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No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
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No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro foxy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
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No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

hebi_description package from hebi_description repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.0
License MIT
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version 0.1.0
Last Updated 2019-09-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS models for HEBI components

Additional Links


  • Matthew Tesch


  • Matthew Tesch


This repository is a collection of xacro macros for creating URDF files for HEBI components and systems.

Along with the macros, several macros for full systems are defined.

When using these macros, note that you may have to run xacro --xacro-ns <filename> in order to suppress legacy interpretation of xacro tags without namespaces (see

xacro macros

We provide several xacro macros for HEBI components that can be used to create robots for simulation or visualization:


This represents a HEBI actuator. Required attributes are:

  • name The name of this actuator. This is used to reference this actuator from other HEBI components. Note that when HEBI components are used with the HEBI gazebo plugins, this should be in the format <family>/<name>, where these are the human-readable and settable names of the actuators on the network (e.g., “HEBI\Elbow” for the elbow joint on a standard HEBI arm).
  • child The element that is attached to the output of this actuator. This should be the “name” of the HEBI component; for standard URDF components, this will attempt to connect to <name>/INPUT_INTERFACE.
  • type The actuator type - X5_1, X5_4, X5_9, X8_3, X8_9, or X8_16.

Optional attributes are:

  • limits The position limits of the actuator. If not defined, assumes a continuously rotatable revolute joint. If defined, both must be finite and the lower limit must be below the upper limit. The format is ${[<low>,<high>]}, and is in radians. For example, one full revolution centered at 0 would be ${[-${pi}, ${pi}]}.
  • name A unique name that can be used to reference this link from other HEBI and URDF components.
  • child The element that is attached to the output of this link. This should be the “name” of the HEBI component; for standard URDF components, this will attempt to connect to <name>/INPUT_INTERFACE.
  • extension The extension of the link, in meters, per documented convention on For example, a 300 mm tube would have an extension of 0.325.
  • twist The twist of the link input and output frames, in radians, per documented convention on A 0 radian twist would mean that the input and output z-axis are the same direction.


  • name A unique name that can be used to reference this bracket from other HEBI and URDF components.
  • child The element that is attached to the output of this bracket. This should be the “name” of the HEBI component; for standard URDF components, this will attempt to connect to <name>/INPUT_INTERFACE.
  • type The bracket type - X5LightLeft, X5LightRight, X5HeavyLeftInside, X5HeavyLeftOutside, X5HeavyRightInside, or X5HeavyRightOutside


The naming convention we use for elements is that the xacro actuator/link/bracket/etc macros automatically define two specifically named subelements:

  • <element name>/INPUT_INTERFACE is the input body of a module
  • <element name>/OUTPUT_INTERFACE is the output joint of a module

This allows custom components to reference HEBI library components, as seen below.

Additionally, when naming actuators (xacro:x5 or xacro:x8 types), then convention is <family>/<name>. This allows the HEBI Gazebo simulation plugins to properly load and simulate the actuators.

Here is a segment of a XACRO file which connects a 3-DOF hebi arm to a “base” link in the world, and adds an “end effector” link at the end. Note – HEBI xacro components currently must always define a child element for their joint to connect to!


  <!-- connect to a "base" link in the world -->
  <joint name="base_robot_base" type="fixed">
    <parent link="base"/>
    <child link="HEBI/base/INPUT_INTERFACE"/>

  <!-- define the HEBI robot -->
  <xacro:actuator name="HEBI/base" child="shoulder_bracket" type="X5_4"/>
  <xacro:bracket name="shoulder_bracket" child="HEBI/shoulder" type="X5HeavyRightInside"/>
  <xacro:actuator name="HEBI/shoulder" child="shoulder_elbow" type="X5_4"/>
  <xacro:link name="shoulder_elbow" child="HEBI/elbow" extension="0.33" twist="${PI}"/>
  <xacro:actuator name="HEBI/elbow" child="elbow_end" type="X5_4"/>
  <xacro:link name="elbow_end" child="end_effector" extension="0.325" twist="${PI}"/>

  <!-- end link; necessary to provide output for HEBI components to attach to. -->
  <link name="end_effector/INPUT_INTERFACE">

  <gazebo reference="base">



Changelog for package hebi_description

0.1.0 (2019-09-06)

  • Moved the hebiros_description package contents to new package
  • Cleaned up contents and added robots
  • Contributors: Matthew Tesch

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged hebi_description at Robotics Stack Exchange

hebi_description package from hebi_description repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.1.0
License MIT
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version 0.1.0
Last Updated 2019-09-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS models for HEBI components

Additional Links


  • Matthew Tesch


  • Matthew Tesch


This repository is a collection of xacro macros for creating URDF files for HEBI components and systems.

Along with the macros, several macros for full systems are defined.

When using these macros, note that you may have to run xacro --xacro-ns <filename> in order to suppress legacy interpretation of xacro tags without namespaces (see

xacro macros

We provide several xacro macros for HEBI components that can be used to create robots for simulation or visualization:


This represents a HEBI actuator. Required attributes are:

  • name The name of this actuator. This is used to reference this actuator from other HEBI components. Note that when HEBI components are used with the HEBI gazebo plugins, this should be in the format <family>/<name>, where these are the human-readable and settable names of the actuators on the network (e.g., “HEBI\Elbow” for the elbow joint on a standard HEBI arm).
  • child The element that is attached to the output of this actuator. This should be the “name” of the HEBI component; for standard URDF components, this will attempt to connect to <name>/INPUT_INTERFACE.
  • type The actuator type - X5_1, X5_4, X5_9, X8_3, X8_9, or X8_16.

Optional attributes are:

  • limits The position limits of the actuator. If not defined, assumes a continuously rotatable revolute joint. If defined, both must be finite and the lower limit must be below the upper limit. The format is ${[<low>,<high>]}, and is in radians. For example, one full revolution centered at 0 would be ${[-${pi}, ${pi}]}.
  • name A unique name that can be used to reference this link from other HEBI and URDF components.
  • child The element that is attached to the output of this link. This should be the “name” of the HEBI component; for standard URDF components, this will attempt to connect to <name>/INPUT_INTERFACE.
  • extension The extension of the link, in meters, per documented convention on For example, a 300 mm tube would have an extension of 0.325.
  • twist The twist of the link input and output frames, in radians, per documented convention on A 0 radian twist would mean that the input and output z-axis are the same direction.


  • name A unique name that can be used to reference this bracket from other HEBI and URDF components.
  • child The element that is attached to the output of this bracket. This should be the “name” of the HEBI component; for standard URDF components, this will attempt to connect to <name>/INPUT_INTERFACE.
  • type The bracket type - X5LightLeft, X5LightRight, X5HeavyLeftInside, X5HeavyLeftOutside, X5HeavyRightInside, or X5HeavyRightOutside


The naming convention we use for elements is that the xacro actuator/link/bracket/etc macros automatically define two specifically named subelements:

  • <element name>/INPUT_INTERFACE is the input body of a module
  • <element name>/OUTPUT_INTERFACE is the output joint of a module

This allows custom components to reference HEBI library components, as seen below.

Additionally, when naming actuators (xacro:x5 or xacro:x8 types), then convention is <family>/<name>. This allows the HEBI Gazebo simulation plugins to properly load and simulate the actuators.

Here is a segment of a XACRO file which connects a 3-DOF hebi arm to a “base” link in the world, and adds an “end effector” link at the end. Note – HEBI xacro components currently must always define a child element for their joint to connect to!


  <!-- connect to a "base" link in the world -->
  <joint name="base_robot_base" type="fixed">
    <parent link="base"/>
    <child link="HEBI/base/INPUT_INTERFACE"/>

  <!-- define the HEBI robot -->
  <xacro:actuator name="HEBI/base" child="shoulder_bracket" type="X5_4"/>
  <xacro:bracket name="shoulder_bracket" child="HEBI/shoulder" type="X5HeavyRightInside"/>
  <xacro:actuator name="HEBI/shoulder" child="shoulder_elbow" type="X5_4"/>
  <xacro:link name="shoulder_elbow" child="HEBI/elbow" extension="0.33" twist="${PI}"/>
  <xacro:actuator name="HEBI/elbow" child="elbow_end" type="X5_4"/>
  <xacro:link name="elbow_end" child="end_effector" extension="0.325" twist="${PI}"/>

  <!-- end link; necessary to provide output for HEBI components to attach to. -->
  <link name="end_effector/INPUT_INTERFACE">

  <gazebo reference="base">



Changelog for package hebi_description

0.1.0 (2019-09-06)

  • Moved the hebiros_description package contents to new package
  • Cleaned up contents and added robots
  • Contributors: Matthew Tesch

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged hebi_description at Robotics Stack Exchange