Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.0
License Apache 2.0
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble
Last Updated 2025-02-04
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Meta package of franka_ros2

Additional Links

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  • Franka Robotics GmbH


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Changelog for package franka_ros2

Pending Release:

# Fix: Franka robot state broadcaster frequently fails to update GitHub Issue #94 # Test: Re-enable a test and provide Mock functions # Style: Adjust clang-tidy config due to changes in generate_parameter_library() # Chore: Eliminate annoying CMake configure time messages

v1.0.0 (2025-01-22)

Requires libfranka >= 0.15.0 and franka_description >= 0.3.0 requires ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_example_controllers - Add a Franka Hand controller example (gripper_example_controller)
  • fix: reduced acceleration discontinuities by adding new robot_time state to franka_hardware that allows to update controllers with same time that robot uses
  • refactor: Improved Docker image for development with VSCode

* BREAKING_CHANGE: initial_joint_position state removed from franka_hardware. rename/replace functions in franka_semantic_components as follows: :

-  initial_cartesian_pose, initial_elbow_state
+  cartesian_pose_state,   elbow_state.
- getInitialElbowConfiguration, getInitialOrientationAndTranslation, getInitialPoseMatrix
+ getCurrentElbowConfiguration, getCurrentOrientationAndTranslation, getCurrentPoseMatrix 

0.1.15 (2024-06-21) ------------------

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.2 and franka_description >= 0.3.0 requires ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_gazebo_bringup: Released and supports joint position, velocity and effort commands
  • feat: franka_ign_ros2_control: ROS 2 hardware interface for gazebo controller. Modified to add gravity torques for Franka robots.
  • fix: the joint-impedance-with-IK example to work without a gripper

0.1.14 (2024-05-13) ------------------

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.2, and franka_description >= 0.2.0 requires ROS 2 Humble

  • BREAKING CHANGE: franka_description package
  • BREAKING CHANGE: using the franka_description standalone package
  • build: install pinocchio dependency from ros-humble-pinocchio apt package
  • feat: Added error recovery action to ROS 2 node
  • fix: hard-coded panda robot references
  • fix: franka_hardware prefixes the robot_state and robot model state interfaces with the read robot name from the urdf.

0.1.13 (2024-01-18) ------------------

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.2, requires ROS 2 Humble

  • BREAKING CHANGE: update libfranka dependency in devcontainer to 0.13.3(requires system image 5.5.0)
  • fix: devcontainer typo

0.1.12 (2024-01-12) ------------------

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.2, requires ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_semantic_component: Read robot state from urdf robot description.
  • feat: franka_state_broadcaster: Publish visualizable topics seperately.

0.1.11 (2023-12-20) ------------------

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.2, requires ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_example_controllers: Add a joint impedance example using OrocosKDL(LMA-ik) through MoveIt service.
  • feat: franka_hardware: Register initial joint positions and cartesian pose state interface without having running command interfaces.

0.1.10 (2023-12-04) ------------------

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.0, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: Adapted the franka robot state broadcaster to use ROS 2 message types
  • feat: Adapted the Cartesian velocity command interface to use Eigen types

0.1.9 (2023-12-04)

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.0, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_hardware: add state interfaces for initial position, cartesian pose and elbow.
  • feat: franka_hardware: support cartesian pose interface.
  • feat: franka_semantic_component: support cartesian pose interface.
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: add cartesian pose example controller
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: add cartesian elbow controller
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: add cartesian orientation controller

0.1.8 (2023-11-16)

Requires libfranka >= 0.13.0, required ROS 2 Humble

  • test: franka_hardware: add unit tests for robot class.
  • fix: joint_trajectory_controller: hotfix add joint patched old JTC back.

0.1.7 (2023-11-10)

Requires libfranka >= 0.12.1, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_hardware: joint position command interface supported
  • feat: franka_hardware: controller initializer automatically acknowledges error, if arm is in reflex mode
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: joint position example controller provided
  • fix: franka_example_controllers: fix second start bug with the example controllers

0.1.6 (2023-11-03)

Requires libfranka >= 0.12.1, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_hardware: support for cartesian velocity command interface
  • feat: franka_semantic_component: implemented cartesian velocity interface
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: implement cartesian velocity example controller
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: implement elbow example controller

0.1.5 (2023-10-13)

Requires libfranka >= 0.12.1, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_hardware: support joint velocity command interface
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: implement joint velocity example controller
  • feat: franka_description: add velocity command interface to the control tag

0.1.4 (2023-09-26)

Requires libfranka >= 0.12.1, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_hardware: adapt to libfranka active control 0.12.1

0.1.3 (2023-08-24)

Requires libfranka >= 0.11.0, required ROS 2 Humble

  • fix: franka_hardware: hotfix start controller when user claims the command interface

0.1.2 (2023-08-21)

Requires libfranka >= 0.11.0, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_hardware: implement non-realtime parameter services

0.1.1 (2023-08-21)

Requires libfranka >= 0.11.0, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_hardware: uses updated libfranka version providing the possibility to have the control loop on the ROS side

0.1.0 (2023-07-28)

Requires libfranka >= 0.10.0, required ROS 2 Humble

  • feat: franka_bringup: franka_robot_state broadcaster added to
  • feat: franka_example_controllers: model printing read only controller implemented
  • feat: franka_robot_model: semantic component to access robot model parameters.
  • feat: franka_msgs: franka robot state msg added
  • feat: franka_robot_state: broadcaster publishes robot state.
  • feat: joint_effort_trajectory_controller package that contains a version of the joint_trajectory_controller that can use the torque interface. [See this PR](
  • feat: franka_bringup package that contains various launch files to start controller examples or Moveit2.
  • feat: franka_moveit_config package that contains a minimal moveit config to control the robot.
  • feat: franka_example_controllers package that contains some example controllers to use.
  • feat: franka_hardware package that contains a plugin to access the robot.
  • feat: franka_msgs package that contains common message, service and action type definitions.
  • feat: franka_description package that contains all meshes and xacro files.
  • feat: franka_gripper package that offers action and service interfaces to use the Franka Hand gripper.
  • fix: franka_hardware Fix the mismatched joint state interface type logger error message.
  • test: CI tests in Jenkins.

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


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