Package Summary

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Version 0.1.0
License Apache 2.0
Build type CATKIN

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VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2018-04-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
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Package Description

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  • Murilo Martins
  • G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute)


  • Murilo Martins

ROS-Industrial driver (server) for Staubli robots


This ROS-I driver was developed in Staubli’s VAL3 language for use with 6-axis Staubli robot manipulators.

It is advisable to try this driver on Staubli’s emulator first.


  • Staubli 6-axis robot manipulator
  • Staubli CS8 controller
    • it may work with other controllers, but this driver was tested on CS8 only
  • VAL3 version s7.7.2 or greater
    • this is very important, since this implementation uses return values of sioGet() only available from s7.7.2 onwards


Installing the driver to a Staubli controller simply consists of transferring the contents of the val3 folder to the controller itself.

Clone this repository

Clone branch indigo-devel of staubli_experimental:

git clone -b indigo-devel

Transfer driver to Staubli CS8 controller

There are several ways of transferring VAL3 applications to a Staubli controller. The simplest method is probably copying the contents of val3 folder into a USB memory stick (<2GB given the CS8 limitations), plugging the stick to the controller and using the teach pendant to copy the folders.

Open the VAL3 application with Staubli SRS

Although it is possible to edit the source files with any text editor (they are essentially XML files), it is advisable to use the Staubli Robotics Suite:

  • Copy contents of folder val3 into the usrapp folder of the Staubli cell
  • Open the ros_server VAL3 project located inside the ros_server folder

SRS offers autocompletion, syntax highlighting and syntax checking, amongst other useful features, such as a Staubli controller/teach pendant emulator.


Load driver from (real or emulated) teach pendant

From Main menu:

  1. Application manager –> Val3 applications
  2. +Disk –> ros_server


The TCP sockets on the CS8 controller/emulator must be configured prior to using the driver, otherwise a runtime error will be displayed on the teach pendant and the driver will not work.

Two sockets (TCP Servers) are required. From Main menu:

  1. Control panel –> I/O –> Socket –> TCP Servers
  2. Configure two sockets
    • Name: Feedback, Port: 11002, Timeout: -1, Delimiter: 13, Nagle: Off
    • Name: Motion, Port: 11000, Timeout: -1, Delimiter: 13, Nagle: Off

Run the driver (ROS-I server)

Check that:

  1. The contents of the val3 folder (both ros_server and ros_libs folders) have been transferred to the Staubli controller
  2. The VAL3 application ros_server has been loaded
  3. Both TCP Server sockets have been configured properly

Then simply press the Run button, ensure that ros_server is highlighted, then press F8 (Ok).

Notice that depending on which mode of operation is currently active, the motors may need to be enabled manually (a message will pop up on the screen). Likewise, the robot will only move if the Move button has been pressed (or is kept pressed if in manual mode).

Run the industrial_robot_client node (ROS-I client)

The indigo-devel branch provides launch files (within the staubli_val3_driver ROS package). Simply run:

roslaunch staubli_val3_driver robot_interface_streaming.launch robot_ip:=<CS8 controller IP address>

Bugs, suggestions and feature requests

Please report any bugs you may find, make any suggestions you may have and request new features you may find useful via GitHub.


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Launch files


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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