ros_explorer repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version indigo-devel
Last Updated 2017-10-02
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
ros_explorer 0.1.0


ROS Explorer

A visual, web-based interface for examining the ROS graph. - See all the nodes, topics, services, and parameters. - Click on one to see what other nodes, topics, or services they are connected to. - See topic and service types. - Add/edit/delete parameters.

Tested on Indigo, but likely works with newer ROS distros.

ROS Explorer Dashboard screenshot


ROS Explorer is a simple webpage, which you can serve from the www directory however you like, such as with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8595 . You must be running a websocket server beforehand: roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch.

We also provide two launch files for convenience. - roslaunch ros_explorer ros_explorer.launch: Runs a Python server from the www directory and opens ROS Explorer in a web browser. To use this, you need xdg-open and python -m SimpleHTTPServer. The website will be served on http://localhost:8595. - roslaunch ros_explorer ros_explorer_websocket.launch: Same as above but also runs a websocket server.

User notes

  • By default, the websocket URL is determined from the host the webpage is being served from (e.g., localhost,
  • You can scroll horizontally to view names that have been cut off by holding Shift while scrolling.
  • Press Ctrl+F to search for a name.


ROS Explorer is built with Polymer.

Install Node.js using nvm if you don't already have it: - Install nvm - nvm install node

Install the Polymer CLI if you don't already have it: - npm install -g polymer-cli

Download the frontend dependencies: - cd frontend - bower update

Run a local development server: - polymer serve - Visit http://localhost:8081 in a web browser.

Robot web server

ROS Explorer works with RWS.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2017-10-02
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
ros_explorer 0.1.0


ROS Explorer

A visual, web-based interface for examining the ROS graph. - See all the nodes, topics, services, and parameters. - Click on one to see what other nodes, topics, or services they are connected to. - See topic and service types. - Add/edit/delete parameters.

Tested on Indigo, but likely works with newer ROS distros.

ROS Explorer Dashboard screenshot


ROS Explorer is a simple webpage, which you can serve from the www directory however you like, such as with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8595 . You must be running a websocket server beforehand: roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch.

We also provide two launch files for convenience. - roslaunch ros_explorer ros_explorer.launch: Runs a Python server from the www directory and opens ROS Explorer in a web browser. To use this, you need xdg-open and python -m SimpleHTTPServer. The website will be served on http://localhost:8595. - roslaunch ros_explorer ros_explorer_websocket.launch: Same as above but also runs a websocket server.

User notes

  • By default, the websocket URL is determined from the host the webpage is being served from (e.g., localhost,
  • You can scroll horizontally to view names that have been cut off by holding Shift while scrolling.
  • Press Ctrl+F to search for a name.


ROS Explorer is built with Polymer.

Install Node.js using nvm if you don't already have it: - Install nvm - nvm install node

Install the Polymer CLI if you don't already have it: - npm install -g polymer-cli

Download the frontend dependencies: - cd frontend - bower update

Run a local development server: - polymer serve - Visit http://localhost:8081 in a web browser.

Robot web server

ROS Explorer works with RWS.


No found.