libhri repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble-devel
Last Updated 2024-08-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
hri 2.5.1
pyhri 2.5.1


ROS4HRI helper library

A wrapper library for the ROS4HRI framework, significantly easing accessing the robot's perceptions of surrounding humans.

It contains two packages: - hri: the C++ implementation package - pyhri: the Python implementation package, wrapping the C++ one with Pybind11

Note: this branch only contains ROS 2 support. For ROS 1, check the main branch. Note: this repository only contains pyhri ROS 2 support. For ROS 1, check the pyhri repository.


For the pyhri documentation, first import hri, then use help(hri.<class>).

The main entry point for using the library is the HRIListener class.


For an example of usage, you can check the example: - C++: hri/src/example.cpp or - Python: pyhri/hri/

They are installed by default and can be tested by executing:

  • In a separate terminal:
    1. apt install ros-humble-usb-cam
    2. ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe
  • In a separate terminal:
    1. install hri-face-detect
    2. ros2 launch hri_face_detect
  • In a separate terminal, either:
    • C++: ros2 run hri hri_example or
    • Python: ros2 run pyhri pyhri_example

Note that the Python implementation actually spawns two nodes.


Contributing Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project Whether it's a bug report, new feature, correction, or additional documentation, we greatly value feedback and contributions from our community.

Please read through this document before submitting any issues or pull requests to ensure we have all the necessary information to effectively respond to your bug report or contribution.

Reporting Bugs/Feature Requests

We welcome you to use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs or suggest features.

When filing an issue, please check existing open issues, or recently closed, issues to make sure somebody else hasn't already reported the issue. Please try to include as much information as you can. Details like these are incredibly useful:

  • A reproducible test case or series of steps
  • The version of our code being used
  • Any modifications you've made relevant to the bug
  • Anything unusual about your environment or deployment

Contributing via Pull Requests

Contributions via pull requests are much appreciated. Before sending us a pull request, please ensure that:

  1. You are working against the latest source on the master branch.
  2. You check existing open, and recently merged, pull requests to make sure someone else hasn't addressed the problem already.
  3. You open an issue to discuss any significant work - we would hate for your time to be wasted.

To send us a pull request, please:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Modify the source; please focus on the specific change you are contributing. If you also reformat all the code, it will be hard for us to focus on your change.
  3. Ensure local tests pass. (colcon test)
  4. Commit to your fork using clear commit messages.
  5. Send a pull request, answering any default questions in the pull request interface.
  6. Pay attention to any automated CI failures reported in the pull request, and stay involved in the conversation.

GitHub provides additional documentation on forking a repository and creating a pull request.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
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   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2023-07-05
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
hri 0.6.4



libhri is a wrapper library for the ROS4HRI framework, significantly easing accessing the robot's perceptions of surrounding humans.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2023-07-05
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
hri 0.6.4



libhri is a wrapper library for the ROS4HRI framework, significantly easing accessing the robot's perceptions of surrounding humans.


No found.