clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version noetic
Last Updated 2024-12-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
clpe_ros 0.1.0



This repository contains ROS 1 and ROS 2 drivers for the CANLAB CLPE-G-Series system. CLPE-G-Series is a multi camera grabber board for N2.0 GMSL camera. This drivers exposes camera images and information from CLPE-G-Series as ROS messages using the image_transport framework.

This branch contains the ROS 1 driver. For the ROS 2 driver, please switch to the main branch.

Environment(PC Specification)

  • PC Model: Nuvo-8208GC
  • CPU Cores : 12
  • CPU Clock : 3.7Ghz
  • DRAM Size : 64GB (32GB + 32GB)
  • DRAM Type : DDR4

System Requirements


Note: It is strongly recommended to install Ubuntu 20.04 on the PC shipped with CLPE-G-Series. This way ROS 1 binaries can be installed as debian packages. If the PC is running Ubuntu 18.04, ROS 1 will need to be built from source which is not officially supported on Ubuntu 18.04. Alternatively, containers or VM may be used but the CLPE-G-Series drivers has to be properly passed through.


System dependencies

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git cmake wget gcc g++ libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev python3-colcon* python3-rosdep python3-vcstool -y

ROS 1 Installation

Depending on the version of Ubuntu installed, follow the instructions in the links above to install ROS 1 Noetic binaries or from source. To source ROS 1

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash # if binaries are installed
source ~/ros1_noetic/install/setup.bash # if installed from source following link above

Install CLPE SDK and ROS 1 Driver

Create workspace

mkdir -p ~/ws_clpe/src
cd ~/ws_clpe/
vcs import src < clpe.repos

Install dependencies

cd ~/ws_clpe
# source your ROS 1 workspace before this command
sudo rosdep init # if you have not done this before
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro noetic -y

Build the driver

cd ~/ws_clpe
# source your ROS 1 workspace if you have not already
catkin_make install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# To also build the benchmarking scripts
catkin_make install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCLPE_ROS_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=On

Run the driver


cd ~/ws_clpe
source install/setup.bash
** UYVY **
roslaunch clpe_ros clpe_ros.launch password:=<sudo-password> slave:=n encoding:=yuv422 timestamp:=xavier
** JPEG **
roslaunch clpe_ros clpe_ros.launch password:=<sudo-password> slave:=n encoding:=jpeg timestamp:=local

Note: If sudo-password is a number, say 42, you should pass it as password:=\'42\'
If you have not equipped slave CLPE-G-Series, you should enter slave:=n

By default the driver will publish topics per camera (X).

  • /clpe_ros/cam_X/image_raw: The raw image published as sensor_msgs::Image.
  • /clpe_ros/cam_X/compressed: The JPEG image published as sensor_msgs::CompressedImage.
  • The default encoding is yuv422. For other supported encodings, see Configuration below.

Frame rate per sensor

  • CLCC-G-01X 8CH
    UYVY - 30 fps
    JPEG - 30 fps
  • CLCC-G-02X 8CH
    UYVY - 24~25 fps
    JPEG - 30 fps

Visualizing in Rviz

By default, images are published in yuv encoding. Rviz does not support yuv so it needs to be converted to a different format.

roslaunch clpe_ros clpe_ros.launch password:=<sudo-password> slave:=y encoding:=bgr8 timestamp:=xavier

Note that this conversion incurs significant overhead so should be avoided if performance is important.


The driver supports the following ROS parameters to configure its behavior. The password, slave, encoding and timestamp parameters can be overwritten at run time. Other parameters can be modified within the config file

Note: If encoding is “jpeg”, timestamp must be set to “local”.

Key Description Default
password sudo password *Required*
slave check slave, supported arguments are: y, n. Defaults to n. n
encoding Image encoding, supported formats are: bgr8, bgra8, rgb8, rgba8, mono16, yuv422, jpeg. Defaults to yuv422. Note that encodings other than yuv422 and jpeg incurs conversion overhead. yuv422
timestamp Image timestamp, supported formats are: xavier, local. Defaults to xavier. xavier
cam_{n}_enable Enable camera true
cam_{n}_pose Pose relative to the base, 6 values corresponding to [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] [0,0,0,0,0,0]
cam_{n}_frame_id Defines the frame_id all static transformations refers to base_link
cam_{n}_image_latch Controls latching for camera image messages false
cam_{n}_image_queue_size Controls queue size for camera image messages 10
cam_{n}_info_latch Controls latching for camera info messages false
cam_{n}_info_queue_size Controls queue size for camera info messages 10

Unless specified otherwise, all parameters are read-only, that is, they must be initialized at startup and cannot be changed at runtime.


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clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-12-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
clpe_ros 0.1.1



This repository contains ROS 1 and ROS 2 drivers for the CANLAB CLPE-G-Series system. CLPE-G-Series is a multi camera grabber board for N2.0 GMSL camera. This drivers exposes camera images and information from CLPE-G-Series as ROS messages using the image_transport framework.

This branch contains the ROS 2 driver. For the ROS 1 driver, please switch to the noetic branch.

Environment(PC Specification)

  • PC Model: Nuvo-8208GC
  • CPU Cores : 12
  • CPU Clock : 3.7Ghz
  • DRAM Size : 64GB (32GB + 32GB)
  • DRAM Type : DDR4

System Requirements


Note: It is strongly recommended to install Ubuntu 20.04 on the PC shipped with CLPE-G-Series. This way ROS 2 binaries can be installed as debian packages. If the PC is running Ubuntu 18.04, ROS 2 will need to be built from source which is not officially supported on Ubuntu 18.04. Alternatively, containers or VM may be used but the CLPE-G-Series drivers has to be properly passed through.


System dependencies

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git cmake wget gcc g++ libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev python3-colcon* python3-rosdep python3-vcstool -y

ROS 2 Installation

Depending on the version of Ubuntu installed, follow the instructions in the links above to install ROS 2 binaries or from source. To source ROS 2

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash # if binaries are installed
source ~/ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash # if installed from source following link above

Note: Replace foxy with galactic if using ROS 2 Galactic

Install CLPE SDK and ROS 2 Driver

Create workspace

mkdir -p ~/ws_clpe2/src
cd ~/ws_clpe2/
vcs import src < clpe.repos

Install dependencies

cd ~/ws_clpe2
# source your ROS 2 workspace before this command
sudo rosdep init # if you have not done this before
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y

Build the driver

cd ~/ws_clpe2
# source your ROS 2 workspace if you have not already
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# To also build the benchmarking scripts
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCLPE_ROS_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=On

Run the driver

DDS Configuration

For better image transport performance over DDS, we recommend using FastDDS with Shared Memory Transport enabled. First copy the the fastdds.xml config file to a suitable directory, eg. $HOME/fastdds.xml

cd ~/ws_clpe2/src
cp canlab-co/clpe_ros/fastdds.xml ~/

Next add these two lines to your ~/.bashrc

export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp

Make sure to source ~/.bashrc first on all terminals before launching any ROS 2 nodes including the driver.


cd ~/ws_clpe2
source install/setup.bash
** UYVY **
ros2 launch clpe_ros password:=<sudo-password> slave:=n encoding:=yuv422 timestamp:=xavier
** JPEG **
ros2 launch clpe_ros password:=<sudo-password> slave:=n encoding:=jpeg timestamp:=local

Note: If sudo_password is a number, say 42, you should pass it as password:=\'42\'
If you have not equipped slave CLPE-G-Series, you should enter slave:=n

By default the driver will publish topics per camera X.

  • /clpe/cam_X/image_raw: The raw image published as sensor_msgs::msg::Image.
  • /clpe/cam_X/compressed: The JPEG image published as sensor_msgs::msg::CompressedImage.
  • The default encoding is yuv422. For other supported encodings, see Configuration below.

Frame rate per sensor

  • CLCC-G-01X 8CH
    UYVY - 30 fps
    JPEG - 30 fps
  • CLCC-G-02X 8CH
    UYVY - 24~25 fps
    JPEG - 30 fps

ROS2 Component

The driver is also supported as a ROS2 component. To run it, start the component container

ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container

In another terminal, load the component

ros2 component load /ComponentManager clpe_ros clpe::ClpeComponentNode -p password:=<password>

Check that the component is loaded with

ros2 component list


The driver supports the following ROS parameters to configure its behavior. The password, slave, encoding and timestamp parameters can be overwritten at run time. Other parameters can be modified within the launch file.

Note: If encoding is “jpeg”, timestamp must be set to “local”.

Key Description Default
password sudo password *Required*
slave check slave, supported arguments are: y, n. Defaults to n. n
encoding Image encoding, supported formats are: bgr8, bgra8, rgb8, rgba8, mono16, yuv422, jpeg. Defaults to yuv422. Note that encodings other than yuv422 and jpeg incurs conversion overhead. yuv422
timestamp Image timestamp, supported formats are: xavier, local. Defaults to xavier. xavier
cam_{n}_enable Enable camera true
cam_{n}_pose Pose relative to the base, 6 values corresponding to [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] [0,0,0,0,0,0]
cam_{n}_frame_id Defines the frame_id all static transformations refers to base_link
cam_{n}_image_qos Sets the QoS by which the topic is published. Available values are the following strings: SYSTEM_DEFAULT, PARAMETER_EVENTS, SERVICES_DEFAULT, PARAMETERS, DEFAULT, SENSOR_DATA, HID_DEFAULT (= DEFAULT with depth of 100), EXTRINSICS_DEFAULT (= DEFAULT with depth of 1 and transient local durabilty). SENSOR_DATA
cam_{n}_info_qos Sets the QoS by which the topic is published. Available values are the following strings: SYSTEM_DEFAULT, PARAMETER_EVENTS, SERVICES_DEFAULT, PARAMETERS, DEFAULT, SENSOR_DATA, HID_DEFAULT (= DEFAULT with depth of 100), EXTRINSICS_DEFAULT (= DEFAULT with depth of 1 and transient local durabilty). SYSTEM_DEFAULT

Unless specified otherwise, all parameters are read-only, that is, they must be initialized at startup and cannot be changed at runtime.


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clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository

clpe_ros repository