System Dependencies

Name Usage Description
python3-kml2geojson-pip 0
python3-kornia-pip 0
python3-lark-parser 9
python3-lensfun 0 Lens Correction library - Python3 module
python3-lgpio 0
python3-libgpiod 0 Python bindings for libgpiod (Python 3)
python3-libtmux 0 Python scripting library and ORM for tmux (python3)
python3-lingua-franca-pip 0
python3-lockfile 0 file locking library for Python ??? Python 3 library
python3-lttng 6 LTTng control and utility Python bindings
python3-lxml 16 pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
python3-magic 0 python3 interface to the libmagic file type identification library
python3-mako 0 fast and lightweight templating for the Python 3 platform
python3-mapbox-earcut-pip 0
python3-mapnik 0 Python 3 interface to the mapnik library
python3-marisa 2 Python3 bindings for MARISA
python3-markdown 0 text-to-HTML conversion library/tool (Python 3 version)
python3-marshmallow 0 Lightweight library for converting complex datatypes
python3-marshmallow-dataclass-pip 0
python3-matplotlib 16 Python based plotting system in a style similar to Matlab (Python 3)
python3-mavproxy-pip 0
python3-mccabe 0 Python code complexity checker (Python 3)
python3-mechanize 6
python3-mediapipe-pip 1
python3-meshio 0 library for reading and writing mesh data (Python 3)
python3-meson-pip 0 high-productivity build system
python3-minijinja 0
python3-minimalmodbus-pip 0
python3-mistune 2 Markdown parser for Python 3
python3-mlflow 0
python3-mock 16 Mocking and Testing Library (Python3 version)
python3-moonraker-api-pip 0
python3-more-itertools 0 library with routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (Python 3)
python3-moteus-pi3hat-pip 0
python3-moteus-pip 0
python3-motor-pip 0
python3-msgpack 7
python3-msk-pip 0
python3-msm-pip 0
python3-multimethod-pip 0
python3-multipledispatch 1 multiple dispatch in Python
python3-munkres 0 munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem - Python 3 library
python3-mycroft-messagebus-client-pip 0
python3-mypy 7
python3-mysqldb 0 Python interface to MySQL
python3-myst-parser-pip 0
python3-natsort 5 Natural sorting for Python (Python3)
python3-nclib-pip 0
python3-nep-pip 0
python3-nest-asyncio 0 Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops
python3-netcdf4 0 Python 3 interface to the netCDF4 (network Common Data Form) library
python3-netifaces 7 portable network interface information - Python 3.x
python3-networkmanager 0
python3-networkx 2 tool to create, manipulate and study complex networks (Python3)
python3-nlopt 0
python3-nmcli-pip 0
python3-noisereduce-pip 0
python3-nose 15 test discovery and running for Python3 unittest
python3-nose-parameterized 0 Decorator for parameterized testing with Nose - Python 3.x
python3-nose-yanc 4 Color output plugin for nose
python3-ntplib 5 Python NTP library (Python 3.x)
python3-numba 0 native machine code compiler for Python 3
python3-numpy 18 Fast array facility to the Python 3 language
python3-numpy-stl 0
python3-nuscenes-devkit-pip 0
python3-nxt-python-pip 0
python3-oauth2client 0 OAuth 2.0 client library - Python 3.x
python3-oct2py-pip 0
python3-odrive-pip 0
python3-ollama-pip 0
python3-omniorb 0 IOR and naming service utilities for omniORB
python3-onnxruntime-gpu-pip 1
python3-onnxruntime-openvino-pip 0
python3-onnxruntime-pip 0
python3-open3d 0
python3-open3d-pip 0
python3-openai-pip 2
python3-opencv 14 Python 3 bindings for the computer vision library
python3-opengl 6 Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 3)
python3-openhsi-pip 0
python3-openpyxl 0 Python 3 module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files
python3-opentelemetry-api-pip 0
python3-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-pip 0
python3-opentelemetry-instrumentation-requests-pip 0
python3-opentelemetry-instrumentation-sqlalchemy-pip 0
python3-opentelemetry-sdk-pip 0
python3-orjson 0
python3-osrf-pycommon 0 Commonly needed Python modules for software developers
python3-overrides 0
python3-owlready2-pip 0
python3-owslib 0 Client library for Open Geospatial (OGC) web services (Python 3)
python3-packaging 12 core utilities for python3 packages
python3-padaos-pip 0
python3-padatious-pip 0
python3-paho-mqtt 9 MQTT client class (Python 3)
python3-pandas 9 data structures for "relational" or "labeled" data
python3-papermill-pip 0
python3-parameterized 0 parameterized testing for Python 3
python3-paramiko 7 Make ssh v2 connections (Python 3)
python3-parse 0 Parse provides the reverse function for format(), Python3 package
python3-pcg-gazebo-pip 0
python3-pep8 8
python3-pep8-naming 0 check for PEP 8 naming conventions (flake8 plugin for Python3)
python3-petact-pip 0
python3-pexpect 2 Python 3 module for automating interactive applications
python3-pickleDB-pip 0
python3-piexif 0 pure-Python EXIF manipulation library
python3-pigpio 0 Python module which talks to the pigpio daemon (Python 3)
python3-pika 0 AMQP client library for Python 3
python3-pil 13 Python Imaging Library (Python3)
python3-pil-imagetk 0 Python Imaging Library - ImageTk Module (Python3)
python3-pip 11 Python package installer
python3-pipython-pip 0
python3-pkg-resources 10 Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
python3-playsound-pip 0
python3-ply 0 Lex and Yacc implementation for Python3
python3-pocketsphinx-pip 0 Speech recognition tool
python3-polling2-pip 0
python3-pqdict-pip 0
python3-pre-commit 3
python3-precise-runner-pip 0
python3-prettytable 1 library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables (Python3)
python3-progressbar 6 text progress bar library for Python (Python 3)
python3-prometheus-client 0 Python 3 client for the Prometheus monitoring system
python3-prompt-toolkit 0 library for building interactive command lines (Python 3)
python3-protobuf 11 Python 3 bindings for protocol buffers
python3-prusalinkpy-pip 0
python3-psutil 16 module providing convenience functions for managing processes (Python3)
python3-psycopg2 0 Python 3 module for PostgreSQL
python3-py3exiv2-pip 0
python3-pyads-pip 0
python3-pyassimp 7
python3-pyaudio 7 Python3 bindings for PortAudio v19
python3-pybullet-pip 0
python3-pyclipper 0 Cython wrapper for the Clipper library
python3-pycodestyle 12 Python style guide checker (formerly called pep8) - Python 3.x
python3-pycryptodome 7 cryptographic Python library (Python 3)
python3-pydantic 4
python3-pydbus 0 Pythonic D-Bus library (Python 3)
python3-pydot 13 Python interface to Graphviz's dot (Python 3)
python3-pyee 0 Python 3 port of node.js's EventEmitter to Python
python3-pyfirmata2-pip 0
python3-pyftdi-pip 0
python3-pyftpdlib 0 Python FTP server library (Python 3)
python3-pygame 6
python3-pygit2 0 bindings for libgit2 - Python 3.x
python3-pygments 0 syntax highlighting package written in Python 3
python3-pygnssutils-pip 0
python3-pygraphviz 14 Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (Python 3)
python3-pyinotify 0 simple Linux inotify Python bindings
python3-pykdl 9
python3-pylatexenc 0
python3-pylibdmtx 0
python3-pymap3d 1
python3-pymesh2-pip 0
python3-pymodbus 0
python3-pymodbus-pip 0
python3-pymongo 6 Python3 interface to the MongoDB document-oriented database
python3-pynmea2 0 Python library for the NMEA 0183 protocol
python3-pynmeagps-pip 0
python3-pynput 0 control and monitor input devices (Python 3)
python3-pyosmium 0 Osmium library bindings for Python 3
python3-pyotp 0 Python One Time Password Library
python3-pyparsing 1 alternative to creating and executing simple grammars - Python 3.x
python3-pypdf 0
python3-pypng 0 Pure Python PNG Reader/Writer (Python 3)
python3-pyproj 15 Python 3 interface to PROJ library
python3-pyqrcode 0 Python 3 module to generate QR Codes
python3-pyqt5 0 Development files for PyQt5
python3-pyqt5.qtquick 0 Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module
python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine 7 Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebEngine module
python3-pyqt6.qtmultimedia 0
python3-pyqtdarktheme-pip 0
python3-pyqtgraph 1 Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python 3
python3-pyrender-pip 0
python3-pyro-ppl-pip 0
python3-pyrobosim-pip 0
python3-pyrr-pip 0
python3-pyside2 4 Python bindings for Qt5 (development files)
python3-pyside2.qtcore 0 Python bindings for Qt5 core module (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtgui 0 Python bindings for Qt5 Gui module (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtopengl 0 Python bindings for Qt5 OpenGL module (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtqml 0 Python bindings for Qt5 Qml module (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtquick 0 Python bindings for Qt5 Quick module (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtuitools 0 Python bindings for Qt5 UiTools module (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtwidgets 0 Python bindings for Qt5 Widgets module (Python 3)
python3-pyside6 0
python3-pyside6.qtasyncio 0
python3-pyside6.qtcharts 0
python3-pyside6.qtconcurrent 0
python3-pyside6.qtcore 0
python3-pyside6.qtdatavisualization 0
python3-pyside6.qtgui 0
python3-pyside6.qtqml 0
python3-pyside6.qttest 0
python3-pyside6.qtwidgets 0
python3-pysnmp 2 Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 3 module)
python3-pysnmp-mibs 1 MIBs for the Python SNMP library
python3-pystemd 0 systemd binding for Python
python3-pyswarms-pip 0