No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.3
License Apache-2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2020-06-15
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Launch and configuration files to start controllers nodes from the [`uuv_trajectory_control`]( package for the RexROV 2 vehicle.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes
  • Sebastian Scherer
  • Luiz Ricardo Douat


  • Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes
  • Sebastian Scherer
  • Luiz Ricardo Douat
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package rexrov2_control

0.1.3 (2019-04-05)

0.1.2 (2019-03-12)

  • Update package format Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães <<>>
  • Contributors: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães

0.1.1 (2019-02-14)

0.1.0 (2018-07-04)

  • FIX Package version number Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #16 from uuvsimulator/fix/add_max_forward_speed ADD Max. forward speed argument to NMB SM control launch file
  • ADD Max. forward speed argument to NMB SM control launch file Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #14 from uuvsimulator/feature/pd_with_compensation ADD Launch files for PD controller with compensation of restoring forces
  • ADD Launch files for PD controller with compensation of restoring forces Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #13 from uuvsimulator/fix/controller_launch_files Fix/controller launch files
  • FIX Launch files input arguments Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • ADD File with vehicle's exact parameters Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #12 from uuvsimulator/fix/mb_fl_record_path FIX Path to default ROS bag
  • FIX Path to default ROS bag Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes (CR/AEI) <<>>
  • Merge pull request #11 from uuvsimulator/fix/set_ned_frame FIX use_ned_frame was flag to NED inertial frame
  • FIX use_ned_frame was flag to NED inertial frame
  • Merge pull request #10 from uuvsimulator/feature/new_sensor_macros Feature/new sensor macros
  • FIX Model parameters vehicle ID Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #8 from uuvsimulator/feature/rviz_visualization_config CHANGE RViz demo configuration file
  • CHANGE RViz demo configuration file Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #4 from uuvsimulator/fix/typo_package_xml FIX Typo in package.xml
  • FIX Typo in package.xml Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #1 from uuvsimulator/feature/transfer_files ADD Initial files for licensing and vehicle model configuration
  • ADD Initial files for licensing and vehicle model configuration Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Contributors: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes, Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes (CR/AEI), Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/start_nmb_sm_controller.launch
    • Starts the [non-model-based sliding mode controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `K`, `Kd`, `Ki` and `slope` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_nmb_sm_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • K [default: 5,5,5,5,5,5] — Coefficients for the $K$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 4490.0,4490.0,4490.0,19541.395,19541.395,19541.395] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • Ki [default: 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.476,0.476,0.476] — Coefficients for the $K_i$ diagonal matrix
      • slope [default: 3.83,3.83,3.83,0.508,0.508,0.508] — Coefficients for the $\alpha$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • max_forward_speed [default: 0.5] — Maximum forward speed in m/s
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
  • launch/start_velocity_control.launch
      • model_name [default: rexrov2]
      • uuv_name [default: $(arg model_name)]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
  • launch/start_sf_controller.launch
    • Starts the [singulary-tree tracking controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_sf_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true]
      • use_ned_frame [default: true]
      • Kd [default: 1000.0,1000.0,1000.0,100.0,100.0,100.0]
      • lambda [default: 100.0]
      • c [default: 100.0]
      • teleop_on [default: false]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
      • axis_yaw [default: 0]
      • axis_x [default: 4]
      • axis_y [default: 3]
      • axis_z [default: 1]
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml]
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_pd_grav_compensation_controller.launch
    • Starts the [PD controller with compensation of restoring forces]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_pd_grav_compensation_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • Kp [default: 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000] — Coefficients for the $K_p$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 100,100,100,100,100,100] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml] — File storing the vehicle model parameters loaded by the controller
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_pid_controller.launch
    • Starts the [6-DoF PID controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `Kp`, `Kd` and `Ki` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_pid_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • Kp [default: 11993.888,11993.888,11993.888,19460.069,19460.069,19460.069] — Coefficients for the $K_p$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 9077.459,9077.459,9077.459,18880.925,18880.925,18880.925] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • Ki [default: 321.417,321.417,321.417,2096.951,2096.951,2096.951] — Coefficients for the $K_i$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_mb_fl_controller.launch
    • Starts the [model-based feedback linearization controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `Kp`, `Kd` and `Ki` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_mb_fl_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2]
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true]
      • use_ned_frame [default: false]
      • Kp [default: 7750.307,7750.307,7750.307,7430.825,7430.825,7430.825]
      • Kd [default: 8953.924,8953.924,8953.924,8267.137,8267.137,8267.137]
      • Ki [default: 9144.575,9144.575,9144.575,2095.077,2095.077,2095.077]
      • teleop_on [default: false]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
      • axis_yaw [default: 0]
      • axis_x [default: 4]
      • axis_y [default: 3]
      • axis_z [default: 1]
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml]
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/record_demo.launch
    • Starts the `rosbag record` node and records a set of topics for the RexROV 2.
      • record [default: false] — Starts the recording node if set to true
      • bag_filename [default: recording.bag] — Filename for the recording ROS bag
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If set to true, stores the odometry with respect to NED frame
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle
  • launch/start_thruster_manager.launch
    • Starts the [thruster allocator node]( with the configuration for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The thruster allocator uses the [thruster allocation matrix]( to convert the [geometry_msgs/Wrench message]( from the `//thruster_manager/input` topic into reference input for each thruster unit. > **Create or reset the thruster allocation matrix** In case the [thruster allocation matrix]( has to be created or recalculated, start the simulation as follows ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` and then start the thruster manager with the `reset_tam` set to true. The file will be stored under the filename provided with the path under the input `tam_file` as follows ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_thruster_manager.launch reset_tam:=true ``` > **Example** Start the simulation, spawn the RexROV 2 vehicle and then start the thruster allocation node as follows ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_thruster_manager.launch ``` !!! note A controller node or similar must publish the geometry_msgs/Wrench message in the `//thruster_manager/input` topic for the vehicle to move.
      • model_name [default: rexrov2] — Name of the model of the vehicle
      • uuv_name [default: $(arg model_name)] — Namespace for the vehicle instance
      • base_link [default: base_link] — Name of the base link frame
      • timeout [default: -1]
      • reset_tam [default: false]
      • output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged rexrov2_control at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.3
License Apache-2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2020-06-15
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Launch and configuration files to start controllers nodes from the [`uuv_trajectory_control`]( package for the RexROV 2 vehicle.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes
  • Sebastian Scherer
  • Luiz Ricardo Douat


  • Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes
  • Sebastian Scherer
  • Luiz Ricardo Douat
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package rexrov2_control

0.1.3 (2019-04-05)

0.1.2 (2019-03-12)

  • Update package format Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães <<>>
  • Contributors: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães

0.1.1 (2019-02-14)

0.1.0 (2018-07-04)

  • FIX Package version number Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #16 from uuvsimulator/fix/add_max_forward_speed ADD Max. forward speed argument to NMB SM control launch file
  • ADD Max. forward speed argument to NMB SM control launch file Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #14 from uuvsimulator/feature/pd_with_compensation ADD Launch files for PD controller with compensation of restoring forces
  • ADD Launch files for PD controller with compensation of restoring forces Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #13 from uuvsimulator/fix/controller_launch_files Fix/controller launch files
  • FIX Launch files input arguments Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • ADD File with vehicle's exact parameters Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #12 from uuvsimulator/fix/mb_fl_record_path FIX Path to default ROS bag
  • FIX Path to default ROS bag Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes (CR/AEI) <<>>
  • Merge pull request #11 from uuvsimulator/fix/set_ned_frame FIX use_ned_frame was flag to NED inertial frame
  • FIX use_ned_frame was flag to NED inertial frame
  • Merge pull request #10 from uuvsimulator/feature/new_sensor_macros Feature/new sensor macros
  • FIX Model parameters vehicle ID Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #8 from uuvsimulator/feature/rviz_visualization_config CHANGE RViz demo configuration file
  • CHANGE RViz demo configuration file Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #4 from uuvsimulator/fix/typo_package_xml FIX Typo in package.xml
  • FIX Typo in package.xml Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #1 from uuvsimulator/feature/transfer_files ADD Initial files for licensing and vehicle model configuration
  • ADD Initial files for licensing and vehicle model configuration Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Contributors: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes, Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes (CR/AEI), Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/start_nmb_sm_controller.launch
    • Starts the [non-model-based sliding mode controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `K`, `Kd`, `Ki` and `slope` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_nmb_sm_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • K [default: 5,5,5,5,5,5] — Coefficients for the $K$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 4490.0,4490.0,4490.0,19541.395,19541.395,19541.395] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • Ki [default: 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.476,0.476,0.476] — Coefficients for the $K_i$ diagonal matrix
      • slope [default: 3.83,3.83,3.83,0.508,0.508,0.508] — Coefficients for the $\alpha$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • max_forward_speed [default: 0.5] — Maximum forward speed in m/s
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
  • launch/start_velocity_control.launch
      • model_name [default: rexrov2]
      • uuv_name [default: $(arg model_name)]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
  • launch/start_sf_controller.launch
    • Starts the [singulary-tree tracking controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_sf_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true]
      • use_ned_frame [default: true]
      • Kd [default: 1000.0,1000.0,1000.0,100.0,100.0,100.0]
      • lambda [default: 100.0]
      • c [default: 100.0]
      • teleop_on [default: false]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
      • axis_yaw [default: 0]
      • axis_x [default: 4]
      • axis_y [default: 3]
      • axis_z [default: 1]
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml]
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_pd_grav_compensation_controller.launch
    • Starts the [PD controller with compensation of restoring forces]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_pd_grav_compensation_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • Kp [default: 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000] — Coefficients for the $K_p$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 100,100,100,100,100,100] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml] — File storing the vehicle model parameters loaded by the controller
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_pid_controller.launch
    • Starts the [6-DoF PID controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `Kp`, `Kd` and `Ki` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_pid_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • Kp [default: 11993.888,11993.888,11993.888,19460.069,19460.069,19460.069] — Coefficients for the $K_p$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 9077.459,9077.459,9077.459,18880.925,18880.925,18880.925] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • Ki [default: 321.417,321.417,321.417,2096.951,2096.951,2096.951] — Coefficients for the $K_i$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_mb_fl_controller.launch
    • Starts the [model-based feedback linearization controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `Kp`, `Kd` and `Ki` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_mb_fl_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2]
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true]
      • use_ned_frame [default: false]
      • Kp [default: 7750.307,7750.307,7750.307,7430.825,7430.825,7430.825]
      • Kd [default: 8953.924,8953.924,8953.924,8267.137,8267.137,8267.137]
      • Ki [default: 9144.575,9144.575,9144.575,2095.077,2095.077,2095.077]
      • teleop_on [default: false]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
      • axis_yaw [default: 0]
      • axis_x [default: 4]
      • axis_y [default: 3]
      • axis_z [default: 1]
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml]
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/record_demo.launch
    • Starts the `rosbag record` node and records a set of topics for the RexROV 2.
      • record [default: false] — Starts the recording node if set to true
      • bag_filename [default: recording.bag] — Filename for the recording ROS bag
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If set to true, stores the odometry with respect to NED frame
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle
  • launch/start_thruster_manager.launch
    • Starts the [thruster allocator node]( with the configuration for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The thruster allocator uses the [thruster allocation matrix]( to convert the [geometry_msgs/Wrench message]( from the `//thruster_manager/input` topic into reference input for each thruster unit. > **Create or reset the thruster allocation matrix** In case the [thruster allocation matrix]( has to be created or recalculated, start the simulation as follows ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` and then start the thruster manager with the `reset_tam` set to true. The file will be stored under the filename provided with the path under the input `tam_file` as follows ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_thruster_manager.launch reset_tam:=true ``` > **Example** Start the simulation, spawn the RexROV 2 vehicle and then start the thruster allocation node as follows ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_thruster_manager.launch ``` !!! note A controller node or similar must publish the geometry_msgs/Wrench message in the `//thruster_manager/input` topic for the vehicle to move.
      • model_name [default: rexrov2] — Name of the model of the vehicle
      • uuv_name [default: $(arg model_name)] — Namespace for the vehicle instance
      • base_link [default: base_link] — Name of the base link frame
      • timeout [default: -1]
      • reset_tam [default: false]
      • output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.3
License Apache-2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2020-06-15
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Launch and configuration files to start controllers nodes from the [`uuv_trajectory_control`]( package for the RexROV 2 vehicle.

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes
  • Sebastian Scherer
  • Luiz Ricardo Douat


  • Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes
  • Sebastian Scherer
  • Luiz Ricardo Douat
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package rexrov2_control

0.1.3 (2019-04-05)

0.1.2 (2019-03-12)

  • Update package format Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães <<>>
  • Contributors: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães

0.1.1 (2019-02-14)

0.1.0 (2018-07-04)

  • FIX Package version number Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #16 from uuvsimulator/fix/add_max_forward_speed ADD Max. forward speed argument to NMB SM control launch file
  • ADD Max. forward speed argument to NMB SM control launch file Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #14 from uuvsimulator/feature/pd_with_compensation ADD Launch files for PD controller with compensation of restoring forces
  • ADD Launch files for PD controller with compensation of restoring forces Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #13 from uuvsimulator/fix/controller_launch_files Fix/controller launch files
  • FIX Launch files input arguments Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • ADD File with vehicle's exact parameters Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #12 from uuvsimulator/fix/mb_fl_record_path FIX Path to default ROS bag
  • FIX Path to default ROS bag Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes (CR/AEI) <<>>
  • Merge pull request #11 from uuvsimulator/fix/set_ned_frame FIX use_ned_frame was flag to NED inertial frame
  • FIX use_ned_frame was flag to NED inertial frame
  • Merge pull request #10 from uuvsimulator/feature/new_sensor_macros Feature/new sensor macros
  • FIX Model parameters vehicle ID Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #8 from uuvsimulator/feature/rviz_visualization_config CHANGE RViz demo configuration file
  • CHANGE RViz demo configuration file Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #4 from uuvsimulator/fix/typo_package_xml FIX Typo in package.xml
  • FIX Typo in package.xml Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Merge pull request #1 from uuvsimulator/feature/transfer_files ADD Initial files for licensing and vehicle model configuration
  • ADD Initial files for licensing and vehicle model configuration Signed-off-by: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes <<>>
  • Contributors: Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes, Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes (CR/AEI), Musa Morena Marcusso Manhães

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/start_nmb_sm_controller.launch
    • Starts the [non-model-based sliding mode controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `K`, `Kd`, `Ki` and `slope` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_nmb_sm_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • K [default: 5,5,5,5,5,5] — Coefficients for the $K$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 4490.0,4490.0,4490.0,19541.395,19541.395,19541.395] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • Ki [default: 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.476,0.476,0.476] — Coefficients for the $K_i$ diagonal matrix
      • slope [default: 3.83,3.83,3.83,0.508,0.508,0.508] — Coefficients for the $\alpha$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • max_forward_speed [default: 0.5] — Maximum forward speed in m/s
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
  • launch/start_velocity_control.launch
      • model_name [default: rexrov2]
      • uuv_name [default: $(arg model_name)]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
  • launch/start_sf_controller.launch
    • Starts the [singulary-tree tracking controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_sf_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true]
      • use_ned_frame [default: true]
      • Kd [default: 1000.0,1000.0,1000.0,100.0,100.0,100.0]
      • lambda [default: 100.0]
      • c [default: 100.0]
      • teleop_on [default: false]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
      • axis_yaw [default: 0]
      • axis_x [default: 4]
      • axis_y [default: 3]
      • axis_z [default: 1]
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml]
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_pd_grav_compensation_controller.launch
    • Starts the [PD controller with compensation of restoring forces]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_pd_grav_compensation_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • Kp [default: 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000] — Coefficients for the $K_p$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 100,100,100,100,100,100] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml] — File storing the vehicle model parameters loaded by the controller
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_pid_controller.launch
    • Starts the [6-DoF PID controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `Kp`, `Kd` and `Ki` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_pid_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle to be controller
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true] — Start Gazebo client and RViz
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If true, the reference frame is set to be NED (North-East-Down) instead of Gazebo's default ENU (East-North-Up)
      • Kp [default: 11993.888,11993.888,11993.888,19460.069,19460.069,19460.069] — Coefficients for the $K_p$ diagonal matrix
      • Kd [default: 9077.459,9077.459,9077.459,18880.925,18880.925,18880.925] — Coefficients for the $K_d$ diagonal matrix
      • Ki [default: 321.417,321.417,321.417,2096.951,2096.951,2096.951] — Coefficients for the $K_i$ diagonal matrix
      • teleop_on [default: false] — Start joystick teleop node
      • joy_id [default: 0] — ID of the joystick device
      • axis_yaw [default: 0] — Joystick mapping for yaw angle input
      • axis_x [default: 4] — Joystick mapping for X component of velocity reference input
      • axis_y [default: 3] — Joystick mapping for Y component of velocity reference input
      • axis_z [default: 1] — Joystick mapping for Z component of velocity reference input
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config] — Output directory for the generated thruster manager
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml] — File storing the configuration of the thruster manager
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml] — File storing the thruster allocation matrix
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/start_mb_fl_controller.launch
    • Starts the [model-based feedback linearization controller]( node with the configurations for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The controller's default parameters `Kp`, `Kd` and `Ki` were optimized using [SMAC]( > **Example** ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_mb_fl_controller.launch ```
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2]
      • record [default: false] — Record ROS bag
      • gui_on [default: true]
      • use_ned_frame [default: false]
      • Kp [default: 7750.307,7750.307,7750.307,7430.825,7430.825,7430.825]
      • Kd [default: 8953.924,8953.924,8953.924,8267.137,8267.137,8267.137]
      • Ki [default: 9144.575,9144.575,9144.575,2095.077,2095.077,2095.077]
      • teleop_on [default: false]
      • joy_id [default: 0]
      • axis_yaw [default: 0]
      • axis_x [default: 4]
      • axis_y [default: 3]
      • axis_z [default: 1]
      • model_params_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/model_params.yaml]
      • thruster_manager_output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • thruster_manager_config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]
      • gain_yaw [default: 0.2]
      • gain_x [default: 0.5]
      • gain_y [default: 0.5]
      • gain_z [default: 0.5]
  • launch/record_demo.launch
    • Starts the `rosbag record` node and records a set of topics for the RexROV 2.
      • record [default: false] — Starts the recording node if set to true
      • bag_filename [default: recording.bag] — Filename for the recording ROS bag
      • use_ned_frame [default: false] — If set to true, stores the odometry with respect to NED frame
      • uuv_name [default: rexrov2] — Namespace of the vehicle
  • launch/start_thruster_manager.launch
    • Starts the [thruster allocator node]( with the configuration for the RexROV 2 vehicle. The thruster allocator uses the [thruster allocation matrix]( to convert the [geometry_msgs/Wrench message]( from the `//thruster_manager/input` topic into reference input for each thruster unit. > **Create or reset the thruster allocation matrix** In case the [thruster allocation matrix]( has to be created or recalculated, start the simulation as follows ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` and then start the thruster manager with the `reset_tam` set to true. The file will be stored under the filename provided with the path under the input `tam_file` as follows ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_thruster_manager.launch reset_tam:=true ``` > **Example** Start the simulation, spawn the RexROV 2 vehicle and then start the thruster allocation node as follows ``` roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_description upload_rexrov2.launch ``` ``` roslaunch rexrov2_control start_thruster_manager.launch ``` !!! note A controller node or similar must publish the geometry_msgs/Wrench message in the `//thruster_manager/input` topic for the vehicle to move.
      • model_name [default: rexrov2] — Name of the model of the vehicle
      • uuv_name [default: $(arg model_name)] — Namespace for the vehicle instance
      • base_link [default: base_link] — Name of the base link frame
      • timeout [default: -1]
      • reset_tam [default: false]
      • output_dir [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config]
      • config_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/thruster_manager.yaml]
      • tam_file [default: $(find rexrov2_control)/config/TAM.yaml]


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