No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.0.0
License BSD 3-Clause
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://bitbucket.org/qbrobotics/qbchain-ros.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version production-noetic
Last Updated 2022-07-06
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains the ROS node to control multiple qbrobotics® devices simultaneously.

Additional Links


  • Alessandro Tondo


  • qbrobotics®
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package qb_chain_control

3.0.0 (2022-07-06)

2.2.3 (2021-11-05)

  • changed ee limits in .yaml file
  • Changed delta limits

2.2.2 (2021-08-30)

2.2.1 (2021-08-27)

2.2.0 (2021-08-26)

  • Modified control frequency for RPi4
  • Fixed joint limits and default robot movement.
  • Add Gazebo SoftHand and SoftHand 2 Motors plugin skeletons
  • Set a better name for fake joint simulation variables
  • Fix cmake resource installation
  • removed wrong commented parts
  • qb_control_chain finds automatically the IP address
  • Fix launch
  • Add Gazebo support for kinematic chains
  • modified shell script for qb control(IP address)
  • Add joint limits configuration for robot configs
  • Removed files for old configuration. Added scripts for waypoints. Added script to interact with qb control.
  • Fixed an error that prevents the usage of WAYPOINT modality. Added .yaml file for parsing wayoints.
  • Fix a .launch name and created a new one for loading URDFs when controlling remotely the qb chain.
  • Fixed some errors in wrist kinematic and added the last kinematic config(arm_v2).
  • Added wrist files to implement the corresponding kinematic (not implemented yet).
  • Changed the names of the calsses according to robot configurations described in the guide (qbmove KIT 23/12/2020). for 'arm2' used the library 'trac_ik' for solving inverse kinematic problem.
  • fixed some minor bugs
  • Added the scripts for 2-axes wrist implementation. The project compiles but the inverse kinematic equations are wrong.
  • Added a third kinematic configuration. The open chain kinematics are named arm1 and arm 2.
  • added kinematic controller for arm1 configuration
  • Added arm3 kinematic controller and custom message to set velocity and stiffness togheter with end-effector position
  • Add a launch file in qb_chain_control/launch in order to load 'robot description'

2.1.1 (2019-06-11)

2.1.0 (2019-05-28)

  • Update demo points and launch settings
  • Add a simulator mode to debug joint trajectories
  • Fix default control duration of launch files
  • Add delta controller

2.0.2 (2018-08-09)

2.0.1 (2018-08-07)

  • Set safer default values

2.0.0 (2018-06-01)

  • Refactor xacro models and relative launch files

1.0.4 (2017-11-24)

1.0.3 (2017-06-23)

  • Update cmake version to match Kinetic standards

1.0.2 (2017-06-21)

  • fix cmake settings to solve isolated builds

1.0.1 (2017-06-19)

  • first public release for Kinetic

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/5dof_chain_hand_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.02] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [cube1, cube2, cube3, cube4, cube5, hand10]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: 5dof_chain_hand] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm2_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm2_qbmove_1, arm2_qbmove_2, arm2_qbmove_3, arm2_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm2] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/delta_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [delta_qbmove_1, delta_qbmove_2, delta_qbmove_3, delta_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbdelta] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/wrist_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [wrist_qbmove_1, wrist_qbmove_2, wrist_qbmove_3, wrist_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbwrist] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm1_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm1_qbmove_1, arm1_qbmove_2, arm1_qbmove_3, arm1_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm1] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/load_robot_model.launch
      • kinematic_config [default: arm_v2] — Robot model
  • launch/arm_v1_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm_v1_qbmove_1, arm_v1_qbmove_2, arm_v1_qbmove_3, arm_v1_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm_v1] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm_v2_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm_v2_qbmove_1, arm_v2_qbmove_2, arm_v2_qbmove_3, arm_v2_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm_v2] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/5dof_chain_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.02] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [cube1, cube2, cube3, cube4, cube5]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: 5dof_chain_hand] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/4dof_chain_async_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.005] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • get_currents [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged qb_chain_control at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.2.1
License BSD 3-Clause
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://bitbucket.org/qbrobotics/qbchain-ros.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version production-kinetic
Last Updated 2021-08-27
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains the ROS node to control multiple qbrobotics® devices simultaneously.

Additional Links


  • Alessandro Tondo


  • qbrobotics®
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package qb_chain_control

2.2.1 (2021-08-27)

2.2.0 (2021-08-26)

  • Modified control frequency for RPi4
  • Fixed joint limits and default robot movement.
  • Add Gazebo SoftHand and SoftHand 2 Motors plugin skeletons
  • Set a better name for fake joint simulation variables
  • Fix cmake resource installation
  • removed wrong commented parts
  • qb_control_chain finds automatically the IP address
  • Fix launch
  • Add Gazebo support for kinematic chains
  • modified shell script for qb control(IP address)
  • Add joint limits configuration for robot configs
  • Removed files for old configuration. Added scripts for waypoints. Added script to interact with qb control.
  • Fixed an error that prevents the usage of WAYPOINT modality. Added .yaml file for parsing wayoints.
  • Fix a .launch name and created a new one for loading URDFs when controlling remotely the qb chain.
  • Fixed some errors in wrist kinematic and added the last kinematic config(arm_v2).
  • Added wrist files to implement the corresponding kinematic (not implemented yet).
  • Changed the names of the calsses according to robot configurations described in the guide (qbmove KIT 23/12/2020). for 'arm2' used the library 'trac_ik' for solving inverse kinematic problem.
  • fixed some minor bugs
  • Added the scripts for 2-axes wrist implementation. The project compiles but the inverse kinematic equations are wrong.
  • Added a third kinematic configuration. The open chain kinematics are named arm1 and arm 2.
  • added kinematic controller for arm1 configuration
  • Added arm3 kinematic controller and custom message to set velocity and stiffness togheter with end-effector position
  • Add a launch file in qb_chain_control/launch in order to load 'robot description'

2.1.1 (2019-06-11)

2.1.0 (2019-05-28)

  • Update demo points and launch settings
  • Add a simulator mode to debug joint trajectories
  • Fix default control duration of launch files
  • Add delta controller

2.0.2 (2018-08-09)

2.0.1 (2018-08-07)

  • Set safer default values

2.0.0 (2018-06-01)

  • Refactor xacro models and relative launch files

1.0.4 (2017-11-24)

1.0.3 (2017-06-23)

  • Update cmake version to match Kinetic standards

1.0.2 (2017-06-21)

  • fix cmake settings to solve isolated builds

1.0.1 (2017-06-19)

  • first public release for Kinetic

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/arm2_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm2_qbmove_1, arm2_qbmove_2, arm2_qbmove_3, arm2_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm2] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/delta_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [delta_qbmove_1, delta_qbmove_2, delta_qbmove_3, delta_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbdelta] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/wrist_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [wrist_qbmove_1, wrist_qbmove_2, wrist_qbmove_3, wrist_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbwrist] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm1_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm1_qbmove_1, arm1_qbmove_2, arm1_qbmove_3, arm1_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm1] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/load_robot_model.launch
      • kinematic_config [default: arm_v2] — Robot model
  • launch/arm_v1_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm_v1_qbmove_1, arm_v1_qbmove_2, arm_v1_qbmove_3, arm_v1_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm_v1] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm_v2_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm_v2_qbmove_1, arm_v2_qbmove_2, arm_v2_qbmove_3, arm_v2_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm_v2] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/4dof_chain_async_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.005] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • get_currents [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.


No message files found.


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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.0.0
License BSD 3-Clause
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://bitbucket.org/qbrobotics/qbchain-ros.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version production-melodic
Last Updated 2022-07-06
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

This package contains the ROS node to control multiple qbrobotics® devices simultaneously.

Additional Links


  • Alessandro Tondo


  • qbrobotics®
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package qb_chain_control

3.0.0 (2022-07-06)

2.2.3 (2021-11-05)

  • changed ee limits in .yaml file
  • Changed delta limits

2.2.2 (2021-08-30)

2.2.1 (2021-08-27)

2.2.0 (2021-08-26)

  • Modified control frequency for RPi4
  • Fixed joint limits and default robot movement.
  • Add Gazebo SoftHand and SoftHand 2 Motors plugin skeletons
  • Set a better name for fake joint simulation variables
  • Fix cmake resource installation
  • removed wrong commented parts
  • qb_control_chain finds automatically the IP address
  • Fix launch
  • Add Gazebo support for kinematic chains
  • modified shell script for qb control(IP address)
  • Add joint limits configuration for robot configs
  • Removed files for old configuration. Added scripts for waypoints. Added script to interact with qb control.
  • Fixed an error that prevents the usage of WAYPOINT modality. Added .yaml file for parsing wayoints.
  • Fix a .launch name and created a new one for loading URDFs when controlling remotely the qb chain.
  • Fixed some errors in wrist kinematic and added the last kinematic config(arm_v2).
  • Added wrist files to implement the corresponding kinematic (not implemented yet).
  • Changed the names of the calsses according to robot configurations described in the guide (qbmove KIT 23/12/2020). for 'arm2' used the library 'trac_ik' for solving inverse kinematic problem.
  • fixed some minor bugs
  • Added the scripts for 2-axes wrist implementation. The project compiles but the inverse kinematic equations are wrong.
  • Added a third kinematic configuration. The open chain kinematics are named arm1 and arm 2.
  • added kinematic controller for arm1 configuration
  • Added arm3 kinematic controller and custom message to set velocity and stiffness togheter with end-effector position
  • Add a launch file in qb_chain_control/launch in order to load 'robot description'

2.1.1 (2019-06-11)

2.1.0 (2019-05-28)

  • Update demo points and launch settings
  • Add a simulator mode to debug joint trajectories
  • Fix default control duration of launch files
  • Add delta controller

2.0.2 (2018-08-09)

2.0.1 (2018-08-07)

  • Set safer default values

2.0.0 (2018-06-01)

  • Refactor xacro models and relative launch files

1.0.4 (2017-11-24)

1.0.3 (2017-06-23)

  • Update cmake version to match Kinetic standards

1.0.2 (2017-06-21)

  • fix cmake settings to solve isolated builds

1.0.1 (2017-06-19)

  • first public release for Kinetic

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/5dof_chain_hand_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.02] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [cube1, cube2, cube3, cube4, cube5, hand10]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: 5dof_chain_hand] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm2_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm2_qbmove_1, arm2_qbmove_2, arm2_qbmove_3, arm2_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm2] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/delta_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [delta_qbmove_1, delta_qbmove_2, delta_qbmove_3, delta_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbdelta] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/wrist_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [wrist_qbmove_1, wrist_qbmove_2, wrist_qbmove_3, wrist_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbwrist] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm1_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm1_qbmove_1, arm1_qbmove_2, arm1_qbmove_3, arm1_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm1] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/load_robot_model.launch
      • kinematic_config [default: arm_v2] — Robot model
  • launch/arm_v1_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm_v1_qbmove_1, arm_v1_qbmove_2, arm_v1_qbmove_3, arm_v1_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm_v1] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/arm_v2_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.01] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [arm_v2_qbmove_1, arm_v2_qbmove_2, arm_v2_qbmove_3, arm_v2_qbmove_4]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: qbarm_v2] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: false] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/5dof_chain_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.02] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • robot_hardware [default: [cube1, cube2, cube3, cube4, cube5]] — The robot hardware interface namespaces, e.g. [device1, device2, ...].
      • robot_name [default: 5dof_chain_hand] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_namespace [default: $(arg robot_name)] — The unique robot namespace.
      • robot_package [default: qb_chain] — The base package name prefix for the robot configurations [urdf, rviz, ...].
      • source_list [default: [control/joint_states]] — The joint_states source list for the joint_state_publisher.
      • get_currents [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_gazebo [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use Gazebo instead of real devices.
      • use_interactive_markers [default: $(arg use_rviz)] — Choose whether or not to use interactive markers on rviz.
      • use_joint_limits [default: true] — Choose whether or not to use the robot joint limits.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.
  • launch/4dof_chain_async_control.launch
      • control_duration [default: 0.005] — The duration of the control loop [s].
      • get_currents [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current measurements from the device.
      • get_positions [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve position measurements from the device.
      • get_distinct_packages [default: true] — Choose whether or not to retrieve current and position measurements from the device in two distinct packages.
      • max_repeats [default: 3] — The maximum number of consecutive repetitions to mark retrieved data as corrupted.
      • set_commands [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send command positions to the device.
      • set_commands_async [default: true] — Choose whether or not to send commands without waiting for ack.
      • activate_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to activate the motors on node startup.
      • rescan_on_initialization [default: false] — Choose whether or not to rescan the serial ports on node startup.
      • use_fake_measurement_mode [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use previous command values instead of device measurements.
      • standalone [default: false] — Choose whether or not to start the Communication Handler.
      • use_controller_gui [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the controller GUI.
      • use_rviz [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use rviz.
      • use_waypoints [default: false] — Choose whether or not to use the waypoint references.


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