rqt_stream_manipulator_3d package from stream_manipulator_3d repo

rqt_stream_manipulator_3d stream_manipulator_3d

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.6
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/3DVision-Stack/stream-manipulator-3D.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version jade-devel
Last Updated 2016-08-01
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The rqt_stream_manipulator_3d provides a GUI to the stream_manipulator_3d package, in order to dynamically reconfigure it.

Additional Links


  • tabjones


  • tabjones
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package rqt_stream_manipulator_3d

0.1.6 (2016-07-29)

  • Add some more Plugins: * Frustum Culling Filter Plugin Removes everything inside/outside a frustum, defined by two aperture angles and two parallel planes. * Median Filter Plugin The median filter is one of the simplest and wide-spread image processing filters. It is known to perform well with "shot"/impulse noise (some individual pixels having extreme values), it does not reduce contrast across steps in the function (as compared to filters based on averaging), and it is robust to outliers. Furthermore, it is simple to implement and efficient, as it requires a single pass over the image. It consists of a moving window of fixed size that replaces the pixel in the center with the median inside the window. NOTE: This filters only the depth (z-component) of organized and untransformed (i.e., in camera coordinates) point clouds. An error will be outputted if an unorganized cloud is given. * PassThrough Filter Plugin PassThrough passes points in a cloud based on constraints for one particular field of the point type. Iterates through the entire input once, automatically filtering non-finite points and the points outside the interval specified by the filter limits, which applies only to the field specified by field type.

  • Contributors: Federico Spinelli

0.1.4 (2016-07-23)

  • Fix build errors Add proper catkin dependencies
  • Contributors: Federico Spinelli

0.1.2 (22-07-2016)

* Fix VoxelGrid, now works properly: Trick was to instantiate pcl class from scratch into apply() method * Add delay timer measuring total time spent during processing: sm3d GUI now shows this value as an user indication that he's pulling in too many plugins. * Delay gui progressively colors from green to red according to the delay it shows. * Actual shown delay is a moving average of all instant total delays measured. Moving average window size is hardcoded to 20 * Fix some quirks in plugins gui, like allignments.

0.1.1 (20-07-2016)

* Add Plugn Chain moving: New chain elements get copied from old chain if they were present. This preservs user set parameters and configuration. As a result, rearrangments can be executed easily with Plugins params gettin preserved. New Plugins are still created from scratch. To achieve this, a copy of old chain description must be kept in StreamManipulator Class. * Add Voxel Grid Plugin: NEW Plugin that wraps pcl::VoxelGrid, i.e. downsample the stream with user specified parameters. * Change process() and apply() layouts: Drop the use of shared_ptr on output, cause that was confusing VoxelGrid Plugin, outputting an empty cloud. Not sure why, thought, it may be dependant of a particular PCL version (1.7.1). * Remove condition variable on chain changes: Not a real need for it, Reconfiguration can be accomplished simply by looking at a boolean, hence Condition Variable was probably overkill.

0.1.0 (04-07-2016)

  • stream_manipulator_3d package (sm3d) - Main ROS spinner process: configuration checking/updating, marker publishing, stream chain assembling. - Processing async Thread: reads chain and applies filters(plugins) one by one as fast as possible. - Async threaded ROS Subscriber: provides input to the chain and notifies processing thread

  • rqt_stream_manipulator_3d package (rqt_sm3d)
    • Rqt plugin to configure sm3d in real time
    • Provides GUI through ui files

    - Lets the user interact with the chain of Plugins: erasing,creating,modifying it.

    • A list of all available plugins is displayed for user convenience.
    • sm3d Subscriber can also be changed in realtime from here.
  • PluginLib Infrastructure for sm3d - Each filter/output/application is a dynamic plugin to sm3d::Plugin base class. - Plugins have their own configuration and namespace, to allow multiple instances of the same plugin to coexist - Plugins are loaded/unloaded at runtime based on configuration of stream_manipulator_3d node.
    • Plugins chained togheter form the stream chain
  • PluginLib Infrastructure for rqt_sm3d - Each Plugin of sm3d is mirrored also a Plugin for rqt_sm3d. This allows the GUI to dynamically grow/shrink according to the current loaded chain.
    • Provide ui files for each Plugin.
    • Each Plugin interacts only with its counterpart in sm3d
  • Configuration is allocated is shared memory using Boost Interprocess - sm3d configuration lives in shared memory, rqt_sm3d reads/modifies it. - Each sm3d plugin creates a configuration object in shared memory when it is spawned. rqt_sm3d respective plugins read/modify them. - Rosparams are used to define an initial configuration, then they are not touched anymore. This is done intentionally for now, to remove ros master overhead of constantly querying/changing Rosparams. - Dynamic_reconfigure is intentionally unused, because its is not flexible enough for this kind of application. Particurarly GUI is to minimalistic/unconfigurable.

  • Plugins implemented so far
    • Cropbox filter: wrapping of PCL one, remove anything inside/outside a box
    • Ros Publisher: publish stream on any point of the chain

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found

Recent questions tagged rqt_stream_manipulator_3d at Robotics Stack Exchange

rqt_stream_manipulator_3d package from stream_manipulator_3d repo

rqt_stream_manipulator_3d stream_manipulator_3d

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.7
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/3DVision-Stack/stream-manipulator-3D.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2016-08-04
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The rqt_stream_manipulator_3d provides a GUI to the stream_manipulator_3d package, in order to dynamically reconfigure it.

Additional Links


  • tabjones


  • tabjones
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package rqt_stream_manipulator_3d

0.1.7 (2016-08-04)

  • Updates & Bugfixes Bugfix: CropBox not updating Translation properly Add Pause/Resume functionality: - Pause button will block processing and all plugins, it also unsubscribe from input_topic.
    • Resume will resubscribe and resume all normal functionality.

    - While stream_manipulator_3d is paused you cannot modify configuration or plugin specific settings Add Saving/Loading configuration functionality:

    • Saving config to rosparams and then dumpng to yaml file
    • Loading yaml file into rosparams, then update configuration from them.
  • Add two more filter plugins * Add Statistical Outlier Removal Plugin Wrapping of pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval filter. StatisticalOutlierRemoval uses point neighborhood statistics to filter outlier data. The algorithm iterates through the entire input twice: During the first iteration it will compute the average distance that each point has to its nearest k neighbors. The value of k can be set using nr_k_neighbors param. Next, the mean and standard deviation of all these distances are computed in order to determine a distance threshold. The distance threshold will be equal to: mean + stddev_mult * stddev. The multiplier for the standard deviation can be set using stddev_multiplier parameter. During the next iteration the points will be classified as inlier or outlier if their average neighbor distance is below or above this threshold respectively. Outliers will then be removed from the stream. The neighbors found for each query point will be found amongst ALL input points. * Add Radius Outlier Removal Plugin Wrapping of pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval filter. RadiusOutlierRemoval filters points in a cloud based on the number of neighbors they have. Iterates through the entire input once, and for each point, retrieves the number of neighbors within a certain radius. The point will be considered an outlier if it has too few neighbors, as determined by k_neighbors_threshold parameter. The radius can be changed using radius_search param. The neighbors found for each query point will be found amongst ALL points of input stream.

  • Contributors: Federico Spinelli

0.1.6 (2016-07-29)

  • Add some more Plugins: * Frustum Culling Filter Plugin Removes everything inside/outside a frustum, defined by two aperture angles and two parallel planes. * Median Filter Plugin The median filter is one of the simplest and wide-spread image processing filters. It is known to perform well with "shot"/impulse noise (some individual pixels having extreme values), it does not reduce contrast across steps in the function (as compared to filters based on averaging), and it is robust to outliers. Furthermore, it is simple to implement and efficient, as it requires a single pass over the image. It consists of a moving window of fixed size that replaces the pixel in the center with the median inside the window. NOTE: This filters only the depth (z-component) of organized and untransformed (i.e., in camera coordinates) point clouds. An error will be outputted if an unorganized cloud is given. * PassThrough Filter Plugin PassThrough passes points in a cloud based on constraints for one particular field of the point type. Iterates through the entire input once, automatically filtering non-finite points and the points outside the interval specified by the filter limits, which applies only to the field specified by field type.

  • Contributors: Federico Spinelli

0.1.4 (2016-07-23)

  • Fix build errors Add proper catkin dependencies
  • Contributors: Federico Spinelli

0.1.2 (22-07-2016)

* Fix VoxelGrid, now works properly: Trick was to instantiate pcl class from scratch into apply() method * Add delay timer measuring total time spent during processing: sm3d GUI now shows this value as an user indication that he's pulling in too many plugins. * Delay gui progressively colors from green to red according to the delay it shows. * Actual shown delay is a moving average of all instant total delays measured. Moving average window size is hardcoded to 20 * Fix some quirks in plugins gui, like allignments.

0.1.1 (20-07-2016)

* Add Plugn Chain moving: New chain elements get copied from old chain if they were present. This preservs user set parameters and configuration. As a result, rearrangments can be executed easily with Plugins params gettin preserved. New Plugins are still created from scratch. To achieve this, a copy of old chain description must be kept in StreamManipulator Class. * Add Voxel Grid Plugin: NEW Plugin that wraps pcl::VoxelGrid, i.e. downsample the stream with user specified parameters. * Change process() and apply() layouts: Drop the use of shared_ptr on output, cause that was confusing VoxelGrid Plugin, outputting an empty cloud. Not sure why, thought, it may be dependant of a particular PCL version (1.7.1). * Remove condition variable on chain changes: Not a real need for it, Reconfiguration can be accomplished simply by looking at a boolean, hence Condition Variable was probably overkill.

0.1.0 (04-07-2016)

  • stream_manipulator_3d package (sm3d) - Main ROS spinner process: configuration checking/updating, marker publishing, stream chain assembling. - Processing async Thread: reads chain and applies filters(plugins) one by one as fast as possible. - Async threaded ROS Subscriber: provides input to the chain and notifies processing thread

  • rqt_stream_manipulator_3d package (rqt_sm3d)
    • Rqt plugin to configure sm3d in real time
    • Provides GUI through ui files

    - Lets the user interact with the chain of Plugins: erasing,creating,modifying it.

    • A list of all available plugins is displayed for user convenience.
    • sm3d Subscriber can also be changed in realtime from here.
  • PluginLib Infrastructure for sm3d - Each filter/output/application is a dynamic plugin to sm3d::Plugin base class. - Plugins have their own configuration and namespace, to allow multiple instances of the same plugin to coexist - Plugins are loaded/unloaded at runtime based on configuration of stream_manipulator_3d node.
    • Plugins chained togheter form the stream chain
  • PluginLib Infrastructure for rqt_sm3d - Each Plugin of sm3d is mirrored also a Plugin for rqt_sm3d. This allows the GUI to dynamically grow/shrink according to the current loaded chain.
    • Provide ui files for each Plugin.
    • Each Plugin interacts only with its counterpart in sm3d
  • Configuration is allocated is shared memory using Boost Interprocess - sm3d configuration lives in shared memory, rqt_sm3d reads/modifies it. - Each sm3d plugin creates a configuration object in shared memory when it is spawned. rqt_sm3d respective plugins read/modify them. - Rosparams are used to define an initial configuration, then they are not touched anymore. This is done intentionally for now, to remove ros master overhead of constantly querying/changing Rosparams. - Dynamic_reconfigure is intentionally unused, because its is not flexible enough for this kind of application. Particurarly GUI is to minimalistic/unconfigurable.

  • Plugins implemented so far
    • Cropbox filter: wrapping of PCL one, remove anything inside/outside a box
    • Ros Publisher: publish stream on any point of the chain

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found

Recent questions tagged rqt_stream_manipulator_3d at Robotics Stack Exchange