libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange

libcreate package from libcreate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 3.1.0
License BSD
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-05-21
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2

Additional Links


  • Jacob Perron


  • Jacob Perron


C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and 2 as well as most models of Roomba. create_robot is a ROS wrapper for this library.

Build Status

Build Status



    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

    # Optionally, install gtest for building unit tests
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    cd /usr/src/gtest
    sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    sudo make
    sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Serial Permissions

User permission is requried to connect to Create over serial. You can add your user to the dialout group to get permission:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Logout and login again for this to take effect.


Note, the examples found in the "examples" directory are built with the library.


    git clone
    cd libcreate
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j


Requires catkin_tools.

    mkdir -p create_ws/src
    cd create_ws
    catkin init
    cd src
    git clone
    catkin build

Running Tests

To run unit tests, execute the following in the build directory:

    make test

Known Issues

  • Clock and Schedule buttons are not functional. This is a known bug related to the firmware.
  • Inaccurate odometry angle for Create 1 (#22)
  • Some 600 series models incorrectly report the OI Mode in their sensor stream (create_robot #64)
    • To enable or disable the OI Mode reporting workaround, pass true or false to setModeReportWorkaround()

Changelog for package libcreate

3.1.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Address warnings and errors
  • Catch boost exceptions in Serial.h
  • Contributors: Swapnil Patel

3.0.0 (2022-04-06)

  • Add option to workaround bug where firmware reports unexpected OI mode (#67)
  • Update links to serial protocol documentation
  • Add option to disable signal handlers (#65)
  • Fix \'maybe-uninitialized\' warnings
  • Remove travis.yml
  • Add GitHub workflow for CI
  • Fix motor setting (#62)
  • Use average dt values for velocity calculation (#60)
  • Use steady clock for computing velocity (#59)
  • Replace boost features with C++11 equivalents (#58)
  • Implement methods for getting overcurrent status (#57)
  • Use OC_MOTORS instead of OC_MOTORS_PWM on V_1 models (#55)
  • Contributors: Daniel Smith, Jacob Perron, Josh Gadeken, Stefan Krupop, tim-fan

2.0.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Cleanup examples
  • Use std::chrono instead of custom timestamp function
  • Remove Trusty CI job
    • Since it is EOL.
  • Default to C++11
  • Add compiler flags \'-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic\'
    • Fix warnings as a result.
  • Disconnect from serial cleanly on SIGINT
    • Send the STOP opcode before exiting the program to ensure the robot is not left in a state that could potentially drain the battery.
  • Initialize variable for compiler compatibility
  • Add other serial communication options Otherwise, it\'s possible that Operation \"7\" (0x07) is confused for \"135\" (0x87)
  • Add cliff sensor example
  • Add API for getting left and right cliff detections
  • Update wheeldrop example
  • Add API for getting left and right wheeldrop
  • Use shared pointer when binding callback for serial read (#38)
    • Resolves an issue with ROS Melodic on 18.04.
  • Fix for compatibility with Boost 1.66
    • Compatibility with at least as early as Boost 1.58 still persists
  • Update wheel diameter for Create 2
    • Now matches the spec from iRobot.
  • Add Bionic CI job
  • Add static cast to fix compiler warnings
  • Use package.xml format 3
    • Make catkin dependency conditional on ROS 1.
  • Add Xenial build to CI
  • Remove std::cout statement
  • Contributors: Anton Gerasimov, Jacob Perron, Ryota Suzuki, Yutaka Kondo

1.6.1 (2018-04-21)

  • Build and install gtest as part of CI
  • Update README with instructions for building and running unit tests
  • Remove external cmake project for gtest Now only build tests if a gtest installation already exists on the system. This should expedite time to build for users that do not care about building/running unit tests and also eliminates the need for internet access when building.
  • Add test depend to gtest in package.xml
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.6.0 (2018-04-07)

- Add unit tests (gtests)

Refactor Packet API

:   -   Declare setData member as protected
    -   Rename \'setTempData\' to \'setDataToValidate\'

- Remove redundant packets from Data constructor

Updated setDigits function API comments

:   -   added HTML to adjust for spacing in diagram, showing the
        proper ordering of segments.
  • Update examples

    : -

        More concise and focusing on individual features:
        :   -   Battery level
            -   Bumpers
            -   Drive circle
            -   LEDs
            -   Serial packets
            -   Play song
            -   Wheeldrop
  • Update README

  • Refactor cmake files

  • Contributors: Jacob Perron, K.Moriarty

1.5.0 (2017-12-17)

  • Add APIs for getting the measured velocities of the wheels
  • Add ability to drive the wheels with direct pwm duty
  • Update documentation
  • Add mainpage.dox
  • Use package.xml format 2
  • Add doxygen as doc dependency
  • Contributors: Erik Schembor, Jacob Perron

1.4.0 (2016-10-16)

  • Switch to trusty for CI
  • Set mimumum cmake version to 2.8.12
  • Update CMakeLists.txt configuration and install rules
  • Add package.xml
  • Add
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.3.0 (2016-08-23)

  • Add support for early model Roomba 400s and other robots using the original SCI protocol.
  • Expose individual wheel distances and requested velocities. Fix wheel distance calculation for the Create 1.
  • Manually link to thread library. This allows libcreate to build on ARM.
  • Fix odometry inversion for Create 1.
  • Contributors: Ben Wolsieffer, Jacob Perron

1.2.1 (2016-04-30)

  • Make velocity relative to base frame, not odometry frame
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.2.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Add covariance info to Pose and Vel
  • Fix getMode bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fix odometry sign error
  • Add warning in code regarding Create 1 odometry issue
  • Add odom_example.cpp
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.1.0 (2016-04-02)

  • Add API to get light sensor signals
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

1.0.0 (2016-04-01)

  • Fix odometry for Create 1
  • Fix odom angle sign error
  • Convert units to base units
  • Implement \'getMode\'
  • Rename \'isIRDetect*\' functions to \'isLightBumper*\'
  • Documentation / code cleanup
  • Add function \'driveRadius\'
  • Add function \'isVirtualWall\'
  • Fix sign error on returned \'current\' and \'temperature\'
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.1 (2016-03-25)

  • Fix odometry bug
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

0.1.0 (2016-03-24)

  • Add enum of special IR characters
  • Fix bug: convert distance measurement to meters
  • Add support for first generation Create (Roomba 400 series)
  • Fix bug: Too many packets requested corrupting serial buffer
  • Expose functions for getting number of corrupt packets and total packets in Create class
  • Add getters for number of corrupt and total packets received over serial
  • Update
  • Added build badge
  • Added CI (travis)
  • Instantaneous velocity now available
  • Contributors: Jacob Perron

Wiki Tutorials

See ROS Wiki Tutorials for more details.

Source Tutorials

Not currently indexed.

Package Dependencies

Deps Name
1 catkin

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged libcreate at Robotics Stack Exchange