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mia_hand_bringup package from mia_hand_ros_pkgs repomia_hand_bringup mia_hand_description mia_hand_driver mia_hand_gazebo mia_hand_moveit_config mia_hand_msgs mia_hand_ros_control mia_hand_ros_pkgs |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.0.2 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://bitbucket.org/prensiliasrl/mia_hand_ros_pkgs.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2024-01-15 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Andrea Burani
- Francesca Cini
- Andrea Burani
This package contains the launch files of the Mia Hand.
to launch the node drive of the real Mia hand and send serial commands directly to the hand please use:
roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_driver_node.launch
See readme file and documentation of the mia_hand_driver pkg for further details.
to launch the control loop (frequency 20Hz), the hardware interface of the real Mia Hand with ros controllers please use:
roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_hw.launch roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_hw_traj.launch roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_hw_moveit.launch
See readme file and documentation of the mia_hand_ros_control pkg for further details. Please note that to these launch files load the mia joint transmission YAML configuration file (stored in the mia_hand_description/calibration folder) to the parameter server.
to launch the control the simulation of the Mia hand within Gazebo with controllers please use:
roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_Sim.launch roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_Sim_traj.launch
See readme file and documentation of the mia_hand_gazebo pkg for further details. Please note that to these launch files load the mia joint transmission YAML configuration file (stored in the mia_hand_description/calibration folder) to the parameter server.
Please, in order to properly control the mia hand hardware, set the serial low_latency flag:
setserial /dev/<tty_name> low_latency
To load the calibration files (joint_limits.yaml and transmission_config.yaml) provided with every Mia Hand, copy and past them within the folder mia_hand_description/calibration. If you want to modify the default name of these files, use the arguments “joint_limits_config_filename” and “transmission_config_filename” of the launch files to provide the new file names.
To select right or left versios of Mia Hand use the argument right_hand (True or False) of the launch file.
Changelog for package mia_hand_bringup
1.0.2 (2022-02-07)
1.0.1 (2022-02-07)
- Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:prensiliasrl/mia_hand_ros_pkgs
- Update trajectory velocity controllers (also for moveit).
- Contributors: Andrea Burani, frcini
1.0.0 (2022-01-25)
- 1.0.0
- Updated CHANGELOG files.
- Updated CHANGELOG files.
- Added srv dependency to mia_hand_driver and joint_state_interface to mmia_hand_description. Added wiki url links.
- 1.0.0
- Added ChangeLog files of each pkg.
- Initial commit.
- Fix package xml files.
- Initial commit.
- Contributors: Andrea Burani, frcini
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Name | Deps |
mia_hand_ros_pkgs |
Launch files
- launch/mia_hand_driver_node.launch
- serial_port_num [default: 0] — Number of /dev/ttyUSB serial port to which Mia Hand is connected.
- launch/mia_hand_hw_moveit.launch
- Mia_COM_ [default: 0] — Int number of the Mia hand COM port
- Mia_fs_ [default: 20] — Hz, frequency of the control loop of the Mia Hw interface
- robotNamespace [default: mia_hand_hw]
- load_default_mia_model [default: false]
- tc_type [default: vel] — type of trajectory controller to launch. Values: vel, pos
- launch/mia_hand_hw.launch
- Mia_COM_ [default: 0] — Int number of the Mia hand COM port
- Mia_fs_ [default: 20] — Hz, frequency of the control loop of the Mia Hw interface
- robotNamespace [default: mia_hand_hw]
- load_default_mia_model [default: false]
- right_hand [default: true] — True for right hand False otherwise
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of Mia Hand
- controller_thumb_fle [default: pos_vel] — type of controller for thumb flexion. Values: position, velocity, pos_vel
- controller_index_fle [default: pos_vel] — type of controller for index flexion. Values: position, velocity, pos_vel
- controller_mrl_fle [default: pos_vel] — type of controller for mrl flexion. Values: position, velocity, pos_vel
- Rviz_on [default: false] — If true, start Rviz to plot Mia hand joint state
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand
- launch/mia_hand_Sim_traj.launch
- Rviz_on [default: true] — If true, start Rviz and the joint state gui
- use_joint_gui [default: false] — If true, start Rviz and the joint state gui
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- Gazebo_gui [default: true]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- UR_Flange [default: false] — true to visualize the UR flange with the Mia Hand
- robotNamespace [default: mia_hand_sim]
- load_default_mia_model [default: false]
- right_hand [default: false] — True to for right hand False otherwise
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand
- tc_type [default: vel] — type of trajectory controller to launch. Values: vel, pos, eff
- eff_interface [default: false] — Set true when use tc_type eff to load effort interface
- hw_interface_thumb_fle [default: EffortJointInterface] — type of hardware interface for thumb flexion. Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- hw_interface_index_fle [default: EffortJointInterface] — type of hardware interface for index flexion. Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- hw_interface_mrl_fle [default: EffortJointInterface] — type of hardware interface for mrl flexion. Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand
- hw_interface_thumb_fle [default: PositionJointInterface] — Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- hw_interface_index_fle [default: PositionJointInterface] — Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- hw_interface_mrl_fle [default: PositionJointInterface] — Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand
- launch/mia_hand_hw_traj.launch
- Mia_COM_ [default: 0] — Int number of the Mia hand COM port
- Mia_fs_ [default: 20] — Hz, frequency of the control loop of the Mia Hw interface
- robotNamespace [default: mia_hand_hw]
- load_default_mia_model [default: false]
- right_hand [default: true] — True for right hand False otherwise
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand
- tc_type [default: vel] — type of trajectory controller to launch. Values: vel, pos
- Rviz_on [default: false] — If true, start Rviz to plot Mia hand joint state
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand
- launch/mia_hand_Sim.launch
- Rviz_on [default: true] — If true, start Rviz and the joint state gui
- use_joint_gui [default: false] — If true, start Rviz and the joint state gui
- paused [default: false]
- use_sim_time [default: true]
- Gazebo_gui [default: true]
- headless [default: false]
- debug [default: false]
- robotNamespace [default: mia_hand_sim]
- load_default_mia_model [default: false]
- right_hand [default: false] — True to for right hand False otherwise
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand
- hw_interface_thumb_fle [default: VelocityJointInterface] — type of hardware interface for thumb flexion. Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- hw_interface_index_fle [default: VelocityJointInterface] — type of hardware interface for index flexion. Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- hw_interface_mrl_fle [default: VelocityJointInterface] — type of hardware interface for mrl flexion. Values: EffortJointInterface, PositionJointInterface VelocityJointInterface
- controller_thumb_fle [default: velocity] — type of controller for thumb flexion. Values: position, velocity, eff, eff_position, (eff_velocity has not been tuned)
- controller_index_fle [default: velocity] — type of controller for index flexion + thumb abd. Values: position,velocity,eff, eff_position, (eff_velocity has not been tuned)
- controller_mrl_fle [default: velocity] — type of controller for mrl fingers flexion. Values: position, velocity, eff, eff_position,(eff_velocity has not been tuned)
- joint_limits_config_filename [default: joint_limits.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file
- transmission_config_filename [default: transmission_config.yaml] — name of the yaml file to calibrate transmissions of MiaHand