volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/botsync/volta.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic-devel
Last Updated 2021-06-23
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)




Version:1.1.0 ROS packages used to to run volta with hardware

  • volta_base - Package contains files to connect to the robot and run the sensor driver.
  • volta_control - Control configuration required for ROS control.
  • volta_description - Volta Robot description (URDF files).
  • volta_localization - Sensor fusion of wheel odometry and IMU data using the robot localization package.
  • volta_msgs - contains ROS messages specific to volta such as the power board messages,..etc
  • volta_navigation - Contains files required for running gmapping, amcl and move_base ROS packages.
  • volta_teleoperation - Control the robot using keyboard or Joystick.
  • volta_rules - Contains rules that ensures the USB peripherals are binded correctly

Steps to Launch Volta :

1. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base sensors.launch   

  • To perform the mapping, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  

  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true

  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ rosrun map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • To perform the Autonomous navigation, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch  

  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map



volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

volta repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/botsync/volta.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2021-03-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)




Version:1.0.0 ROS packages used to to run volta with hardware

  • volta_base - Package contains files to connect to the robot and run the sensor driver.
  • volta_control - Control configuration required for ROS control.
  • volta_description - Volta Robot description (URDF files).
  • volta_localization - Sensor fusion of wheel odometry and IMU data using the robot localization package.
  • volta_msgs - contains ROS messages specific to volta such as the power board messages,..etc
  • volta_navigation - Contains files required for running gmapping, amcl and move_base ROS packages.
  • volta_teleoperation - Control the robot using keyboard or Joystick.
  • volta_rules - Contains rules that ensures the USB peripherals are binded correctly

Steps to Launch Volta :

1. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base sensors.launch   

  • To perform the mapping, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  

  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true

  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ rosrun map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • To perform the Autonomous navigation, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch  

  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map



Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/botsync/volta.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version melodic-devel
Last Updated 2021-03-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)




Version:1.1.0 ROS packages used to to run volta with hardware

  • volta_base - Package contains files to connect to the robot and run the sensor driver.
  • volta_control - Control configuration required for ROS control.
  • volta_description - Volta Robot description (URDF files).
  • volta_localization - Sensor fusion of wheel odometry and IMU data using the robot localization package.
  • volta_msgs - contains ROS messages specific to volta such as the power board messages,..etc
  • volta_navigation - Contains files required for running gmapping, amcl and move_base ROS packages.
  • volta_teleoperation - Control the robot using keyboard or Joystick.
  • volta_rules - Contains rules that ensures the USB peripherals are binded correctly

Steps to Launch Volta :

1. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base sensors.launch   

  • To perform the mapping, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  

  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true

  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ rosrun map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Launch the move_base node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • Launch the sensors node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_base bringup.launch   

  • To perform the Autonomous navigation, launch the navigation package by running
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch  

  • Launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map