smartek_camera repository

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VCS Version master
Last Updated 2017-02-27
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Name Version
smartek_camera 1.0.0


smartek_camera ROS package

ROS drivers for Smartek Vision GigE Cameras. The following cameras have been tested and are known to work:

  • Giganetix GC1291CP

Installation instructions

The driver has been tested with ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit.


Download the Smartek GigEVision SDK and install it following the official instructions.

Another prerequisite is having the timesync class in your Catkin workspace.

Note: The “Driver Installation” section of the SDK installation guide has to be repeated after every kernel update!

Installation procedure

The package is still under development, i.e. it has not been released into official ROS distributions yet, so “install” it into your ROS workspace following the standard ROS procedure:

  • clone this repo into the src subfolder of your workspace
  • from your workspace root, invoke catkin_make or catkin build (if you are using catkin tools, which is highlly recommended)

Testing the package

  • invoke rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/image_raw to look at the live feed from the camera
  • if necessary, run rqt_reconfigure (or dynparam from dynamic_reconfigure) to change the parameters of the camera such as gain and exposure


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