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Last Updated 2021-06-08
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Name Version
pcdfilter_pa 1.2.0


ProAut Pointcloud Filter


This package was designed to remove simple geometric shapes from pointclouds. E.g. A cube or a sphere. Several of these filters can be applied to a pointcloud in one shot. For more details on the types of filters and their parameters see Filters.

This package includes a full node and a ros interface for one's own node. For more details about the node, like topic names and parameters, see Node.

The package can handle three different input types of pointclouds: * sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 (this is also the output type) * sensor_msgs/PointCloud * sensor_msgs/LaserScan

Additionaly the input data can be throttled to reduce the cpu load.


rosrun pcdfilter_pa pcdfilter_pa_node
roslaunch pcdfilter_pa pcdfilter_pa.launch

Input and Output Topics

Topic Name Type Description
"~/in_cloud" sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Input as new pointcloud type.
"~/in_cloud_old" sensor_msgs/PointCloud Input as old pointloud type. Will be converted to new pointcloud type.
"~/in_laser" sensor_msgs/LaserScan Input as single laser scan. Will be converted to new pointcloud type by package "laser_geometry".
"~/out_cloud" sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Output of filtering node.

All topics can be remapped using parameters (see below).


Service Name Type Description
"~/filter" pcdfilter_pa/PcdFilterPaCloud Forced filtering via service call. No throttling is done and input/output cloud is part of service message.
"~/add_filters" pcdfilter_pa/PcdFilterPaFilter Adding new filters. Old filters are kept.
"~/change_filters" pcdfilter_pa/PcdFilterPaFilter Adding new filters, but removing all old filters before adding.
"~/enable" std_srvs/Empty Disables this node. This also disconnects the node from all input messages.
"~/disable" std_srvs/Empty Enables this node.



Parameter Name Type Description
"~/filters" vector of strings All pointcloud filters as an array of strings.

general settings

Parameter Name Type Description
"~/skip_count" integer Input throttling. Number of skipped messages after each processed message.
"~/skip_time" double Input throttling. Time intervall in seconds. After each processed message, this intervall starts and all input messages will be skipped.
"~/tf_lookup_time" double Maximum time in seconds for waiting for a specific TF transform.
"~/buffer_pointcloud" bool Flag for buffering the last received pointcloud. This can be used to test different filters without resending the some pointcloud.
"~/debugging" bool Flag for enabling extented output.
"~/enabled" bool Flag for setting start up behaviour. Indicates if node is filtering at startup, or not.


Parameter Name Type Description
"~/laser_nan_replacement_value" double If a nan-value is represented within the laser scan, it might indicate "no obstacle within range". Therefore this parameters will replace those values with a fixed number.

topics and services

Parameter Name Type Description
"~/topic_in_cloud" string Name of input topic for new pointclouds.
"~/topic_in_cloud_old" string Name of input topic for old pointclouds.
"~/topic_in_laser" string Name of input topic for laser scans.
"~/topic_out_cloud" string Name of output topic for filtered pointcloud.

See also this config file. It contains all parameters and their default value.



This is the definition of every single filter as a string.

[<inversion>]<type> <separator> <dimensions> <tf> [<tf_offset>] [<tf2> [<tf2_offset>]] [# <comment>]

inversion (optional)

Inversion Description
"" (none) normal behaviour; points within the volume will be filtered out; all points outside will be kept
"!" reversed behaviour; points within the volume will be kept; all points outside will be filtered out


Type Description Nr Parameters Nr TF ids
"cube" specified by its sidelength 1 parameter 1 TF
"sphere" specified by its radius 1 parameter 1 TF
"block" cuboid specified by its three sidelengths in x,y and z direction 3 parameters 1 TF
"cylinder" specified by its radius and its height 2 parameters 1 TF
"link" cylinder centered around the two given tfs; specified by its radius and its overshoot 2 parameters 2 TF
"cone" cone headed at fist tf and pointing to second tf; specified by its height and its ratio (radius/height) 2 parameters 2 TF


Seperator Description
":" current filter is required; if some tf is missing the whole filtering is aborted and no output pointcloud is generated
"?" current filter may be skipped; if some tf is missing then the current filter is not applied; but in any case the whole filtering and output process is continued

To control how long the filter should wait for the necessary tf there exists a parameter "~/tf_lookup_time" - see also Node.


Number of dimensions depends on the type of the current filter(see above). At least one dimension is always needed, e.g. for a cube. Three dimensions must be set for a cuboid. \ Each dimension is a single number seperated by spaces.


ROS frame id for the filtered objects.

tf_offset (optional)

This allows for an additional offset relative to the given frame id. Order of parameters: x y z qx qy qz qw

Missing parameters will be set to "0". If qw is not set then it will be set to sqrt(1 - qx^2 - qy^2 - qz^2)

tf2 and tf2_offset (optional)

Only valid for type "link" and "cone".
For description see above (tf and tf_offset).


Every character following '#' is ignored. This can be used to give a short comment.


cube: 3 base_footprint

Filters every point within the following cube - the cube is removed from the pointcloud. \ The sidelength is 3 [meters]. \ The center is aligned with TF frame "base_footprint". \ Corners will be at [+/-1.5 , +/- 1.5, +/- 1.5].

!sphere: 2.3 map

Only points within sphere will stay.
The center of sphere is aligned with TF frame "map".
The radius is 2.3 [meters] and the diameter is 4.6 [meters].

block: 1 2 3 base_link 0.5 1 1.5

Removes every point within the cuboid.
One corner of the cuboid is at center of TF frame "base_link".
This is due to the additional offset of [0.5, 1 1.5].
Two opposite corners are at [0, 0, 0] and [1, 2, 3].

link: 0.2 0 arm_link1 arm_link2

Removes every point within the cylinder, which is attached to both TF frames. \ The center of the top and bottom surface is exactly at origin of one frame (zero overshoot). \ The radius is 0.2 [meters]. \ The height depends only the relative position of the two frames. \ Also the orientation of the cylinder is not fixed to any frame.

!cone: 10 1 laser pan_tilt_tilt_link

Removes every point outside the cone. \ The top of cone will be at the origin of the TF frame "laser" and the centerline will go straight through the origin of the TF frame "pan_tilt_tilt_link". \ The height is 10 [meters]. \ The angle at the top is 90 degrees (ratio of radius to height is 1:1).

Source code at github

ROS packages


ROS Build-Status and Documentation

ROS-Distribution Build-Status Documentation
Indigo EOL April 2019
Jade EOL May 2017
Kinetic Build Status
Lunar EOL May 2019
Melodic upcoming


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