pid_control (int, default: 0) This word enables non-standard modes for motor control in the firmware. Consult factory for guidance in usage of this parameter.

drive_type (string, default: “standard”) This modifies turning and some other motor control parameters if not set to ‘standard’. This parameter is set to ‘4wd’ on some custom systems but those require dual MCB controllers and are far more complex systems so do not change this unless instructed to do so by the factory. This setting is only of value for MCB firmware of version v41 or later.

wheel_type (string, default: “standard”) This is used to change the type of wheel and encoder combination in use. The origional Magni up into 2021 was only one wheel type which we call ‘standard’ here. This wheel had a chrome hubcap. In 2021 we started some custom development for a wheel that would set this parameter to ‘thin’ as the wheel was thinner but also had different drive characteristics. This setting is only of value for MCB firmware of version v41 or later.

wheel_gear_ratio (float, default: 4.294) We are looking into different ratios for the gearing internal to the wheel hub. This ratio impacts the wheel control logic as it is in effect a ratio between the wheel encoders and the wheel itself on the ground. The only other value of use as of late 2021 here is ‘5.17’ which is not released at this time.

fw_max_pwm (int, default: 350) This is a safety cap on the max value we will drive our low level motor control hardware. Do not change this unless instructed to do so by the factory. Prior to late 2021 this was defaulted to 250 internally in the firmware.

deadman_timer (int, default: 2400000) If a message is not received after this interval (in MCU clock ticks), the motor controller should assume an error condition and stop.

battery_voltage_multiplier (float, default: 0.5185) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

battery_voltage_offset (float, default: 0.40948) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

Node parameters

controller_loop_rate (double, default: 20.0) Rate (in Hz) at which to send commands to the motor controller hardware.

diff_drive_controller paramaters

left_wheel (string | string[…]) Left wheel joint name or list of joint names.

right_wheel (string | string[…]) Right wheel joint name or list of joint names.

pose_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry pose publishing.

twist_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry twist publishing.

publish_rate (double, default: 50.0) Frequency (in Hz) at which the odometry is published. Used for both tf and odom.

wheel_separation_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel separation parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

wheel_radius_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel radius parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

cmd_vel_timeout (double, default: 0.5) Allowed period (in seconds) allowed between two successive velocity commands. After this delay, a zero speed command will be sent to the wheels.

base_frame_id (string, default: base_link) Base frame_id, which is used to fill in the child_frame_id of the Odometry messages and TF.

linear/x/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear speed.

linear/x/max_velocity (double) Maximum linear velocity (in m/s).

linear/x/min_velocity (double) Minimum linear velocity (in m/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable backwards motion. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

linear/x/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear acceleration.

linear/x/max_acceleration (double) Maximum linear acceleration (in m/s^2).

linear/x/min_acceleration (double) Minimum linear acceleration (in m/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

linear/x/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear jerk.

linear/x/max_jerk (double) Maximum linear jerk (in m/s^3).

angular/z/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular velocity.

angular/z/max_velocity (double) Maximum angular velocity (in rad/s).

angular/z/min_velocity (double) Minimum angular velocity (in rad/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable counter-clockwise rotation. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

angular/z/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular acceleration.

angular/z/max_acceleration (double) Maximum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2).

angular/z/min_acceleration (double) Minimum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

angular/z/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular jerk.

angular/z/max_jerk (double) Maximum angular jerk (in m/s^3).

enable_odom_tf (bool, default: true) Whether to publish to TF directly.

wheel_separation (double) The distance of the left and right wheel(s). The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

wheel_radius (double) Radius of the wheels. It is expected they all have the same size. The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

odom_frame_id (string, default: “/odom”) Name of frame in which to publish odometry.

publish_cmd (bool, default: false) Publish the velocity command to be executed. It is to monitor the effect of limiters on the controller input.

allow_multiple_cmd_vel_publishers (bool, default: false) When enabled the controller will brake if there is more than one publishers on its input topic, ~/cmd_vel.


Changelog for package ubiquity_motor

0.14.1 (2022-03-19)

  • bugfix: reverted input back to py2 to fix #169
  • Contributors: Janez Cimerman

0.14.0 (2022-03-09)

  • made upgrade_firmware be run with py2 because #149
  • Rename v43 to no longer be beta2wd in the name
  • Update4wd and gear ratio for noetic (#160)
  • Updated readme to include new parameters and topics.
  • Adding clarity in comments only to our interface to controller_manager and thus DiffDriveController
  • Fix issue of i2c routine and a left over git merge marker failed make
  • Update motor_hardware_test for changes to readInputs and MotorHardware interfaces.
  • Major merge of 4WD features to Magni 2wd. This is include and message files
  • Major merge of 4WD features to Magni 2wd. This is initial motor_hardware source changes.
  • Major merge of 4WD features to Magni 2wd. This is initial motor_node source changes.
  • Adding v43_20210829_beta2wd_enc.cyacd for testing
  • Contributors: Janez Cimerman, Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.13.2 (2021-07-27)

  • Added ros noetic github action
  • Install the shared lib for our custom serial
  • Check for mininum hardware version before reading option switch
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.13.1 (2021-07-22)

  • Migration to Python3.8
  • migrated
  • migrated
  • migrated
  • migrated
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, Teo Podobnik

0.13.0 (2021-07-20)

  • Depend on python3 version of requests
  • Hack to vendor serial because it is still unreleased on noetic
  • Merge commit '32b9fad54bb1e54b9fa61f6b5c51f5ec4bf6d547' as 'serial'
  • Updated unit tests with new changes so that they pass
  • Adding beta for v41 firmware
  • Add tic interval topics and fix bat volt readings and enhance test_velocity tool (#126)
  • Cleanup of the README for better formating and clarity for tick intervals
  • Removed a diagnostic cap on interval of 2000 that was for testing
  • Adding system_control command of speed_control disable and enable. Moving the state for both speed control AND earlier added motor control to disable mcb control by motor node both into NodeParams class. Also move the defines for topic name and both commands into motor_parameters.h which is better place since now mcbSpeedControl and mcbMotorControl are now members of NodeParams which is also defined in motor_parameters.h (#122)
  • Add query of pid parameters. Fix issue with the S command where we had to use a second carrage return to enter value before. Some help menu cleanup
  • Updating to include v40 for latest Magni release candidate
  • Fix init of wheel_type for case of no yaml entry for wheel type so we will use default of standard in that case (#117)
  • Merge pull request #115 from UbiquityRobotics/addSystemControlForMcbDisable Add system control for mcb disable
  • First working disable of MCB serial to allow firmware upgrade then re-enable motor node. This has been tested and we can disable - upgrade - re-enable.
  • Now able to have motor_node receive on system_power topic a motor_control disable and it allows firmware upgrade. Next the more tricky part is to re-open and re-init MCB. The final piece is to reopen serial port as the code to re-init mcb is in this branch already
  • More incremental changes to better show battery too low
  • Working version to allow disable and re-enable of MCB on the new /system_control topic.
  • src/
  • Improved the comments for clearer usage info
  • Adding arduino nano program for simple MCB diagnostics to be used without any Raspberry Pi connected.
  • Adding firmware folder. No impact to any code and is for ability to have revisions available to users to try different versions as required.
  • Adding firmware rev v39 and v37 for firmware descriptions
  • Adding board revision hardware changes done for rev 5.3 MCB
  • Merge pull request #109 from UbiquityRobotics/i2c-lock Open i2c device for read-only.
  • Open device for read-only.
  • Reset and reinitialize MCB if we see it has itself been reset (#103) Have re-tested today since it has been a while since review start. Hit MCB reset switch and we re-init from host params. It has been intentially set to an infrequent check because it is likely a very rare event and I wanted to keep I2C traffic to a minimum.
  • Merge pull request #104 from UbiquityRobotics/i2c-lock Removing the write() call to PCF8574 in a I2C communication
  • Only read() call.
  • Arbitrary slave register.
  • Compiled version
  • Re-added goto.
  • Some changes
  • WriteRead in one go.
  • Adding wheel joint state velocity to fix ubiquity_motor issue #59 (#101)
  • Fix wheel direction issues (#100)
  • Fix15sec deadman hickup (#99)
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston, MoffKalast, Rohan Agrawal, Teodor,

0.12.0 (2020-07-13)

  • Fixes ODOM bug and modifies way we set wheel type to safer system. (#87)
  • Sync up registers with v37 firmware. This adds many thing like system_events pid control selftest and thin wheel and low voltage level.
  • A workaround for issue 83. Insert a 2 second delay prior to serial port setup. Tests so far show this seems to avoid the issue where some OS components sets the serial port to 115200. The odd thing about the defect is stty still shows it as 38.4k but it is in fact 115.2k baud
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston

0.11.0 (2020-06-12)

  • Fixed unit test error
  • Sync up registers with v37 firmware. This adds many thing like system_events pid control selftest and thin wheel and low voltage level. Our main need here is thin wheels. Also add system_info script to be used for simplier field state info gathering on a magni
  • Continued mod to add more recent firmware changes into host side. Have added max_pwm to dynamic config. Made some changes to info tool
  • Fix a repetitive logs for firmware date and version. Main new code is for support of v37 firmware registers and features. Not function complete yet for all changes
  • Putting into action mcb reset detection from system_event register and reading of mcb option switch so it can be sent back down to the MCB since mcb cannot read the onboard option register itself.
  • First commit of function complete code for support of wheel type in base.yaml, notification of MCB reset conditions, reading I2C option switch and pushing it to MCB register as the main new additions
  • Adding updates to firmware and hardware rev description
  • Better error messages for common errors
  • Adding v35 information for firmware revisions
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.10.0 (2019-11-10)

  • Support for higher resolution odometry (firmware v35+ required)
  • Tool to verify odometry consistency
  • Support for target velocity term in the PID (firmware v35+ required)
  • Firmware update script now supports local firmware files
  • Firmware update script can use different serial port
  • Support for reading motor controller version from I2C
  • Safer E-STOP behavior (MCB 5.0+)
  • Publishing the state of the estop switch
  • Improved documentation
  • Improvements to the testing scripts
  • Contributors: Alexander Sergeenko, David Crawley, Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.9.0 (2019-04-03)

  • Allow selecting what firmware version to download
  • Adding max motor forward and reverse speeds and max pwm settings all the way from ROS parameters to being pushed to the controller board.
  • Analyze information to create diagnostics statuses
  • Major update to that accepts greatly improved parameter read and set as well as ability to specify com port device to be used
  • Adds support for set of hw rev and for pre rev 5.0 estop threshold
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.0 (2019-01-01)

  • Added firmware loading tool
  • Added misc testing scripts
  • Don't die when communication not working, only print error
  • Use std mutex/atomic instead of boost
  • Reduce print level on integral/pid limits
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.1 (2018-06-16)

  • new pid params
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.0 (2018-04-15)

  • Add script to probe the robot for information
  • Add Serial Protocol Documentation Fixes #33
  • Add ROS API documentation (#32)
    • Add API documentation
    • Remove unused serial_loop_rate variable
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.1 (2017-11-12)

  • Reset controller when time jumps (#31) Reset the controller and zero commanded velocity an unexpected time change occurs (such as by NTP). This prevents unexpected robot motion.
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.0 (2017-09-15)

  • Publish battery voltage messages (#29) Added battery status message calibrated on 4.4 board serial no 450
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal, David Crawley

0.5.2 (2017-05-06)

  • Remove debug topics (#25)
    • Remove debug topics
    • Remove tests of debug registers
  • Merge pull request #22 from UbiquityRobotics/suppresserrorsatstartup Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Increase error_threshold
  • Merge pull request #23 from UbiquityRobotics/fix_acceleration_limits Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Clean out serial loop (#20)
    • Transmit the the same thread caller, not in serial thread
    • go back to debug on tranmissions
    • Use smarter waits and reads in reading thread
    • Get rid of serial loop rate
    • Reformat
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.5.1 (2017-03-04)

  • Reduce flakey-ness of the tests
  • Try to get firmware version, throw after 10 tries
  • Code cleanup
  • Use fixed sized arrays (not vectors) where they make sense
  • Use a seperate shared_queue class
  • Performance improvements
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.5.0 (2016-09-04)

  • NOTE: This version drops support for firmware versions before 24
  • Use new 8-byte serial protocol
  • Add support for using dynamic_reconfigure to change PID parameters
  • Add support for setting the deadman timer via a parameter
  • Add support for debug registers, do enable better firmware diagnostics
  • Add support for limit reached warnings from firmware
  • Improved testing, more coverage and cleaner tests
  • Have motor_node explicitly return an exit code
  • Reduce memory allocations caused by resizing vectors
  • Use size_t instead of int for iterating
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, Jim Vaughan

0.4.1 (2016-04-09)

  • add support for firmware version 19
  • add support for 0xDD (checksum) error response
  • Make variable name for rejected bytes 'rejected'
  • Reduce memcopy-ing
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.4.0 (2016-03-08)

  • Cleanup deps, have motor_node be linked to shared lib
  • Update Copyright Dates
  • Removed old motor_unit_test
  • Moved motor_message_test
  • Make the serial thread loop at the passed in value instead of always 1000
  • Add interruption point to Serial Thread
  • Comment out serial tests
  • Added motor_serial_tests
  • Always print firmware version
  • fix up code that checks a firmware version response
  • Using Async Spinner instead of roscontrol thread
  • more command grouping
  • reduced unnecessary output locking using bool method like tony did with input
  • reduce locking by grouping commands to send together
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.2 (2015-11-28)

  • Many fixes for bad odometery, more robust serial protocol
  • Add code to speed up serial. Major improvements in latency to the motor board
  • Contributors: atp42

0.3.1 (2015-10-12)

  • fixed install rules for Cmake
  • added license to test code
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.0 (2015-09-20)

  • Remove annoying debug print
  • Fix numerous PID issues. First, add velocity reporting. Second, fix 10x unit error between specified velocity and actual. Third, make PID parameter changes actually world.
  • actually calling the function now
  • added pid params (hopefully)
  • added more unit tests
  • added some more unit test coverage, b/c I spent half an hour on an avoidable wild goose chase
  • updated unit tests
  • renamed motor command to motor message
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal
  • Updated package.xml with new dependencies, bumped version number
  • updated travis button
  • Merge refactoring branch into indigo-devel
  • cleaned up some stuff, and got odometery running
  • added odom, and changed loop rates
  • using the correct tics to radians, and now at 20hz
  • cleaned up travis file
  • forgot to remove bad include
  • moved control loop to seperate thread to make it work
  • converted branch to the indigo-devel code
  • added missing ubiquity_motor.cpp
  • changed logging from the output speeds to the input speeds
  • whoops, fotgot to remove typedef for chrono
  • removed boost_chrono dependency, less dependencies is better right
  • explictly apt-get boost-chrono
  • manually installing boost in travis
  • changed travis notfications for slack
  • Fix issue where serial data wouldn't print Using a pointer for the motors object in the Motor Serial class, this allows for the initalization to be in the constructer.
  • added slack integration to travis
  • add slack intergration to travis
  • working on making diff_drive_controller work
  • fixed boost expection error
  • Print ros_error on catch for better debugging
  • worked on serial thread loop
  • fix test
  • more exception handling in thread
  • added baud rate switch/case to prevent invalid bauds
  • basic serial thread working
  • change testsuite naming to ubiquity_motor_CLASS
  • added catkin_make to travis because build errors fixed
  • added mutexed add and get command functions
  • added test cases for invalid type/register
  • put header ifndef in motor_serial header
  • redid motor_serial header with boost threads and std::queues
  • added enum checking to getters and setters
  • added deserialize verification
  • started added comments to the code
  • removed unnessary imports
  • added incorrect checksum test case
  • added deserialize funtionality and test
  • added serialize and checksum functions
  • fix typo in travis file
  • changed travis config to run the tests
  • added tests for motor command class
  • Started adding unit tests
  • fixed enum scoping errors
  • fix wierd git problem
  • renamed source files to follow ROS standard practices
  • removed old files that we are not going to use
  • changed motor command class to use new serial protocol spec
  • testing build
  • Merge pull request #2 from jim-v/hydro Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Changed MotorDriver to MotorHardware
  • added missing dependencies to package.xml to fix build errors
  • Update
  • added header for motor driver class
  • Merge pull request #1 from jim-v/hydro Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • removed old node files
  • added serial dependency to package.xml
  • Fixed build errors and removed Ubiquity prefix from classes
  • changed travis branch to refactoring
  • added serial reader thread and callback
  • added BSD license to crc8 files
  • added UbiquityMotorSerial class
  • created UbiquityMotorCommand class
  • add build status to README
  • changed node graph name
  • added travis configureation file
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Kurt Christofferson, Rohan Agrawal

0.1.0 (2015-02-14)

  • updated verstion number
  • Added install rule
  • Initial Commit
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


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ubiquity_motor package from ubiquity_motor repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.9.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2019-06-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Rohan Agrawal


No additional authors.


Build Status


This is a Package that provides a ROS interface for the motors in UbiquityRobotics robots. It communicates with the motor controller via a serial port.


This package may be installed from binaries for both x86 and ARM architectures.

The package may be installed with:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ubiquity-motor

Configuration launch files for the Magni robot are in the package magni_robot.


Subscribed topics

cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist The command input.

Published topics

odom nav_msgs/Odometry Odometry computed from motor controller messages.

/tf tf/tfMessage The transform from odom to base_link

battery_state sensor_msgs/BatteryState Charge state of the robot’s batteries.

publish_cmd geometry_msgs/TwistStamped The value of cmd_vel after limits were applied. Available if the publish_cmd paramater is set.


Comms paramaters

serial_port (string, default: “/dev/ttyS0”) Name of device with which to communicate with motor controller hardware.

baud_rate (int, default: 9600) Baud rate for serial communication with motor controller hardware.

Firmware parameters

pid_proportional (int, default: 5000) The P paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_integral (int, default: 10) The I paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_derivative (int, default: 1) The D paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_denominator (int, default: 1000) Divisor for the above PID paramaters.

pid_moving_buffer_size (int, default: 10) Size of a moving buffer used in the control loop.

deadman_timer (int, default: 2400000) If a message is not received after this interval (in MCU clock ticks), the motor controller should assume an error condition and stop.

battery_voltage_multiplier (float, default: 0.5185) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

battery_voltage_offset (float, default: 0.40948) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

Node parameters

controller_loop_rate (double, default: 20.0) Rate (in Hz) at which to send commands to the motor controller hardware.

diff_drive_controller paramaters

left_wheel (string | string[…]) Left wheel joint name or list of joint names.

right_wheel (string | string[…]) Right wheel joint name or list of joint names.

pose_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry pose publishing.

twist_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry twist publishing.

publish_rate (double, default: 50.0) Frequency (in Hz) at which the odometry is published. Used for both tf and odom.

wheel_separation_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel separation parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

wheel_radius_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel radius parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

cmd_vel_timeout (double, default: 0.5) Allowed period (in seconds) allowed between two successive velocity commands. After this delay, a zero speed command will be sent to the wheels.

base_frame_id (string, default: base_link) Base frame_id, which is used to fill in the child_frame_id of the Odometry messages and TF.

linear/x/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear speed.

linear/x/max_velocity (double) Maximum linear velocity (in m/s).

linear/x/min_velocity (double) Minimum linear velocity (in m/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable backwards motion. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

linear/x/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear acceleration.

linear/x/max_acceleration (double) Maximum linear acceleration (in m/s^2).

linear/x/min_acceleration (double) Minimum linear acceleration (in m/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

linear/x/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear jerk.

linear/x/max_jerk (double) Maximum linear jerk (in m/s^3).

angular/z/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular velocity.

angular/z/max_velocity (double) Maximum angular velocity (in rad/s).

angular/z/min_velocity (double) Minimum angular velocity (in rad/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable counter-clockwise rotation. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

angular/z/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular acceleration.

angular/z/max_acceleration (double) Maximum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2).

angular/z/min_acceleration (double) Minimum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

angular/z/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular jerk.

angular/z/max_jerk (double) Maximum angular jerk (in m/s^3).

enable_odom_tf (bool, default: true) Whether to publish to TF directly.

wheel_separation (double) The distance of the left and right wheel(s). The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

wheel_radius (double) Radius of the wheels. It is expected they all have the same size. The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

odom_frame_id (string, default: “/odom”) Name of frame in which to publish odometry.

publish_cmd (bool, default: false) Publish the velocity command to be executed. It is to monitor the effect of limiters on the controller input.

allow_multiple_cmd_vel_publishers (bool, default: false) When enabled the controller will brake if there is more than one publishers on its input topic, ~/cmd_vel.


Changelog for package ubiquity_motor

0.9.0 (2019-04-03)

  • Allow selecting what firmware version to download
  • Adding max motor forward and reverse speeds and max pwm settings all the way from ROS parameters to being pushed to the controller board.
  • Analyze information to create diagnostics statuses
  • Major update to that accepts greatly improved parameter read and set as well as ability to specify com port device to be used
  • Adds support for set of hw rev and for pre rev 5.0 estop threshold
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.0 (2019-01-01)

  • Added firmware loading tool
  • Added misc testing scripts
  • Don't die when communication not working, only print error
  • Use std mutex/atomic instead of boost
  • Reduce print level on integral/pid limits
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.1 (2018-06-16)

  • new pid params
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.0 (2018-04-15)

  • Add script to probe the robot for information
  • Add Serial Protocol Documentation Fixes #33
  • Add ROS API documentation (#32)
    • Add API documentation
    • Remove unused serial_loop_rate variable
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.1 (2017-11-12)

  • Reset controller when time jumps (#31) Reset the controller and zero commanded velocity an unexpected time change occurs (such as by NTP). This prevents unexpected robot motion.
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.0 (2017-09-15)

  • Publish battery voltage messages (#29) Added battery status message calibrated on 4.4 board serial no 450
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal, David Crawley

0.5.2 (2017-05-06)

  • Remove debug topics (#25)
    • Remove debug topics
    • Remove tests of debug registers
  • Merge pull request #22 from UbiquityRobotics/suppresserrorsatstartup Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Increase error_threshold
  • Merge pull request #23 from UbiquityRobotics/fix_acceleration_limits Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Clean out serial loop (#20)
    • Transmit the the same thread caller, not in serial thread
    • go back to debug on tranmissions
    • Use smarter waits and reads in reading thread
    • Get rid of serial loop rate
    • Reformat
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.5.1 (2017-03-04)

  • Reduce flakey-ness of the tests
  • Try to get firmware version, throw after 10 tries
  • Code cleanup
  • Use fixed sized arrays (not vectors) where they make sense
  • Use a seperate shared_queue class
  • Performance improvements
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.5.0 (2016-09-04)

  • NOTE: This version drops support for firmware versions before 24
  • Use new 8-byte serial protocol
  • Add support for using dynamic_reconfigure to change PID parameters
  • Add support for setting the deadman timer via a parameter
  • Add support for debug registers, do enable better firmware diagnostics
  • Add support for limit reached warnings from firmware
  • Improved testing, more coverage and cleaner tests
  • Have motor_node explicitly return an exit code
  • Reduce memory allocations caused by resizing vectors
  • Use size_t instead of int for iterating
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, Jim Vaughan

0.4.1 (2016-04-09)

  • add support for firmware version 19
  • add support for 0xDD (checksum) error response
  • Make variable name for rejected bytes 'rejected'
  • Reduce memcopy-ing
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.4.0 (2016-03-08)

  • Cleanup deps, have motor_node be linked to shared lib
  • Update Copyright Dates
  • Removed old motor_unit_test
  • Moved motor_message_test
  • Make the serial thread loop at the passed in value instead of always 1000
  • Add interruption point to Serial Thread
  • Comment out serial tests
  • Added motor_serial_tests
  • Always print firmware version
  • fix up code that checks a firmware version response
  • Using Async Spinner instead of roscontrol thread
  • more command grouping
  • reduced unnecessary output locking using bool method like tony did with input
  • reduce locking by grouping commands to send together
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.2 (2015-11-28)

  • Many fixes for bad odometery, more robust serial protocol
  • Add code to speed up serial. Major improvements in latency to the motor board
  • Contributors: atp42

0.3.1 (2015-10-12)

  • fixed install rules for Cmake
  • added license to test code
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.0 (2015-09-20)

  • Remove annoying debug print
  • Fix numerous PID issues. First, add velocity reporting. Second, fix 10x unit error between specified velocity and actual. Third, make PID parameter changes actually world.
  • actually calling the function now
  • added pid params (hopefully)
  • added more unit tests
  • added some more unit test coverage, b/c I spent half an hour on an avoidable wild goose chase
  • updated unit tests
  • renamed motor command to motor message
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal
  • Updated package.xml with new dependencies, bumped version number
  • updated travis button
  • Merge refactoring branch into indigo-devel
  • cleaned up some stuff, and got odometery running
  • added odom, and changed loop rates
  • using the correct tics to radians, and now at 20hz
  • cleaned up travis file
  • forgot to remove bad include
  • moved control loop to seperate thread to make it work
  • converted branch to the indigo-devel code
  • added missing ubiquity_motor.cpp
  • changed logging from the output speeds to the input speeds
  • whoops, fotgot to remove typedef for chrono
  • removed boost_chrono dependency, less dependencies is better right
  • explictly apt-get boost-chrono
  • manually installing boost in travis
  • changed travis notfications for slack
  • Fix issue where serial data wouldn't print Using a pointer for the motors object in the Motor Serial class, this allows for the initalization to be in the constructer.
  • added slack integration to travis
  • add slack intergration to travis
  • working on making diff_drive_controller work
  • fixed boost expection error
  • Print ros_error on catch for better debugging
  • worked on serial thread loop
  • fix test
  • more exception handling in thread
  • added baud rate switch/case to prevent invalid bauds
  • basic serial thread working
  • change testsuite naming to ubiquity_motor_CLASS
  • added catkin_make to travis because build errors fixed
  • added mutexed add and get command functions
  • added test cases for invalid type/register
  • put header ifndef in motor_serial header
  • redid motor_serial header with boost threads and std::queues
  • added enum checking to getters and setters
  • added deserialize verification
  • started added comments to the code
  • removed unnessary imports
  • added incorrect checksum test case
  • added deserialize funtionality and test
  • added serialize and checksum functions
  • fix typo in travis file
  • changed travis config to run the tests
  • added tests for motor command class
  • Started adding unit tests
  • fixed enum scoping errors
  • fix wierd git problem
  • renamed source files to follow ROS standard practices
  • removed old files that we are not going to use
  • changed motor command class to use new serial protocol spec
  • testing build
  • Merge pull request #2 from jim-v/hydro Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Changed MotorDriver to MotorHardware
  • added missing dependencies to package.xml to fix build errors
  • Update
  • added header for motor driver class
  • Merge pull request #1 from jim-v/hydro Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • removed old node files
  • added serial dependency to package.xml
  • Fixed build errors and removed Ubiquity prefix from classes
  • changed travis branch to refactoring
  • added serial reader thread and callback
  • added BSD license to crc8 files
  • added UbiquityMotorSerial class
  • created UbiquityMotorCommand class
  • add build status to README
  • changed node graph name
  • added travis configureation file
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Kurt Christofferson, Rohan Agrawal

0.1.0 (2015-02-14)

  • updated verstion number
  • Added install rule
  • Initial Commit
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found



No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ubiquity_motor at Robotics Stack Exchange

ubiquity_motor package from ubiquity_motor repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version hydro
Last Updated 2015-08-01
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics motor controllers

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Rohan Agrawal


No additional authors.


Build Status

Package that provides a ROS interface for the motors in UbiquityRobotics robots

To run this node:

rosrun ubiquity_motor ubiquity_motor

Parameters and defaults

    /ubiquity/motor/device_name /dev/ttyUSB0 
/ubiquity/motor/baud_rate 9600
/ubiquity/motor/odom_rate 1.0/20.0
/ubiquity/motor/diag_rate 2
/ubiquity/motor/spin_rate 1.0/100.0

Subscribes to

/cmd_vel 	geometry_msgs::Twist


/odom		nav_msgs::Odometry	

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ubiquity_motor at Robotics Stack Exchange

ubiquity_motor package from ubiquity_motor repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.9.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2019-06-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Rohan Agrawal


No additional authors.


Build Status


This is a Package that provides a ROS interface for the motors in UbiquityRobotics robots. It communicates with the motor controller via a serial port.


This package may be installed from binaries for both x86 and ARM architectures.

The package may be installed with:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ubiquity-motor

Configuration launch files for the Magni robot are in the package magni_robot.


Subscribed topics

cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist The command input.

Published topics

odom nav_msgs/Odometry Odometry computed from motor controller messages.

/tf tf/tfMessage The transform from odom to base_link

battery_state sensor_msgs/BatteryState Charge state of the robot’s batteries.

publish_cmd geometry_msgs/TwistStamped The value of cmd_vel after limits were applied. Available if the publish_cmd paramater is set.


Comms paramaters

serial_port (string, default: “/dev/ttyS0”) Name of device with which to communicate with motor controller hardware.

baud_rate (int, default: 9600) Baud rate for serial communication with motor controller hardware.

Firmware parameters

pid_proportional (int, default: 5000) The P paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_integral (int, default: 10) The I paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_derivative (int, default: 1) The D paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_denominator (int, default: 1000) Divisor for the above PID paramaters.

pid_moving_buffer_size (int, default: 10) Size of a moving buffer used in the control loop.

deadman_timer (int, default: 2400000) If a message is not received after this interval (in MCU clock ticks), the motor controller should assume an error condition and stop.

battery_voltage_multiplier (float, default: 0.5185) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

battery_voltage_offset (float, default: 0.40948) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

Node parameters

controller_loop_rate (double, default: 20.0) Rate (in Hz) at which to send commands to the motor controller hardware.

diff_drive_controller paramaters

left_wheel (string | string[…]) Left wheel joint name or list of joint names.

right_wheel (string | string[…]) Right wheel joint name or list of joint names.

pose_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry pose publishing.

twist_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry twist publishing.

publish_rate (double, default: 50.0) Frequency (in Hz) at which the odometry is published. Used for both tf and odom.

wheel_separation_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel separation parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

wheel_radius_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel radius parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

cmd_vel_timeout (double, default: 0.5) Allowed period (in seconds) allowed between two successive velocity commands. After this delay, a zero speed command will be sent to the wheels.

base_frame_id (string, default: base_link) Base frame_id, which is used to fill in the child_frame_id of the Odometry messages and TF.

linear/x/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear speed.

linear/x/max_velocity (double) Maximum linear velocity (in m/s).

linear/x/min_velocity (double) Minimum linear velocity (in m/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable backwards motion. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

linear/x/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear acceleration.

linear/x/max_acceleration (double) Maximum linear acceleration (in m/s^2).

linear/x/min_acceleration (double) Minimum linear acceleration (in m/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

linear/x/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear jerk.

linear/x/max_jerk (double) Maximum linear jerk (in m/s^3).

angular/z/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular velocity.

angular/z/max_velocity (double) Maximum angular velocity (in rad/s).

angular/z/min_velocity (double) Minimum angular velocity (in rad/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable counter-clockwise rotation. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

angular/z/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular acceleration.

angular/z/max_acceleration (double) Maximum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2).

angular/z/min_acceleration (double) Minimum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

angular/z/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular jerk.

angular/z/max_jerk (double) Maximum angular jerk (in m/s^3).

enable_odom_tf (bool, default: true) Whether to publish to TF directly.

wheel_separation (double) The distance of the left and right wheel(s). The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

wheel_radius (double) Radius of the wheels. It is expected they all have the same size. The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

odom_frame_id (string, default: “/odom”) Name of frame in which to publish odometry.

publish_cmd (bool, default: false) Publish the velocity command to be executed. It is to monitor the effect of limiters on the controller input.

allow_multiple_cmd_vel_publishers (bool, default: false) When enabled the controller will brake if there is more than one publishers on its input topic, ~/cmd_vel.


Changelog for package ubiquity_motor

0.9.0 (2019-04-03)

  • Allow selecting what firmware version to download
  • Adding max motor forward and reverse speeds and max pwm settings all the way from ROS parameters to being pushed to the controller board.
  • Analyze information to create diagnostics statuses
  • Major update to that accepts greatly improved parameter read and set as well as ability to specify com port device to be used
  • Adds support for set of hw rev and for pre rev 5.0 estop threshold
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.0 (2019-01-01)

  • Added firmware loading tool
  • Added misc testing scripts
  • Don't die when communication not working, only print error
  • Use std mutex/atomic instead of boost
  • Reduce print level on integral/pid limits
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.1 (2018-06-16)

  • new pid params
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.0 (2018-04-15)

  • Add script to probe the robot for information
  • Add Serial Protocol Documentation Fixes #33
  • Add ROS API documentation (#32)
    • Add API documentation
    • Remove unused serial_loop_rate variable
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.1 (2017-11-12)

  • Reset controller when time jumps (#31) Reset the controller and zero commanded velocity an unexpected time change occurs (such as by NTP). This prevents unexpected robot motion.
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.0 (2017-09-15)

  • Publish battery voltage messages (#29) Added battery status message calibrated on 4.4 board serial no 450
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal, David Crawley

0.5.2 (2017-05-06)

  • Remove debug topics (#25)
    • Remove debug topics
    • Remove tests of debug registers
  • Merge pull request #22 from UbiquityRobotics/suppresserrorsatstartup Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Increase error_threshold
  • Merge pull request #23 from UbiquityRobotics/fix_acceleration_limits Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Clean out serial loop (#20)
    • Transmit the the same thread caller, not in serial thread
    • go back to debug on tranmissions
    • Use smarter waits and reads in reading thread
    • Get rid of serial loop rate
    • Reformat
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.5.1 (2017-03-04)

  • Reduce flakey-ness of the tests
  • Try to get firmware version, throw after 10 tries
  • Code cleanup
  • Use fixed sized arrays (not vectors) where they make sense
  • Use a seperate shared_queue class
  • Performance improvements
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.5.0 (2016-09-04)

  • NOTE: This version drops support for firmware versions before 24
  • Use new 8-byte serial protocol
  • Add support for using dynamic_reconfigure to change PID parameters
  • Add support for setting the deadman timer via a parameter
  • Add support for debug registers, do enable better firmware diagnostics
  • Add support for limit reached warnings from firmware
  • Improved testing, more coverage and cleaner tests
  • Have motor_node explicitly return an exit code
  • Reduce memory allocations caused by resizing vectors
  • Use size_t instead of int for iterating
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, Jim Vaughan

0.4.1 (2016-04-09)

  • add support for firmware version 19
  • add support for 0xDD (checksum) error response
  • Make variable name for rejected bytes 'rejected'
  • Reduce memcopy-ing
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.4.0 (2016-03-08)

  • Cleanup deps, have motor_node be linked to shared lib
  • Update Copyright Dates
  • Removed old motor_unit_test
  • Moved motor_message_test
  • Make the serial thread loop at the passed in value instead of always 1000
  • Add interruption point to Serial Thread
  • Comment out serial tests
  • Added motor_serial_tests
  • Always print firmware version
  • fix up code that checks a firmware version response
  • Using Async Spinner instead of roscontrol thread
  • more command grouping
  • reduced unnecessary output locking using bool method like tony did with input
  • reduce locking by grouping commands to send together
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.2 (2015-11-28)

  • Many fixes for bad odometery, more robust serial protocol
  • Add code to speed up serial. Major improvements in latency to the motor board
  • Contributors: atp42

0.3.1 (2015-10-12)

  • fixed install rules for Cmake
  • added license to test code
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.0 (2015-09-20)

  • Remove annoying debug print
  • Fix numerous PID issues. First, add velocity reporting. Second, fix 10x unit error between specified velocity and actual. Third, make PID parameter changes actually world.
  • actually calling the function now
  • added pid params (hopefully)
  • added more unit tests
  • added some more unit test coverage, b/c I spent half an hour on an avoidable wild goose chase
  • updated unit tests
  • renamed motor command to motor message
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal
  • Updated package.xml with new dependencies, bumped version number
  • updated travis button
  • Merge refactoring branch into indigo-devel
  • cleaned up some stuff, and got odometery running
  • added odom, and changed loop rates
  • using the correct tics to radians, and now at 20hz
  • cleaned up travis file
  • forgot to remove bad include
  • moved control loop to seperate thread to make it work
  • converted branch to the indigo-devel code
  • added missing ubiquity_motor.cpp
  • changed logging from the output speeds to the input speeds
  • whoops, fotgot to remove typedef for chrono
  • removed boost_chrono dependency, less dependencies is better right
  • explictly apt-get boost-chrono
  • manually installing boost in travis
  • changed travis notfications for slack
  • Fix issue where serial data wouldn't print Using a pointer for the motors object in the Motor Serial class, this allows for the initalization to be in the constructer.
  • added slack integration to travis
  • add slack intergration to travis
  • working on making diff_drive_controller work
  • fixed boost expection error
  • Print ros_error on catch for better debugging
  • worked on serial thread loop
  • fix test
  • more exception handling in thread
  • added baud rate switch/case to prevent invalid bauds
  • basic serial thread working
  • change testsuite naming to ubiquity_motor_CLASS
  • added catkin_make to travis because build errors fixed
  • added mutexed add and get command functions
  • added test cases for invalid type/register
  • put header ifndef in motor_serial header
  • redid motor_serial header with boost threads and std::queues
  • added enum checking to getters and setters
  • added deserialize verification
  • started added comments to the code
  • removed unnessary imports
  • added incorrect checksum test case
  • added deserialize funtionality and test
  • added serialize and checksum functions
  • fix typo in travis file
  • changed travis config to run the tests
  • added tests for motor command class
  • Started adding unit tests
  • fixed enum scoping errors
  • fix wierd git problem
  • renamed source files to follow ROS standard practices
  • removed old files that we are not going to use
  • changed motor command class to use new serial protocol spec
  • testing build
  • Merge pull request #2 from jim-v/hydro Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Changed MotorDriver to MotorHardware
  • added missing dependencies to package.xml to fix build errors
  • Update
  • added header for motor driver class
  • Merge pull request #1 from jim-v/hydro Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • removed old node files
  • added serial dependency to package.xml
  • Fixed build errors and removed Ubiquity prefix from classes
  • changed travis branch to refactoring
  • added serial reader thread and callback
  • added BSD license to crc8 files
  • added UbiquityMotorSerial class
  • created UbiquityMotorCommand class
  • add build status to README
  • changed node graph name
  • added travis configureation file
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Kurt Christofferson, Rohan Agrawal

0.1.0 (2015-02-14)

  • updated verstion number
  • Added install rule
  • Initial Commit
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found



No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ubiquity_motor at Robotics Stack Exchange

ubiquity_motor package from ubiquity_motor repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.12.0
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2022-02-28
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Provides a ROS interface to Ubiquity Robotics Magni motor controllers

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Rohan Agrawal


No additional authors.


Build Status


This is a Package that provides a ROS interface for the motors in UbiquityRobotics robots. It communicates with the motor controller via a serial port.


This package may be installed from binaries for both x86 and ARM architectures.

The package may be installed with:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ubiquity-motor

Configuration launch files for the Magni robot are in the package magni_robot.


Subscribed topics

cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist The command input.

system_control std_msgs/String A channel to command the motor node to change mode of operation. A text string with a commnad followed by parameter such as enable or disable are used.

motor_control disable      Stops the MCB control over serial (used for firmware load)
motor_control enable       Re-attaches the MCB control over serial for normal operation

speed_control disable      Stops the robot so no speed control is used for collision avoiance
speed_control enable       Re-enables the motor node to respond to cmd_vel speed messages

Published topics

odom nav_msgs/Odometry Odometry computed from motor controller messages.

/tf tf/tfMessage The transform from odom to base_link

battery_state sensor_msgs/BatteryState Charge state of the robot’s batteries.

publish_cmd geometry_msgs/TwistStamped The value of cmd_vel after limits were applied. Available if the publish_cmd paramater is set.

motor_power_active std_msgs/Bool The state of motor power being active is published. This follows the ESTOP switch within about a half second.

motor_state ubiquity_motor::MotorState The combined motor state for both wheels with positions, rotate rates, currents, pwm drive values

left_error std_msgs/Int32 The error in expected left wheel position relative to current left wheel position is published for diagnostics purposes.

right_error std_msgs/Int32 The error in expected right wheel position relative to current right wheel position is published for diagnostics purposes.

left_current std_msgs/Int32 The motor current in amps that the left motor is running at at this time

right_current std_msgs/Int32 The motor current in amps that the right motor is running at at this time

left_tick_interval std_msgs/Int32 A value that is proportional to the time between left wheel encoder ticks for usage in diagnostics. This unsigned value is only published when velocity is non zero.

right_tick_interval std_msgs/Int32 A value that is proportional to the time between right wheel encoder ticks for usage in diagnostics. This unsigned value is only published when velocity is non zero.


Comms paramaters

serial_port (string, default: “/dev/ttyS0”) Name of device with which to communicate with motor controller hardware.

baud_rate (int, default: 9600) Baud rate for serial communication with motor controller hardware.

Firmware parameters

pid_proportional (int, default: 5000) The P paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_integral (int, default: 10) The I paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_derivative (int, default: 1) The D paramater for the motor controller’s PID controller.

pid_denominator (int, default: 1000) Divisor for the above PID paramaters.

pid_moving_buffer_size (int, default: 10) Size of a moving buffer used in the control loop.

pid_control (int, default: 0) This word enables non-standard modes for motor control in the firmware. Consult factory for guidance in usage of this parameter.

drive_type (string, default: “standard”) This modifies turning and some other motor control parameters if not set to ‘standard’. This parameter is set to ‘4wd’ on some custom systems but those require dual MCB controllers and are far more complex systems so do not change this unless instructed to do so by the factory. This setting is only of value for MCB firmware of version v41 or later.

wheel_type (string, default: “standard”) This is used to change the type of wheel and encoder combination in use. The origional Magni up into 2021 was only one wheel type which we call ‘standard’ here. This wheel had a chrome hubcap. In 2021 we started some custom development for a wheel that would set this parameter to ‘thin’ as the wheel was thinner but also had different drive characteristics. This setting is only of value for MCB firmware of version v41 or later.

wheel_gear_ratio (float, default: 4.294) We are looking into different ratios for the gearing internal to the wheel hub. This ratio impacts the wheel control logic as it is in effect a ratio between the wheel encoders and the wheel itself on the ground. The only other value of use as of late 2021 here is ‘5.17’ which is not released at this time.

fw_max_speed_fwd (int, default: 80) Sets the maximum forward speed the firmware will allow itself to be set to obtain. This is a firmware level register that involves physics of the wheel size and encoder ticks per revolution. A value of 80 is 1 meter per second for a standard robot set of wheels.

fw_max_speed_rev (int, default: 80) Sets the maximum reverse speed the firmware will allow itself to be set to obtain. This is a firmware level register that involves physics of the wheel size and encoder ticks per revolution. A value of 80 is 1 meter per second for a standard robot set of wheels.

fw_max_pwm (int, default: 350) fw_max_pwm (int, default: 350) This is a safety cap on the max value we will drive our low level motor control hardware. Do not change this unless instructed to do so by the factory. Prior to late 2021 this was defaulted to 250 internally in the firmware.

deadman_timer (int, default: 2400000) If a message is not received after this interval (in MCU clock ticks), the motor controller should assume an error condition and stop.

battery_voltage_multiplier (float, default: 0.5185) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

battery_voltage_offset (float, default: 0.40948) Used to calculate battery voltage from motor controller messages.

Node parameters

controller_loop_rate (double, default: 20.0) Rate (in Hz) at which to send commands to the motor controller hardware.

diff_drive_controller paramaters

left_wheel (string | string[…]) Left wheel joint name or list of joint names.

right_wheel (string | string[…]) Right wheel joint name or list of joint names.

pose_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry pose publishing.

twist_covariance_diagonal (double[6]) Diagonal of the covariance matrix for odometry twist publishing.

publish_rate (double, default: 50.0) Frequency (in Hz) at which the odometry is published. Used for both tf and odom.

wheel_separation_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel separation parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

wheel_radius_multiplier (double, default: 1.0) Multiplier applied to the wheel radius parameter. This is used to account for a difference between the robot model and a real robot.

cmd_vel_timeout (double, default: 0.5) Allowed period (in seconds) allowed between two successive velocity commands. After this delay, a zero speed command will be sent to the wheels.

base_frame_id (string, default: base_link) Base frame_id, which is used to fill in the child_frame_id of the Odometry messages and TF.

linear/x/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear speed.

linear/x/max_velocity (double) Maximum linear velocity (in m/s).

linear/x/min_velocity (double) Minimum linear velocity (in m/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable backwards motion. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

linear/x/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear acceleration.

linear/x/max_acceleration (double) Maximum linear acceleration (in m/s^2).

linear/x/min_acceleration (double) Minimum linear acceleration (in m/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

linear/x/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit linear jerk.

linear/x/max_jerk (double) Maximum linear jerk (in m/s^3).

angular/z/has_velocity_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular velocity.

angular/z/max_velocity (double) Maximum angular velocity (in rad/s).

angular/z/min_velocity (double) Minimum angular velocity (in rad/s). Setting this to 0.0 will disable counter-clockwise rotation. When unspecified, -max_velocity is used.

angular/z/has_acceleration_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular acceleration.

angular/z/max_acceleration (double) Maximum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2).

angular/z/min_acceleration (double) Minimum angular acceleration (in rad/s^2). When unspecified, -max_acceleration is used.

angular/z/has_jerk_limits (bool, default: false) Whether the controller should limit angular jerk.

angular/z/max_jerk (double) Maximum angular jerk (in m/s^3).

enable_odom_tf (bool, default: true) Whether to publish to TF directly.

wheel_separation (double) The distance of the left and right wheel(s). The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

wheel_radius (double) Radius of the wheels. It is expected they all have the same size. The diff_drive_controller will attempt to read the value from the URDF if this parameter is not specified.

odom_frame_id (string, default: “/odom”) Name of frame in which to publish odometry.

publish_cmd (bool, default: false) Publish the velocity command to be executed. It is to monitor the effect of limiters on the controller input.

allow_multiple_cmd_vel_publishers (bool, default: false) When enabled the controller will brake if there is more than one publishers on its input topic, ~/cmd_vel.


Changelog for package ubiquity_motor

0.12.0 (2020-07-13)

  • Fixes ODOM bug and modifies way we set wheel type to safer system. (#87)
  • Sync up registers with v37 firmware. This adds many thing like system_events pid control selftest and thin wheel and low voltage level.
  • A workaround for issue 83. Insert a 2 second delay prior to serial port setup. Tests so far show this seems to avoid the issue where some OS components sets the serial port to 115200. The odd thing about the defect is stty still shows it as 38.4k but it is in fact 115.2k baud
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston

0.11.0 (2020-06-12)

  • Fixed unit test error
  • Sync up registers with v37 firmware. This adds many thing like system_events pid control selftest and thin wheel and low voltage level. Our main need here is thin wheels. Also add system_info script to be used for simplier field state info gathering on a magni
  • Continued mod to add more recent firmware changes into host side. Have added max_pwm to dynamic config. Made some changes to info tool
  • Fix a repetitive logs for firmware date and version. Main new code is for support of v37 firmware registers and features. Not function complete yet for all changes
  • Putting into action mcb reset detection from system_event register and reading of mcb option switch so it can be sent back down to the MCB since mcb cannot read the onboard option register itself.
  • First commit of function complete code for support of wheel type in base.yaml, notification of MCB reset conditions, reading I2C option switch and pushing it to MCB register as the main new additions
  • Adding updates to firmware and hardware rev description
  • Better error messages for common errors
  • Adding v35 information for firmware revisions
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.10.0 (2019-11-10)

  • Support for higher resolution odometry (firmware v35+ required)
  • Tool to verify odometry consistency
  • Support for target velocity term in the PID (firmware v35+ required)
  • Firmware update script now supports local firmware files
  • Firmware update script can use different serial port
  • Support for reading motor controller version from I2C
  • Safer E-STOP behavior (MCB 5.0+)
  • Publishing the state of the estop switch
  • Improved documentation
  • Improvements to the testing scripts
  • Contributors: Alexander Sergeenko, David Crawley, Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.9.0 (2019-04-03)

  • Allow selecting what firmware version to download
  • Adding max motor forward and reverse speeds and max pwm settings all the way from ROS parameters to being pushed to the controller board.
  • Analyze information to create diagnostics statuses
  • Major update to that accepts greatly improved parameter read and set as well as ability to specify com port device to be used
  • Adds support for set of hw rev and for pre rev 5.0 estop threshold
  • Contributors: Mark Johnston, Rohan Agrawal

0.8.0 (2019-01-01)

  • Added firmware loading tool
  • Added misc testing scripts
  • Don't die when communication not working, only print error
  • Use std mutex/atomic instead of boost
  • Reduce print level on integral/pid limits
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.1 (2018-06-16)

  • new pid params
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.7.0 (2018-04-15)

  • Add script to probe the robot for information
  • Add Serial Protocol Documentation Fixes #33
  • Add ROS API documentation (#32)
    • Add API documentation
    • Remove unused serial_loop_rate variable
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.1 (2017-11-12)

  • Reset controller when time jumps (#31) Reset the controller and zero commanded velocity an unexpected time change occurs (such as by NTP). This prevents unexpected robot motion.
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.6.0 (2017-09-15)

  • Publish battery voltage messages (#29) Added battery status message calibrated on 4.4 board serial no 450
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal, David Crawley

0.5.2 (2017-05-06)

  • Remove debug topics (#25)
    • Remove debug topics
    • Remove tests of debug registers
  • Merge pull request #22 from UbiquityRobotics/suppresserrorsatstartup Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Increase error_threshold
  • Merge pull request #23 from UbiquityRobotics/fix_acceleration_limits Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Fix computaion of elapsed time so that it is +ve
  • Supress some potentially confusing warnings
  • Clean out serial loop (#20)
    • Transmit the the same thread caller, not in serial thread
    • go back to debug on tranmissions
    • Use smarter waits and reads in reading thread
    • Get rid of serial loop rate
    • Reformat
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal

0.5.1 (2017-03-04)

  • Reduce flakey-ness of the tests
  • Try to get firmware version, throw after 10 tries
  • Code cleanup
  • Use fixed sized arrays (not vectors) where they make sense
  • Use a seperate shared_queue class
  • Performance improvements
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.5.0 (2016-09-04)

  • NOTE: This version drops support for firmware versions before 24
  • Use new 8-byte serial protocol
  • Add support for using dynamic_reconfigure to change PID parameters
  • Add support for setting the deadman timer via a parameter
  • Add support for debug registers, do enable better firmware diagnostics
  • Add support for limit reached warnings from firmware
  • Improved testing, more coverage and cleaner tests
  • Have motor_node explicitly return an exit code
  • Reduce memory allocations caused by resizing vectors
  • Use size_t instead of int for iterating
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal, Jim Vaughan

0.4.1 (2016-04-09)

  • add support for firmware version 19
  • add support for 0xDD (checksum) error response
  • Make variable name for rejected bytes 'rejected'
  • Reduce memcopy-ing
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.4.0 (2016-03-08)

  • Cleanup deps, have motor_node be linked to shared lib
  • Update Copyright Dates
  • Removed old motor_unit_test
  • Moved motor_message_test
  • Make the serial thread loop at the passed in value instead of always 1000
  • Add interruption point to Serial Thread
  • Comment out serial tests
  • Added motor_serial_tests
  • Always print firmware version
  • fix up code that checks a firmware version response
  • Using Async Spinner instead of roscontrol thread
  • more command grouping
  • reduced unnecessary output locking using bool method like tony did with input
  • reduce locking by grouping commands to send together
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.2 (2015-11-28)

  • Many fixes for bad odometery, more robust serial protocol
  • Add code to speed up serial. Major improvements in latency to the motor board
  • Contributors: atp42

0.3.1 (2015-10-12)

  • fixed install rules for Cmake
  • added license to test code
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

0.3.0 (2015-09-20)

  • Remove annoying debug print
  • Fix numerous PID issues. First, add velocity reporting. Second, fix 10x unit error between specified velocity and actual. Third, make PID parameter changes actually world.
  • actually calling the function now
  • added pid params (hopefully)
  • added more unit tests
  • added some more unit test coverage, b/c I spent half an hour on an avoidable wild goose chase
  • updated unit tests
  • renamed motor command to motor message
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Rohan Agrawal
  • Updated package.xml with new dependencies, bumped version number
  • updated travis button
  • Merge refactoring branch into indigo-devel
  • cleaned up some stuff, and got odometery running
  • added odom, and changed loop rates
  • using the correct tics to radians, and now at 20hz
  • cleaned up travis file
  • forgot to remove bad include
  • moved control loop to seperate thread to make it work
  • converted branch to the indigo-devel code
  • added missing ubiquity_motor.cpp
  • changed logging from the output speeds to the input speeds
  • whoops, fotgot to remove typedef for chrono
  • removed boost_chrono dependency, less dependencies is better right
  • explictly apt-get boost-chrono
  • manually installing boost in travis
  • changed travis notfications for slack
  • Fix issue where serial data wouldn't print Using a pointer for the motors object in the Motor Serial class, this allows for the initalization to be in the constructer.
  • added slack integration to travis
  • add slack intergration to travis
  • working on making diff_drive_controller work
  • fixed boost expection error
  • Print ros_error on catch for better debugging
  • worked on serial thread loop
  • fix test
  • more exception handling in thread
  • added baud rate switch/case to prevent invalid bauds
  • basic serial thread working
  • change testsuite naming to ubiquity_motor_CLASS
  • added catkin_make to travis because build errors fixed
  • added mutexed add and get command functions
  • added test cases for invalid type/register
  • put header ifndef in motor_serial header
  • redid motor_serial header with boost threads and std::queues
  • added enum checking to getters and setters
  • added deserialize verification
  • started added comments to the code
  • removed unnessary imports
  • added incorrect checksum test case
  • added deserialize funtionality and test
  • added serialize and checksum functions
  • fix typo in travis file
  • changed travis config to run the tests
  • added tests for motor command class
  • Started adding unit tests
  • fixed enum scoping errors
  • fix wierd git problem
  • renamed source files to follow ROS standard practices
  • removed old files that we are not going to use
  • changed motor command class to use new serial protocol spec
  • testing build
  • Merge pull request #2 from jim-v/hydro Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Added child_frame_id to odom messages.
  • Changed MotorDriver to MotorHardware
  • added missing dependencies to package.xml to fix build errors
  • Update
  • added header for motor driver class
  • Merge pull request #1 from jim-v/hydro Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • Added covariance to the outgoing odom messages.
  • removed old node files
  • added serial dependency to package.xml
  • Fixed build errors and removed Ubiquity prefix from classes
  • changed travis branch to refactoring
  • added serial reader thread and callback
  • added BSD license to crc8 files
  • added UbiquityMotorSerial class
  • created UbiquityMotorCommand class
  • add build status to README
  • changed node graph name
  • added travis configureation file
  • Contributors: Jim Vaughan, Kurt Christofferson, Rohan Agrawal

0.1.0 (2015-02-14)

  • updated verstion number
  • Added install rule
  • Initial Commit
  • Contributors: Rohan Agrawal

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

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