whill repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/whill-labs/ros2_whill.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble
Last Updated 2024-10-03
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
whill 0.0.1
whill_bringup 0.0.1
whill_description 0.0.1
whill_driver 0.0.1
whill_examples 0.0.1




The “whill” is a ROS2 package for WHILL Model CR2.

<img width=22% title=”WHILL Model CR2” src=”https://github.com/WHILL/Model_CR_Technical_Support/assets/129816934/387a8aac-3808-4727-895d-9857059ee342”> <img width=24% title=”Wheeled Robot Base” src=”https://github.com/WHILL/Model_CR_Technical_Support/assets/129816934/6a63ed45-9e0c-40ca-b71c-8dff614af141”>

We also have Model CR Series Technical Support for current and potential Model CR series users.

This package on humble branch only provides common functions for all models.
If you want to use features that are only available in WHILL Model CR, you will need to use crystal-devel branch.


  • Host device
    • Linux OS: Ubuntu 22.04
    • ROS2: Humble Hawksbill (humble)
  • Target device
    • WHILL Model CR2 (Note that Model C2 does not have any serial ports)

Getting started

  1. Download projects
  2. Configure your serial port
  3. Build project
  4. Launch
    4-(A). With the bringup package
    4-(B). With ‘run’ command

1. Download projects

cd ~/<your_ros2_ws>/src
git clone https://github.com/whill-labs/ros2_whill_interfaces.git
git clone https://github.com/whill-labs/ros2_whill.git

2. Configure your serial port

If your serial port is not /dev/ttyUSB0, please edit port_name in the following file:


3. Build project

colcon build --packages-up-to whill
. install/setup.bash

4. Launch

(A) With the bringup package

ros2 launch whill_bringup whill_launch.py

(B) With ‘run’ command

ros2 run whill_driver whill

Note: If your serial port is not /dev/ttyUSB0, for example /dev/ttyUSB1, please run the following command instead of the one above:

ros2 run whill_driver whill --ros-args -p port_name:=/dev/ttyUSB1



Topic name Message type Work
/whill/states/model_cr2 whill_msgs/ModelCr2State Notify WHILL states


Topic name Message type Work
/whill/controller/joy sensor_msgs/Joy Give WHILL a virtual joystick input
/whill/controller/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist Give WHILL a direct velocity input


Service name Message type Work
/whill/set_power_srv whill_msgs/SetPower Turn WHILL power on/off
/whill/set_speed_profile_srv whill_msgs/SetSpeedProfile Change the speed profile of WHILL

Command examples

Power on WHILL
ros2 service call /whill/set_power_srv whill_msgs/SetPower '{p0: 1}'

Power off WHILL
ros2 service call /whill/set_power_srv whill_msgs/SetPower '{p0: 0}'

Move WHILL forward with virtual joystick inputs
ros2 topic pub -r 12 /whill/controller/joy sensor_msgs/Joy "{axes:[0, 0.25]}"

Spin WHILL counterclockwise with direct velocity inputs
ros2 topic pub -r 12 /whill/controller/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: 0}, angular: {z: 0.785}}'

Change the speed profile of the serial control (default values for s1=4)
ros2 service call /whill/set_speed_profile_srv whill_msgs/SetSpeedProfile '{s1: 4, fm1: 60, fa1: 32, fd1: 96, rm1: 20, ra1: 24, rd1: 64, tm1: 35, ta1: 56, td1: 72}'


Package name Explanation
whill Meta package. Dependencies are described.
whill_bringup Launch package. You can start WHILL node with this package.
whill_description Description package. The URDF file is here.
whill_driver Controller package. WHILL domains are implemented.
whill_examples Examples. You can try demos with this package.
whill_msgs Interfaces package. This package exists in a different repository.


Copyright (c) 2024 WHILL, Inc.

This repository is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for details.