ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

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ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.4.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version boost
Last Updated 2022-10-10
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.12.0 (for CB3-Series), or 5.5.1 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library. For the C++17 features, please use those minimum compiler versions:

    Compiler min. version
    GCC 7
    Clang 7

Build instructions

Plain cmake

To build this library standalone so that you can build you own applications using this library, follow the usual cmake procedure:

cd <clone of this repository>
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

This will install the library into your system so that it can be used by other cmake projects directly.

Inside a ROS workspace

If you want to build this library inside a ROS workspace, e.g. because you want to build the Universal Robots ROS driver from source, you cannot use catkin_make directly, as this library is not a catkin package. Instead, you will have to use catkin_make_isolated or catkin build to build your workspace.

Use this library in other projects

When you want to use this library in other cmake projects, make sure to

  • Add find_package(ur_client_library REQUIRED) to your CMakeLists.txt
  • add ur_client_library::urcl to the list of target_link_libraries(...) commands inside your CMakeLists.txt file

As a minimal example, take the following “project”:


#include <iostream>
#include <ur_client_library/ur/dashboard_client.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  urcl::DashboardClient my_client("");
  bool connected = my_client.connect();
  if (connected)
    std::string answer = my_client.sendAndReceive("PolyscopeVersion\n");
    std::cout << answer << std::endl;
  return 0;

# CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)

find_package(ur_client_library REQUIRED)
add_executable(db_client main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(db_client ur_client_library::urcl)


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license
  • The Dockerfile used for the integration tests of this repository is originally written by Arran Hobson Sayers and released under the MIT license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


The image below shows a rough architecture overview that should help developers to use the different modules present in this library. Note that this is an incomplete view on the classes involved.

Data flow

The core of this library is the UrDriver class which creates a fully functioning robot interface. For details on how to use it, please see the Example driver section.

The UrDriver’s modules will be explained in the following.


The RTDEClient class serves as a standalone RTDE client. To use the RTDE-Client, you’ll have to initialize and start it separately:

rtde_interface::RTDEClient my_client(ROBOT_IP, notifier, OUTPUT_RECIPE, INPUT_RECIPE);
while (true)
  std::unique_ptr<rtde_interface::DataPackage> data_pkg = my_client.getDataPackage(READ_TIMEOUT);
  if (data_pkg)
    std::cout << data_pkg->toString() << std::endl;

Upon construction, two recipe files have to be given, one for the RTDE inputs, one for the RTDE outputs. Please refer to the RTDE guide on which elements are available.

Inside the RTDEclient data is received in a separate thread, parsed by the RTDEParser and added to a pipeline queue.

Right after calling my_client.start(), it should be made sure to read the buffer from the RTDEClient by calling getDataPackage() frequently. The Client’s queue can only contain 1 item at a time, so a Pipeline producer overflowed! error will be raised if the buffer isn’t read before the next package arrives.

For writing data to the RTDE interface, use the RTDEWriter member of the RTDEClient. It can be retrieved by calling getWriter() method. The RTDEWriter provides convenience methods to write all data available at the RTDE interface. Make sure that the required keys are configured inside the input recipe, as otherwise the send-methods will return false if the data field is not setup in the recipe.

An example of a standalone RTDE-client can be found in the examples subfolder. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


The RTDEWriter class provides an interface to write data to the RTDE interface. Data fields that should be written have to be defined inside the INPUT_RECIPE as noted above.

The class offers specific methods for every RTDE input possible to write.

Data is sent asynchronously to the RTDE interface.


The ReverseInterface opens a TCP port on which a custom protocol is implemented between the robot and the control PC. The port can be specified in the class constructor.

It’s basic functionality is to send a vector of floating point data together with a mode. It is meant to send joint positions or velocities together with a mode that tells the robot how to interpret those values (e.g. SERVOJ, SPEEDJ). Therefore, this interface can be used to do motion command streaming to the robot.

In order to use this class in an application together with a robot, make sure that a corresponding URScript is running on the robot that can interpret the commands sent. See this example script for reference.

Also see the ScriptSender for a way to define the corresponding URScript on the control PC and sending it to the robot upon request.


The ScriptSender class opens a tcp socket on the remote PC whose single purpose it is to answer with a URScript code snippet on a “request_program” request. The script code itself has to be given to the class constructor.

Use this class in conjunction with the External Control URCap which will make the corresponding request when starting a program on the robot that contains the External Control program node. In order to work properly, make sure that the IP address and script sender port are configured correctly on the robot.

Other public interface functions

This section shall explain the public interface functions that haven’t been covered above


This function opens a connection to the primary interface where it will receive a calibration information as the first message. The checksum from this calibration info is compared to the one given to this function. Connection to the primary interface is dropped afterwards.


This function sends given URScript code directly to the secondary interface. The sendRobotProgram() function is a special case that will send the script code given in the RTDEClient constructor.


The DashboardClient wraps the calls on the Dashboard server directly into C++ functions.

After connecting to the dashboard server by using the connect() function, dashboard calls can be sent using the sendAndReceive() function. Answers from the dashboard server will be returned as string from this function. If no answer is received, a UrException is thrown.

Note: In order to make this more useful developers are expected to wrap this bare interface into something that checks the returned string for something that is expected. See the DashboardClientROS as an example.

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

0.4.0 (2022-10-10)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

0.3.2 (2021-09-15)

  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74) As log handlers for the client library has been created in the drivers, the console bridge dependency is no longer needed.
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

0.3.1 (2021-06-22)

  • Always install package.xml file
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

0.3.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75 from UniversalRobots/cartesian_interface
  • Add trajectory interface to library #72 from fmauch/trajectory_interface
  • Refactor reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.2.2 (2021-05-31)

  • Add reverse_ip parameter to UrDriver (#52)
  • Make calibration check optionally callable
  • Use file= fields for license tags in package.xml (#63)
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, JS00000

0.2.1 (2021-05-06)

  • Run ci also for ROS2 foxy
  • Prepare package.xml and cmakelists for ROS2
  • Add downstream workspace
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Lennart Puck

0.2.0 (2021-05-03)

  • Add function to set keepalive counter
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}.
  • Added header and control loop definitions.
  • Update documentation on ReverseInterface
  • Testing improvements:
    • Run coverage on tests
    • Added unit test for tcp server
    • Remove the special boost include dir from the ci pipeline
    • Install boost in test container
  • Implement a TCPServer class
  • Move script file to resources folder instead of examples/resources
  • Add interface function to receive configured RTDE output recipe from driver
  • Added loghandler, this enables the possibility for the driver to change the behavior when logging messages with this library.
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Documentation improvements:
    • Added Compiler minimum version table
    • Corrected links to driver's files
    • Add a requirements section to the README
    • Removed unstable warning
    • Added a requirement note about Linux
    • Further elaborated license statements in README
    • readme: missing whitespace
  • Merge changes from boost branch Changes
    • Added changelog from boost branch
    • fixed build warnings
  • Reduce build warnings
    • Removing unused code
    • Bumping the minimum required cmake version to 3.0.2
    • Using const qualifiers for size_t variables used to initialize arrays
  • Use const qualifier for array size_t variables
  • Removed unused and incomplete code from example
  • Bump minimum required cmake version to 3.0.2
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, urmahp

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ur_client_library at Robotics Stack Exchange

ur_client_library package from ur_client_library repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.6.0
License Apache-2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_Client_Library.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-02-18
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Standalone C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. This has been forked off the ur_robot_driver.

Additional Links


  • Felix Exner
  • Rune Søe-Knudsen
  • Universal Robots A/S


  • Thomas Timm Andersen
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Felix Exner
  • Lea Steffen
  • Tristan Schnell

Universal Robots Client Library

A C++ library for accessing Universal Robots interfaces. With this library C++-based drivers can be implemented in order to create external applications leveraging the versatility of Universal Robots robotic manipulators.

The library has no external dependencies besides the standard C++ libraries such as ROS, or boost to make it easy to integrate and maintain. It also serves as the foundation for the ROS and ROS 2 drivers.

Universal Robot family


  • Polyscope (The software running on the robot controller) version 3.14.3 (for CB3-Series), or 5.9.4 (for e-Series) or higher. If you use an older Polyscope version it is suggested to update your robot. If for some reason (please tell us in the issues why) you cannot upgrade your robot, please see the version compatibility table for a compatible tag.
  • The library requires an implementation of POSIX threads such as the pthread library
  • Socket communication is currently based on Linux sockets. Thus, this library will require Linux for building and using.
  • The master branch of this repository requires a C++17-compatible compiler. For building this library without a C++17-requirement, please use the boost branch instead that requires the boost library.

Build instructions

See Build / installation


The majority of this library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 licensed. However, certain parts are licensed under different licenses:

  • The queue used inside the communication structures is originally written by Cameron Desrochers and is released under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • The semaphore implementation used inside the queue implementation is written by Jeff Preshing and licensed under the zlib license

While the main LICENSE file in this repository contains the Apache-2.0 license used for the majority of the work, the respective libraries of third-party components reside together with the code imported from those third parties.

Library contents

Currently, this library contains the following components:

  • Basic primary interface: The primary interface isn’t fully implemented at the current state and provides only basic functionality. See A word on the primary / secondary interface for further information about the primary interface.
  • RTDE interface: The RTDE interface is fully supported by this library. See RTDEClient for further information on how to use this library as an RTDE client.
  • Dashboard interface: The Dashboard server can be accessed directly from C++ through helper functions using this library.
  • Custom motion streaming: This library was initially developed as part of the Universal Robots ROS driver. Therefore, it also contains a mechanism to do data streaming through a custom socket, e.g. to perform motion command streaming.

Example driver

In the examples subfolder you will find a minimal example of a running driver. It starts an instance of the UrDriver class and prints the RTDE values read from the controller. To run it make sure to

  • have an instance of a robot controller / URSim running at the configured IP address (or adapt the address to your needs)
  • run it from the package’s main folder (the one where this README.md file is stored), as for simplicity reasons it doesn’t use any sophisticated method to locate the required files.


See Architecture documentation

A word on the primary / secondary interface

Currently, this library doesn’t support the primary interface very well, as the Universal Robots ROS driver was built mainly upon the RTDE interface. Therefore, there is also no PrimaryClient for directly accessing the primary interface. This may change in future, though.

The comm::URStream class can be used to open a connection to the primary / secondary interface and send data to it. The producer/consumer pipeline structure can also be used together with the primary / secondary interface. However, package parsing isn’t implemented for most packages currently. See the primary_pipeline example on details how to set this up. Note that when running this example, most packages will just be printed as their raw byte streams in a hex notation, as they aren’t implemented in the library, yet.

A word on Real-Time scheduling

As mentioned above, for a clean operation it is quite critical that arriving RTDE messages are read before the next message arrives. Due to this, both, the RTDE receive thread and the thread calling getDataPackage() should be scheduled with real-time priority. See this guide for details on how to set this up.

The RTDE receive thread will be scheduled to real-time priority automatically, if applicable. If this doesn’t work, an error is raised at startup. The main thread calling getDataPackage should be scheduled to real-time priority by the application. See the ur_robot_driver as an example.

Producer / Consumer architecture

Communication with the primary / secondary and RTDE interfaces is designed to use a consumer/producer pattern. The Producer reads data from the socket whenever it comes in, parses the contents and stores the parsed packages into a pipeline queue. You can write your own consumers that use the packages coming from the producer. See the comm::ShellConsumer as an example.

Logging configuration

As this library was originally designed to be included into a ROS driver but also to be used as a standalone library, it uses custom logging macros instead of direct printf or std::cout statements.

The macro based interface is by default using the DefaultLogHandler to print the logging messages as printf statements. It is possible to define your own log handler to change the behavior, see create new log handler on how to.

Change logging level

Make sure to set the logging level in your application, as by default only messages of level WARNING or higher will be printed. See below for an example:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("Logging debug message");
  return 0;

Create new log handler

The logger comes with an interface LogHandler, which can be used to implement your own log handler for messages logged with this library. This can be done by inheriting from the LogHandler class.

If you want to create a new log handler in your application, you can use below example as inspiration:

#include "ur_client_library/log.h"
#include <iostream>

class MyLogHandler : public urcl::LogHandler
  MyLogHandler() = default;

  void log(const char* file, int line, urcl::LogLevel loglevel, const char* log) override
    switch (loglevel)
      case urcl::LogLevel::INFO:
        std::cout << "INFO " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::DEBUG:
        std::cout << "DEBUG " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::WARN:
        std::cout << "WARN " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::ERROR:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;
      case urcl::LogLevel::FATAL:
        std::cout << "ERROR " << file << " " << line << ": " << log << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  std::unique_ptr<MyLogHandler> log_handler(new MyLogHandler);

  URCL_LOG_DEBUG("logging debug message");
  URCL_LOG_INFO("logging info message");
  return 0;

Contributor Guidelines

  • This repo supports pre-commit e.g. for automatic code formatting. TLDR: This will prevent you from committing falsely formatted code:
  pipx install pre-commit
  pre-commit install
  • Succeeding pipelines are a must on Pull Requests (unless there is a reason, e.g. when there have been upstream changes).
  • We try to increase and keep our code coverage high, so PRs with new features should also have tests covering them.
  • Parameters of public methods must all be documented.


Many parts of this library are forked from the ur_modern_driver.

Developed in collaboration between:

Universal Robots A/S   and   FZI Research Center for Information Technology.


Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information: rosin-project.eu


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Changelog for package ur_client_library

1.6.0 (2025-01-23)

  • Do not throw exception in DashboardClient::sendRequest (#249)
  • Add instruction executor for high-level robot control (#242)
  • Modernize cmake (#244)
  • Update links to dashboard server documentation (#243)
  • Trajectory point velocities and example (#241)
  • Updated documentation (#228)
  • Update ci (#239)
  • Enable force mode compatibility with various move types (#230)
  • Update package maintainers (#238)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 5 (#234)
  • Remove the not regarding MIT license (#237)
  • Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#236)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#232)
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#235)
  • Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#233)
  • Add dependabot configuration to update actions (#231)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Rune Søe-Knudsen, dependabot[bot]

1.5.0 (2024-11-25)

  • Adapt RTDE output recipe based on robot response (#221)
  • CI: Fix flaky example runs (#223)
  • Giving force mode parameters as arguments when calling startForceMode (#208)
  • Add more arguments to start_ursim.sh (#220)
  • Tcp socket improvements (#222)
  • Added family photo to readme (#219)
  • Add missing algorithm include (#214)
  • Added missing RTDE data packages and fixed incorrect names (#213)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.4.0 (2024-09-10)

  • Ensure that the targets are reachable within the robots limits (#184)
  • Analog domain (#211)
  • Fix clang compilation error (#210)
  • Moved reset of speed slider to correct teardown function, so that it … (#206) …resets between each test.
  • [doc] Fix syntax in example.rst (#207)
  • [doc] Migrate documentation to sphinx (#95)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Remi Siffert, URJala

1.3.7 (2024-06-03)

  • [ci] Update CI
    • Run downstream tests for ICI
    • Correctly name jobs
    • Test Jazzy driver
  • [start_ursim] Add program directory at correct location also when no model is provided
  • [start_ursim] Always check ursim version for compatibility
  • [start_ursim] Use a program folder per model
  • [ci] Update distros for prerelease test
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Vincenzo Di Pentima

1.3.6 (2024-04-04)

  • Changed spline interpolation to use the last commanded joint velocity… (#195)
  • Contributors: Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen

1.3.5 (2024-02-23)

  • Add support for UR30 in start_ursim.sh (#193)
  • Add header guard to datatypes.h (#189)
  • Remove duplicated entry in clang-format file (#188)
  • Wait after docker kill to prevent name conflicts (#187)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.4 (2023-09-22)

  • Make depreaction warning for keepalive_counter a warning instead of error (#182)
  • Added watchdog configuration for the reverse socket (#178)
  • Add support for ur20 in start_ursim script (#179)
  • Use pre-commit for clang-format (#175)
  • Make tcp_server retry binding the socket (#176)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters

1.3.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Add support for setting socket max num tries and reconnect timeout (#172)
  • Unify socket open (#174)
  • Added handling of spline interpolation with end point velocities (#169)
  • Throws exception if the URScript file doesn't exists (#173)
  • Added check to ensure receive timeout isn't overwritten (#171)
  • Added RTDEClient constructor with vector recipes (#143)
  • Only warn if system is not setup for FIFO scheduling (#170)
  • Ensuring that the Timestamp is always in the output recipe (#168)
  • CI: Add Iron to CI tests (#167)
  • Add issue templates for bugs and features (#166)
  • Updated license (#164)
  • Bugfixes for spline interpolation (#162)
    • Add separate rounding in the conversion from float to int32
    • Add more debug printout for splines
    • Add Copying flight reports if CI fails
    • Update ursim mininum version in start_ursim.sh
  • Fix the prerelease ci for Melodic (#163)
  • Contributors: Dag-Are Trydal, Felix Exner, Felix Exner (fexner), Mads Holm Peters, Michael Eriksen, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urrsk

1.3.2 (2023-07-13)

  • Add a cmake option to activate address sanitizers (#146)
  • Install start ursim (#155)
  • Add spline interpolation on robot (#151)
  • Add codecov.yml to exclude test and examples folders (#152)
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts also for the CI-industrial (#153)
  • Remove Foxy from CI
  • Add a script to run the examples instead of run-parts
  • Add SaveLog command to the Dashboard client
  • Make URSim log files available as artifacts
  • Specifically set RTDE pipeline producer to FIFO scheduling (#139)
  • Added support for force_mode, freedrive and tool contact (#138)
  • Docs: Update link to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Added tests for the comm classes (#129)
  • Changed num_retries from static to an unsigned int (#136)
  • Build downstream humble version from humble branch (#132)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, Robert Wilbrandt

1.3.1 (2022-11-30)

  • CI: Add a prerelease check that calls [bloom-generate]{.title-ref} (#134)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner

1.3.0 (2022-11-28)

  • Dashboard commands, Docker Image and CI step for running the examples #127
  • Added tests for the rtde interface clasess (#125)
  • Fix unique_ptr type (#124)
  • Fix 'BEGIN_REPLACE' - used in tool_communication (copy #101) (#120) (cherry picked from commit f7ce9f73181848f3957c660647fac0e5325862b9) Co-authored-by: rxjia <<60809735+rxjia@users.noreply.github.com>>
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, RobertWilbrandt, Rune Søe-Knudsen, mergify[bot], urmarp, urrsk

1.2.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Initialized receive timeout and changed exception to warning (#118)
  • Added tests for the control interface classes (#112)
  • Added note about Polyscope version requirement
  • Added tcp_offset
  • Added interface for forwarding script commands to the robot, that is … (#111)
  • Fixed parsing of incomming packages when using rtde protocol v1 (#114) The received rtde packages should be parsed slightly different whether we use protocol v1 or v2.
  • Add codecov step (#116)
  • Added humble build
  • Fixed downstream test instructions
  • Update atomicops.h (#117) Fix the url in the comment regarding POSIX semaphores to fix error in the CI
  • Make the read during boot depend on the frequency of the robot controller (#102)
  • Ignore debian folder in check_links (#100) Otherwise this job raises an error in the release repository.
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, Mads Holm Peters, Rune Søe-Knudsen, urmahp, urmarp

1.1.0 (2022-04-22)

  • Support starting the driver, before the robot is booted (#98)
  • Clear the queue when consumer reads from it (#96)
  • Fix build with newer glibc
  • Doxygen check (#77)
  • Added target_frequency to RTDEClient (#85)
  • Removed console_bridge dependency (#74)
  • Added "On behalf of Universal Robots A/S" notice (#81) to all files that have been created by FZI
  • Always install package.xml file (#78)
  • register package with ament index
  • Corrected smaller doxygen errors
  • Added rosdoc_lite check
  • Contributors: Cory Crean, Felix Exner, Jørn Bersvendsen, Mads Holm Peters, Martin Jansa, Stefan Scherzinger

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

  • Added Cartesian streaming interface #75
  • Added trajectory forwarding interface #72
  • Refactored Reverse interface #70 from fmauch/refactor_reverse_interface
  • Added option for robot_ip as runtime argument for rtde_test (#71)
  • Added reverse_ip parameter (#52)
  • Move calibration check out of constructor. #65 from fmauch/calibration_check_optional
  • Install the resources folder instead of the script file directly (#62)
  • Use a non-blocking tcp server for the [ReverseInterface]{.title-ref} and [ScriptSender]{.title-ref}. #46 from fmauch/tcp_server
  • Added LogHandler #40 from urmahp/logging_feature
  • Fixed links in README (#35)
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn, JS00000, Lennart Puck, Mads Holm Peters, Tristan Schnell

0.1.1 (2020-09-15)

  • readme: missing whitespace
  • Further elaborated license statements in README
  • Install package.xml when built with catkin support
  • Contributors: Felix Exner, G.A. vd. Hoorn

0.1.0 (2020-09-11)

  • initial standalone release

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies


Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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