cis_camera repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2020-01-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
cis_camera 0.0.4


cis_camera Build Status

This package contains ROS driver nodes for CIS Corporation ToF Camera Sensor DCC-RGBD1 with USB 3.0 interface.

System Configurations

  • OS / ROS
    • Ubuntu 16.04 / ROS Kinetic
    • Ubuntu 18.04 / ROS Melodic
  • USB 3.0 Port
  • CIS ToF Camera Sensor DCC-RGBD1

CIS ToF Camera Sensor DCC-RGBD1

  • Camera system
    • Dimensions : H:50mm x W:55mm x D:35mm ( Protruding parts are not included )
    • Weight : 110 g
    • Frame rate : 30 fps
  • RGB camera
    • 1/3” CMOS image sensor
    • Global shutter operation
    • QVGA : 1280 x 960
    • M12 lens
  • Depth / IR camera
    • 1/4” CCD image sensor
    • VGA : 640 x 480
    • M12 lens
    • Output : Depth and IR images
    • Depth sensing type: ToF ( Time-of-Flight )
    • Depth range
      • mode 0 : 300 - 5000 mm
      • mode 1 : 150 - 700 mm
  • NIR light source
    • 2 Laser Diodes : 850nm / Class 1
  • USB output
    • USB 3.0 micro B
    • UVC interface
    • Images
      • RGB : YUV422 - 1920 × 960
      • IR : Gray 16bit - 640 × 480
      • Depth : Gray 16bit - 640 × 480
  • Power source
    • DC 12V, 3A

CIS ToF Camera

Quick Start


Installing ROS

Install “ROS Desktop Full” on Ubuntu PC.

  • ROS Kinetic for Ubuntu 16.04
  • ROS Melodic for Ubuntu 18.04

Installation of cis_camera

$ source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/camera_ws/src
$ cd ~/camera_ws/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ git clone
$ cd ~/camera_ws
$ rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src
$ catkin_make
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash

  • NOTE: Replase $ROS_DISTRO to the ROS distribution of your system, kinetic or melodic.

Device Permission Configuration

For the first time you start using CIS ToF camera, run set_udev_rules to set CIS ToF camera device permission configuration with entering sudo password in responce to program input.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun cis_camera set_udev_rules

  • NOTE : This process is needed only once after the installations on your Ubuntu PC.

Connecting Camera

  1. Connect the camera to the USB 3.0 port of your Ubuntu PC
  2. Connect the external power source to the camera and turn it on
  • NOTE : It takes about 4 seconds for the camera to start up normally after the external power is turned on.

Launching Software


To see the pointcloud with RViz.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch

This file launches windows of RViz and rqt_reconfigure.

When you do not need to launch rqt_reconfigure, please set a launch option as below.

$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch reconfigure:=false

RViz PointCloud.launch

Launch Options and Default Values of pointcloud.launch

  • rviz:=true
    • Launching RViz
  • reconfigure:=true
    • Launching Dynamic Reconfigure
  • camera:=camera
    • Name of cis_camera for ROS nodes and topics
  • num_worker_threads:=4
    • Number of threads
  • vendor:=0x2af2
    • Vendor ID of cis_camera
  • product:=0x1001
    • Product ID of cis_camera
  • pointcloud_rgb:=false
    • Projecting RGB colors on the pointcloud
  • flying_pixel_filter:=false
    • Applying flying pixel filter with PCL VoxelGrid and StatisticalOutlierRemoval filters

RGB PointCloud

Publishing Images Only

When you publish only Depth, IR and RGB images, launch tof.launch.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera tof.launch

If you show the images, run rqt and open Plugins -> Visualization -> Image View.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rqt

Dynamic Reconfigure

After you launched pointcloud.launch reconfigure:=false or tof.launch, you can also reconfigure Depth/IR configurations dynamically with launching rqt_reconfigure.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

When you reconfigure Depth/IR camera distortion correction parameters, check ir_dist_reconfig to effect parameters ir_fx, ir_fy and so on.

To set back the parameters to config/camera_ir.yaml data, uncheck ir_dist_reconfig.

Frame Rate

When you want to know a frame rate of ROS topic, please run rostopic hz as below.

In the case of a topic /camera/depth/points,

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/points

To find out what topics exits,

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rostopic list

Point Clud Library (PCL) Sample program

Terminal 1

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch

Terminal 2

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun cis_camera pcl_example

This PCL example code extracts a target object by filtering the point cloud, calculates the centroid of the extracted point cloud and publishes a TF on the centroid.

PCL Example

This example is based on “Building a Perception Pipleline” of ROS Industrial Training.


Quit Software

Enter Ctrl-C on the running terminal.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2020-01-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
cis_camera 0.0.4


cis_camera Build Status

This package contains ROS driver nodes for CIS Corporation ToF Camera Sensor DCC-RGBD1 with USB 3.0 interface.

System Configurations

  • OS / ROS
    • Ubuntu 16.04 / ROS Kinetic
    • Ubuntu 18.04 / ROS Melodic
  • USB 3.0 Port
  • CIS ToF Camera Sensor DCC-RGBD1

CIS ToF Camera Sensor DCC-RGBD1

  • Camera system
    • Dimensions : H:50mm x W:55mm x D:35mm ( Protruding parts are not included )
    • Weight : 110 g
    • Frame rate : 30 fps
  • RGB camera
    • 1/3” CMOS image sensor
    • Global shutter operation
    • QVGA : 1280 x 960
    • M12 lens
  • Depth / IR camera
    • 1/4” CCD image sensor
    • VGA : 640 x 480
    • M12 lens
    • Output : Depth and IR images
    • Depth sensing type: ToF ( Time-of-Flight )
    • Depth range
      • mode 0 : 300 - 5000 mm
      • mode 1 : 150 - 700 mm
  • NIR light source
    • 2 Laser Diodes : 850nm / Class 1
  • USB output
    • USB 3.0 micro B
    • UVC interface
    • Images
      • RGB : YUV422 - 1920 × 960
      • IR : Gray 16bit - 640 × 480
      • Depth : Gray 16bit - 640 × 480
  • Power source
    • DC 12V, 3A

CIS ToF Camera

Quick Start


Installing ROS

Install “ROS Desktop Full” on Ubuntu PC.

  • ROS Kinetic for Ubuntu 16.04
  • ROS Melodic for Ubuntu 18.04

Installation of cis_camera

$ source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/camera_ws/src
$ cd ~/camera_ws/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ git clone
$ cd ~/camera_ws
$ rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src
$ catkin_make
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash

  • NOTE: Replase $ROS_DISTRO to the ROS distribution of your system, kinetic or melodic.

Device Permission Configuration

For the first time you start using CIS ToF camera, run set_udev_rules to set CIS ToF camera device permission configuration with entering sudo password in responce to program input.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun cis_camera set_udev_rules

  • NOTE : This process is needed only once after the installations on your Ubuntu PC.

Connecting Camera

  1. Connect the camera to the USB 3.0 port of your Ubuntu PC
  2. Connect the external power source to the camera and turn it on
  • NOTE : It takes about 4 seconds for the camera to start up normally after the external power is turned on.

Launching Software


To see the pointcloud with RViz.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch

This file launches windows of RViz and rqt_reconfigure.

When you do not need to launch rqt_reconfigure, please set a launch option as below.

$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch reconfigure:=false

RViz PointCloud.launch

Launch Options and Default Values of pointcloud.launch

  • rviz:=true
    • Launching RViz
  • reconfigure:=true
    • Launching Dynamic Reconfigure
  • camera:=camera
    • Name of cis_camera for ROS nodes and topics
  • num_worker_threads:=4
    • Number of threads
  • vendor:=0x2af2
    • Vendor ID of cis_camera
  • product:=0x1001
    • Product ID of cis_camera
  • pointcloud_rgb:=false
    • Projecting RGB colors on the pointcloud
  • flying_pixel_filter:=false
    • Applying flying pixel filter with PCL VoxelGrid and StatisticalOutlierRemoval filters

RGB PointCloud

Publishing Images Only

When you publish only Depth, IR and RGB images, launch tof.launch.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera tof.launch

If you show the images, run rqt and open Plugins -> Visualization -> Image View.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rqt

Dynamic Reconfigure

After you launched pointcloud.launch reconfigure:=false or tof.launch, you can also reconfigure Depth/IR configurations dynamically with launching rqt_reconfigure.

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

When you reconfigure Depth/IR camera distortion correction parameters, check ir_dist_reconfig to effect parameters ir_fx, ir_fy and so on.

To set back the parameters to config/camera_ir.yaml data, uncheck ir_dist_reconfig.

Frame Rate

When you want to know a frame rate of ROS topic, please run rostopic hz as below.

In the case of a topic /camera/depth/points,

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/points

To find out what topics exits,

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rostopic list

Point Clud Library (PCL) Sample program

Terminal 1

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch

Terminal 2

$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun cis_camera pcl_example

This PCL example code extracts a target object by filtering the point cloud, calculates the centroid of the extracted point cloud and publishes a TF on the centroid.

PCL Example

This example is based on “Building a Perception Pipleline” of ROS Industrial Training.


Quit Software

Enter Ctrl-C on the running terminal.


No found.