open_sound_control_ros repository

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Open Sound Control ROS

This repository contains several packages for ROS 2 Jazzy intended to interact with Open Sound Control.

What is Open Sound Control?

Open Sound Control (OSC) is an open-source data transport specification for realtime communication between applications and hardware. Similar to MIDI, OSC is indended for use with electronic musical instruments primarily, but can have other applications.

OSC, by default, uses UDP packets to transmit encoded data from one application to another. Each packet consists of an address (similar in principle to a ROS topic) and one or more variables of specific types.

For details on the OSC 1.0 and 1.1 specifications, see the official documentation at the links below:

OSC to/from ROS

The open_sound_control_msgs package contains the ROS message definitions needed for handling OSC packets in ROS.

The open_sound_control_bridge package contains a ROS node that will accept OSC messages and translate them into the corresponding ROS messages, or accept ROS messages and translate them into their corresponding OSC messages.

The open_sound_control_bridge node publishes all received OSC messages as open_sound_control_msgs/msg/OscMessage messages on its osc_raw topic. Additionally, the brige node will publish each individual variable inside the OSC payload on an individual ROS topic whose name corresponds to the OSC address followed by the type and a numbered suffix.

For example, this OSC message

  2f (/)  66 (f)  6f (o)  6f (o)

  00 ()   00 ()   00 ()   00 ()

  2c (,)  69 (i)  69 (i)  73 (s)

  66 (f)  66 (f)  00 ()   00 ()

  00 ()   00 ()   03 ()   e8 (è)

  ff (ÿ)  ff (ÿ)  ff (ÿ)  ff (ÿ)

  68 (h)  65 (e)  6c (l)  6c (l)

  6f (o)  00 ()   00 ()   00 ()

  3f (?)  9d ()   f3 (ó)  b6 (¶)

  40 (@)  b5 (µ)  b2 (”)  2d (-)

containing the address /foo, the integer -1, the string hello, the float 1.234, and the float 5.678 would be republished as the following topics:

  • osc_raw: open_sound_control_msgs/msg/OscMessage – the raw OSC data re-encoded as a ROS message
  • /foo/int_0: std_msgs/msg/Integer containing the value -1
  • /foo/str_0: std_msgs/msg/String containing the value hello
  • /foo/float_0: std_msgs/msg/Float32 containing the value 1.234
  • /foo/float_1: std_msgs/msg/Float32 containing the value 5.678

The following table shows the OSC types, the ROS topic name, and ROS message type:

OSC type (character) Topic name ROS type
blob (b) blob_N open_sound_control_msgs/msg/OscBlob
boolean (T, F) bool_N std_msgs/msg/Bool
char (c) char_N std_msgs/msg/String
double (d) double_N std_msgs/msg/Float64
float (f) float_N std_msgs/msg/Float32
integer (i) int_N std_msgs/msg/Int32
impulse (I) trig_N std_msgs/msg/Empty
midi (m) midi_N std_msgs/msg/ByteMultiArray
null (N) null_N std_msgs/msg/Empty
rgba (r) rgba_N std_msgs/msg/ColorRGBA
string (s) string_N std_msgs/msg/String
symbols (S) symbol_N std_msgs/msg/String
timetag (t) time_N std_msgs/msg/Header

where _N is a 0-based index indicating the relative order of variables of that type.

To configure ROS -> OSC conversions, the bridge node must be properly configured. See bridge configuration, below.

OSC address and ROS topic naming standards

OSC does not strictly enforce many standards on the address. ROS topic namespaces on the other hand follow stricter conventions:

  • topic names may only contain lower-case letters, numbers, and underscore (_) characters
  • no portion of the namespace may have a leading integer
  • leading _ characters cause the ROS topic to become hidden

When generating the ROS topic name from the OSC address, the following modifications will occur if necessary, to ensure compliance with ROS:

  1. all letters are converted to lower-case. e.g. /Frequency becomes /frequency
  2. if any portion of the namespace starts with a number, the prefix osc_ is added. e.g. the OSC address /1_frequency would be converted to /osc_1_frequency
  3. if the OSC address includes a trailing /, it is removed
  4. if the OSC address omits the leading /, it is added

Bridge configuration

The open_sound_control_bridge node uses a YAML file to configure ROS topic subscribers and OSC destinations.

  - topic: /my_ros/topic_pub
    type: std_msgs/msg/Type
    osc_address: /my_osc/inbound_address
    host: <ip address of destination device>
    port: <UDP port destination accepts messages on>
  - ...

  - topic: /my_ros/topic_sub
    type: std_msgs/msg/Type
    osc_address: /my_osc/outbound_address
  - ...

The ROS types in the table above + osc_control_messages/msg/OscMessage are allowed types; all other types are rejected.

For example, the following would be a valid configuration to control a EuroPi eurorack module:

  # each CV is controlled via a float in the 0-1 range
  # each of these can be set with a single Float32 value
  - topic: /europi/cv1
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/cv1
    port: 9000
  - topic: /europi/cv2
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/cv2
    port: 9000
  - topic: /europi/cv3
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/cv3
    port: 9000
  - topic: /europi/cv4
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/cv4
    port: 9000
  - topic: /europi/cv5
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/cv5
    port: 9000
  - topic: /europi/cv6
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/cv6
    port: 9000

  # EuroPi also accepts a six-field message to set all CVs at once
  # this must be represented as a raw OSC message, as it contains multiple
  # values in the payload
  - topic: /europi/cvs
    type: open_sound_control_msgs/msg/OscMessage
    osc_address: /europi/cvs
    port: 9000

# These are ignored if we enable the dynamic bridge mode
  # EuroPi publishes the knob and button states as OSC addresses
  # Buttons are published as OSC integers (1.0 compatibility)
  - topic: /europi/k1
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/k1
  - topic: /europi/k2
    type: std_msgs/msg/Float32
    osc_address: /europi/k2
  - topic: /europi/b1
    type: std_msgs/msg/Int32
    osc_address: /europi/b1
  - topic: /europi/b2
    type: std_msgs/msg/Int32
    osc_address: /europi/b2

Note that some ROS types are re-used for multiple OSC message types. To specify the desired OSC type for outgoing OSC packets, add the osc_type parameter to the listener:

  # 3 types use std_msgs/String subscribers
  - topic: /osc/my_string
    type: std_msgs/msg/String
    osc_address: /osc_string
    osc_type: s
    port: 8000
  - topic: /osc/my_symbols
    type: std_msgs/msg/String
    osc_address: /osc_symbol
    osc_type: S
    port: 8000
  - topic: /osc/my_char
    type: std_msgs/msg/String
    osc_address: /osc_char
    osc_type: c
    port: 8000

  # 2 types use std_msgs/Empty subscribers
  - topic: /osc/my_trigger
    type: std_msgs/msg/Empty
    osc_address: /osc_trigger
    osc_type: I
    port: 8000
  - topic: /osc/my_null
    type: std_msgs/msg/Empty
    osc_address: /osc_null
    osc_type: N
    port: 8000

If unspecified, any subscriber using std_msgs/msg/String will output s (OSC string) packets and any subscriber using std_msgs/msg/Empty will output N (OSC null) packets.

Dynamic vs Static Bridge

The bridge can operate in two modes: static and dynamic.

In either mode, the topics_ros2osc must be set in the configuration, and only these topics will relay from ROS to OSC.

In dynamic mode, ROS publishers are dynamically created, with the ROS topic names described earlier (including the trailing _N).

In static mode, the topics_osc2ros must be defined. Only OSC messages whose addresses correspond to those specified in the configuration file will be republished as ROS topics. OSC messages with other addresses are silently ignored.

Static mode only relays the first item from any given OSC payload. All other items are ignored (though they are available in the osc_raw topic).


To build from source, clone this repository and use colcon. This package has been tested on Ubuntu 24.04 with ROS 2 Jazzy. Other distributions may be compatible, but are not officially supported.

source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
mkdir -p colcon_ws/src
cd colcon_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build

Running open_sound_control_bridge

The open_sound_control_bridge package can be run either directly with ros2 run:

ros2 run open_sound_control_bridge osc_bridge_node --port UDP_PORT --config /path/to/bridge_config.yaml [--static]

or via the provided launch files:

ros2 launch open_sound_control_bridge port:=UDP_PORT osc_config:=/path/to_bridge_config.yaml

ros2 launch open_sound_control_bridge port:=UDP_PORT osc_config:=/path/to_bridge_config.yaml


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open_sound_control_ros repository

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open_sound_control_ros repository

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open_sound_control_ros repository