wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/modular-ml/wrapyfi_ros_interfaces.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-01-30
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
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Name Version
wrapyfi_ros_interfaces 0.4.30


Wrapyfi ROS interfaces

WARNING: These instructions are located in https://github.com/modular-ml/wrapyfi_ros_interfaces

To transmit ROS audio messages with Wrapyfi, you need to compile the ROS interfaces. ROS must already be installed on your system, with all its build dependencies. You can find the installation instructions here or install using Robostack.


  • ROS Noetic
  • Python 3.6


We recommend compiling the Wrapyfi ROS interfaces rather than installing them. However, if ROS was installed locally (not within mamba/micromamba), Then the Wrapyfi interfaces can be installed directly using APT ROS Package Index

APT (local Noetic only)

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-noetic-wrapyfi-ros-interfaces
# test package: should return the audio message type for ROS
rosmsg show ROSAudioMessage


  1. Copy the wrapyfi_ros_interfaces folder to your ROS workspace (assumed to be ~/ros_ws).
    # from the current directory 
    cd ../
    cp -r wrapyfi_ros_interfaces ~/ros_ws/src
  1. Compile the ROS interfaces:
    cd ~/ros_ws
**Note**: If the wrong version of Python is used, the compilation will fail. Make sure that the correct version of cmake 
is used by modifying the `cmake_minimum_required` version in the `~/ros_ws/src/wrapyfi_ros_interfaces/CMakeLists.txt` file:
    # CMakeLists.txt
    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
    # ...
Replacing VERSION 3.0.2 with the correct version of cmake.
  1. Source the ROS workspace:
    source ~/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
  1. Verify that the ROS Audio message interface is compiled:
    rosmsg show ROSAudioMessage
Which should output:
   std_msgs/Header header
     uint32 seq
     time stamp
     string frame_id
   uint32 chunk_size
   uint8 channels
   uint32 sample_rate
   string encoding
   uint8 is_bigendian
   uint32 bitrate
   string coding_format
   uint32 step
   uint8[] data
  1. Verify that the ROS Audio service interface is compiled:
    rossrv show ROSAudioService
Which should output:
   string request
   wrapyfi_ros_interfaces/ROSAudioMessage response
     std_msgs/Header header
       uint32 seq
       time stamp
       string frame_id
     uint32 chunk_size
     uint8 channels
     uint32 sample_rate
     string encoding
     uint8 is_bigendian
     uint32 bitrate
     string coding_format
     uint32 step
     uint8[] data

 Run your Wrapyfi enabled script from the same terminal. Now you can transmit ROS audio messages in PUB/SUB [\[example\]](https://wrapyfi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/examples.sensors.html#module-examples.sensors.cam_mic) and REQ/REP [\[example\]](https://wrapyfi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/examples.communication_patterns.html#module-examples.communication_patterns.request_reply_example).



wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository

wrapyfi_ros_interfaces repository