Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.2.0
License Apache 2
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-01-31
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ifm3d_ros examples subpackage

Additional Links


  • ifm robotics group


  • ifm robotics group

The ifm3d_ros_examples package

This package provides examples and helper scripts for using the ifm O3R camera platform.


Please see the list below for launch files shipped with the examples package:

Name Description
six_cameras.launch Launches six nodes, reading data streams on ports 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Provide coordinate frame transforms for each node. Note: you can use this example for less than six heads, but you will get a timeout error where no heads are connected. This does not disrupt the proper functioning of the connected heads.
nodelet.launch This is handling the nodelet manager which makes it possible to launch a nodelet similarly as you would a simple node.
head.launch Launches two data streams for both the 2D RGB imager and 3D TOF imager on a camera head. Default ports are 0 for 3D data (pcic_port_1:=50010) and 2 for 2D RGB data (pcic_port_2:=50012). For different port numbers input port as a parameter when launching.
camera.launch Launches a single camera stream - so only 3D data or 2D RGB data. This launch file is comparable to a single camera setup (O3Ds and O3Xs)

Nodelet launch structure

Note: The O3R platform can handle multiple data streams.*
The camera.launch file only launches a node for one data stream, on the default pcic port 50010. To launch a node for a different port, use:

$ roslaunch ifm3d_ros_driver camera.launch pcic_port:=<PORT_NUMBER>

The launch file(s) encapsulate several features:

  1. It (partially) exposes the camera_nodelet parameters as command-line arguments for ease of runtime configuration.
  2. It instantiates a nodelet manager which the camera_nodelet will be loaded into.
  3. It launches the camera nodelet itself.
  4. It publishes the static transform from the camera’s optical frame to a traditional ROS sensor frame as a tf2 static_transform_publisher.

You can either use this launch file directly, or, use it as a basis for integrating ifm3d_ros into your own robot software system.

Note: the O3R camera heads carry two imagers, a 3D time-of-flight and a RGB imager.

We provide the head.launch launchfile to handle a whole O3R camera head, that starts two nodes, one for the RGB image (we assume it is plugged in port 0), and one for the 3D imager (we assume it is plugged in port 2).

Building launch files distributed systems

Note: This is WIR. We are currently working on Docker images which will allow you an easy deployment of our ROS node to the VPU.


Please see the file called LICENSE.


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/nodelet.launch
      • camera [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • imager_type [default: 3D] — The imager type of the requested camera head
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera. This helps to provide robustness against camera cables becoming unplugged or other in-field pathologies which would cause the connection between the ROS node and the camera to be broken.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This provides a hint to the driver that the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running). In this mode, certain default values are applied to lessen the noise in terms of timeouts from the frame grabber.
      • frame_id_base [default: ifm3d/$(arg camera)]
      • xyz_image_stream [default: true] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: true] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: true] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: true] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: true] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: true] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: false] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
  • launch/camera_3d.launch
      • namespace [default: ifm3d_ros_driver] — Desired namespace for the camera nodelet
      • nodelet_name [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera.
      • frame_id_base [default: $(arg namespace)/$(arg nodelet_name)] — This string provides a prefix into the `tf` tree for `ifm3d-ros` coordinate frames.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This mode means the driver of the the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running and hardware triggered modes - will follow soon).
      • xyz_image_stream [default: true] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: true] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: true] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: true] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: true] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: true] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: false] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
  • launch/camera_2d.launch
      • namespace [default: ifm3d_ros_driver] — Desired namespace for the camera nodelet
      • nodelet_name [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera.
      • frame_id_base [default: $(arg namespace)/$(arg nodelet_name)] — This string provides a prefix into the `tf` tree for `ifm3d-ros` coordinate frames.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This mode means the driver of the the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running and hardware triggered modes - will follow soon).
      • xyz_image_stream [default: false] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: false] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: false] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: false] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: false] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: true] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ifm3d_ros_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.2.0
License Apache 2
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-01-31
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ifm3d_ros examples subpackage

Additional Links


  • ifm robotics group


  • ifm robotics group

The ifm3d_ros_examples package

This package provides examples and helper scripts for using the ifm O3R camera platform.


Please see the list below for launch files shipped with the examples package:

Name Description
six_cameras.launch Launches six nodes, reading data streams on ports 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Provide coordinate frame transforms for each node. Note: you can use this example for less than six heads, but you will get a timeout error where no heads are connected. This does not disrupt the proper functioning of the connected heads.
nodelet.launch This is handling the nodelet manager which makes it possible to launch a nodelet similarly as you would a simple node.
head.launch Launches two data streams for both the 2D RGB imager and 3D TOF imager on a camera head. Default ports are 0 for 3D data (pcic_port_1:=50010) and 2 for 2D RGB data (pcic_port_2:=50012). For different port numbers input port as a parameter when launching.
camera.launch Launches a single camera stream - so only 3D data or 2D RGB data. This launch file is comparable to a single camera setup (O3Ds and O3Xs)

Nodelet launch structure

Note: The O3R platform can handle multiple data streams.*
The camera.launch file only launches a node for one data stream, on the default pcic port 50010. To launch a node for a different port, use:

$ roslaunch ifm3d_ros_driver camera.launch pcic_port:=<PORT_NUMBER>

The launch file(s) encapsulate several features:

  1. It (partially) exposes the camera_nodelet parameters as command-line arguments for ease of runtime configuration.
  2. It instantiates a nodelet manager which the camera_nodelet will be loaded into.
  3. It launches the camera nodelet itself.
  4. It publishes the static transform from the camera’s optical frame to a traditional ROS sensor frame as a tf2 static_transform_publisher.

You can either use this launch file directly, or, use it as a basis for integrating ifm3d_ros into your own robot software system.

Note: the O3R camera heads carry two imagers, a 3D time-of-flight and a RGB imager.

We provide the head.launch launchfile to handle a whole O3R camera head, that starts two nodes, one for the RGB image (we assume it is plugged in port 0), and one for the 3D imager (we assume it is plugged in port 2).

Building launch files distributed systems

Note: This is WIR. We are currently working on Docker images which will allow you an easy deployment of our ROS node to the VPU.


Please see the file called LICENSE.


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/nodelet.launch
      • camera [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • imager_type [default: 3D] — The imager type of the requested camera head
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera. This helps to provide robustness against camera cables becoming unplugged or other in-field pathologies which would cause the connection between the ROS node and the camera to be broken.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This provides a hint to the driver that the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running). In this mode, certain default values are applied to lessen the noise in terms of timeouts from the frame grabber.
      • frame_id_base [default: ifm3d/$(arg camera)]
      • xyz_image_stream [default: true] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: true] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: true] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: true] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: true] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: true] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: false] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
  • launch/camera_3d.launch
      • namespace [default: ifm3d_ros_driver] — Desired namespace for the camera nodelet
      • nodelet_name [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera.
      • frame_id_base [default: $(arg namespace)/$(arg nodelet_name)] — This string provides a prefix into the `tf` tree for `ifm3d-ros` coordinate frames.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This mode means the driver of the the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running and hardware triggered modes - will follow soon).
      • xyz_image_stream [default: true] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: true] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: true] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: true] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: true] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: true] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: false] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
  • launch/camera_2d.launch
      • namespace [default: ifm3d_ros_driver] — Desired namespace for the camera nodelet
      • nodelet_name [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera.
      • frame_id_base [default: $(arg namespace)/$(arg nodelet_name)] — This string provides a prefix into the `tf` tree for `ifm3d-ros` coordinate frames.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This mode means the driver of the the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running and hardware triggered modes - will follow soon).
      • xyz_image_stream [default: false] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: false] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: false] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: false] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: false] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: true] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.


No message files found.


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No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ifm3d_ros_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.2.0
License Apache 2
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-01-31
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ifm3d_ros examples subpackage

Additional Links


  • ifm robotics group


  • ifm robotics group

The ifm3d_ros_examples package

This package provides examples and helper scripts for using the ifm O3R camera platform.


Please see the list below for launch files shipped with the examples package:

Name Description
six_cameras.launch Launches six nodes, reading data streams on ports 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Provide coordinate frame transforms for each node. Note: you can use this example for less than six heads, but you will get a timeout error where no heads are connected. This does not disrupt the proper functioning of the connected heads.
nodelet.launch This is handling the nodelet manager which makes it possible to launch a nodelet similarly as you would a simple node.
head.launch Launches two data streams for both the 2D RGB imager and 3D TOF imager on a camera head. Default ports are 0 for 3D data (pcic_port_1:=50010) and 2 for 2D RGB data (pcic_port_2:=50012). For different port numbers input port as a parameter when launching.
camera.launch Launches a single camera stream - so only 3D data or 2D RGB data. This launch file is comparable to a single camera setup (O3Ds and O3Xs)

Nodelet launch structure

Note: The O3R platform can handle multiple data streams.*
The camera.launch file only launches a node for one data stream, on the default pcic port 50010. To launch a node for a different port, use:

$ roslaunch ifm3d_ros_driver camera.launch pcic_port:=<PORT_NUMBER>

The launch file(s) encapsulate several features:

  1. It (partially) exposes the camera_nodelet parameters as command-line arguments for ease of runtime configuration.
  2. It instantiates a nodelet manager which the camera_nodelet will be loaded into.
  3. It launches the camera nodelet itself.
  4. It publishes the static transform from the camera’s optical frame to a traditional ROS sensor frame as a tf2 static_transform_publisher.

You can either use this launch file directly, or, use it as a basis for integrating ifm3d_ros into your own robot software system.

Note: the O3R camera heads carry two imagers, a 3D time-of-flight and a RGB imager.

We provide the head.launch launchfile to handle a whole O3R camera head, that starts two nodes, one for the RGB image (we assume it is plugged in port 0), and one for the 3D imager (we assume it is plugged in port 2).

Building launch files distributed systems

Note: This is WIR. We are currently working on Docker images which will allow you an easy deployment of our ROS node to the VPU.


Please see the file called LICENSE.


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

  • launch/nodelet.launch
      • camera [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • imager_type [default: 3D] — The imager type of the requested camera head
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera. This helps to provide robustness against camera cables becoming unplugged or other in-field pathologies which would cause the connection between the ROS node and the camera to be broken.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This provides a hint to the driver that the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running). In this mode, certain default values are applied to lessen the noise in terms of timeouts from the frame grabber.
      • frame_id_base [default: ifm3d/$(arg camera)]
      • xyz_image_stream [default: true] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: true] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: true] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: true] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: true] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: true] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: false] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
  • launch/camera_3d.launch
      • namespace [default: ifm3d_ros_driver] — Desired namespace for the camera nodelet
      • nodelet_name [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera.
      • frame_id_base [default: $(arg namespace)/$(arg nodelet_name)] — This string provides a prefix into the `tf` tree for `ifm3d-ros` coordinate frames.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This mode means the driver of the the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running and hardware triggered modes - will follow soon).
      • xyz_image_stream [default: true] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: true] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: true] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: true] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: true] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: true] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: false] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
  • launch/camera_2d.launch
      • namespace [default: ifm3d_ros_driver] — Desired namespace for the camera nodelet
      • nodelet_name [default: camera]
      • ip [default:] — The IP address of the VPU.
      • xmlrpc_port [default: 80] — The TCP port the camera's xmlrpc server is listening on for requests.
      • pcic_port [default: 50010] — The TCP (data) port the camera's pcic server is listening on for requests.
      • password [default: ] — The password required to establish an edit session on the VPU
      • timeout_millis [default: 500] — The number of milliseconds to wait for the framegrabber to return new frame data before declaring a "timeout" and to stop blocking on new data.
      • timeout_tolerance_secs [default: 5.0] — The wall time to wait with no new data from the camera before trying to establish a new connection to the camera.
      • frame_id_base [default: $(arg namespace)/$(arg nodelet_name)] — This string provides a prefix into the `tf` tree for `ifm3d-ros` coordinate frames.
      • respawn [default: false] — Restart the node automatically if it quits.
      • assume_sw_triggered [default: false] — This mode means the driver of the the camera is configured for software triggering (as opposed to free running and hardware triggered modes - will follow soon).
      • xyz_image_stream [default: false] — Enable xyz image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • confidence_image_stream [default: false] — Enable confidence image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_image_stream [default: false] — Enable radial distance image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • radial_distance_noise_stream [default: false] — Enable distance noise image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • amplitude_image_stream [default: false] — Enable amplitude image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • extrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable extrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • intrinsic_image_stream [default: false] — Enable intrinsic values streaming for 3D camera camera streams.
      • rgb_image_stream [default: true] — Enable rgb image streaming for 3D camera camera streams.


No message files found.


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No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ifm3d_ros_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange