Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-09-29
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • RT Corporation


  • Daisuke Sato
  • Hiroyuki Nomura

English | 日本語


This package includes examples to control CRANE-X7 using crane_x7_ros.

How to launch CRANE-X7 base packages

  1. Connect a communication cable from CRANE-X7 to a PC.
  2. Open terminal and launch demo.launch of crane_x7_bringup package.

This launch file has an argument to select CRANE-X7 or virtual CRANE-X7:

  • fake_execution (default: true)

Using virtual CRANE-X7

Launch virtual CRANE-X7 base packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=true

Using real CRANE-X7

Launch the base packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=false

Default serial port name is /dev/ttyUSB0. To change port name (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1), launch the packages with arguments:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=false port:=/dev/ttyUSB1

Using Gazebo simulator

Launch the packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_gazebo crane_x7_with_table.launch

Run Examples

Following examples will be executable after launch CRANE-X7 base packages.


This is an example to open/close the gripper.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example using group_state of SRDF.

CRANE-X7 changes its posture to home and vertical listed in SRDF file crane_x7_moveit_config/config/crane_x7.srdf.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example to change each joint values of arm one by one using moveit_commander.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example to plan a circular path that the hand follows using moveit_commander and Cartesian Path.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples


back to example list


This is an example to grasp, pick up, carry and place an small object.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

Real environment setup

Place the small object at a distance of 20 cm from CRANE-X7.

This orange ball can be purchased at this page in RT ROBOT SHOP.



back to example list


This is an example to change PID gains of servo motors in bulk using preset_reconfigure of crane_x7_control.

Lists of PID gain preset values can be edited in crane_x7_control/scripts/

Launch nodes and with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples preset_pid_gain_example.launch



back to example list


This is an example to generate an motion trajectory with direct teaching.

User can operate CRANE-X7 directly because the PID gains of servo motors will be small values.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples teaching_example.launch

Please see below for keyboard operation.

Teaching Mode

This is a mode at startup and the PID gains will be small values.

Key Function
s / S Save current posture
d / D Delete all posture data
m / M Transition to Action **Mode
q / Q Quit application

Action Mode

This is a mode transitioned from Teaching Mode and the PID gains will return to normal values.

Key Function
p / P Playback a posture data
a / A Playback all posture data consecutively
l / L Toggle loop playback (ON/OFF)
m / M Transition to Teaching **Mode
q / Q Quit application



back to example list


This is an example to use joystick controller to change the hand position and posture, or to open and close of the gripper, or to preset the PID gains or to generate a position trajectory with direct teaching.

Connect a joystick controller to a PC and check the device /dev/input/js0 existence then launch nodes with the following command:

for control CRANE-X7

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch

for control virtual CRANE-X7

Please add an argument sim to avoid an error.

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch sim:=true

Key configuration

This picture shows the default key configuration. The joystick controller is Logicool Wireless Gamepad F710.

Key assignments can be edited with key numbers in crane_x7_example/launch/joystick_example.launch.

 <node name="joystick_example" pkg="crane_x7_examples" type="" required="true" output="screen">
    <param name="button_shutdown_1" value="8" type="int" />
    <param name="button_shutdown_2" value="9" type="int" />

    <param name="button_name_enable" value="7" type="int" />
    <param name="button_name_home"  value="8" type="int" />

    <param name="button_preset_enable" value="7" type="int" />
    <param name="button_preset_no1" value="9" type="int" />

This picture shows the default key numbers.

Please display /joy topic with the command rostopic echo /joy to check the default key numbers.

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch sim:=true

# Enter the command in another terminal 
rostopic echo /joy

# Press buttons of a joystick controller
  seq: 1
    secs: 1549359364
    nsecs: 214800952
  frame_id: ''
axes: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
buttons: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]



back to example list


This is an example to use rosservice to add dummy obstacles and to avoid the obstacles.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples obstacle_avoidance_example.launch

This example uses a service file including target posture of CRANE-X7 and size and posture of an obstacle.

These values can be edited in crane_x7_examples/scripts/

The default obstacle shape is rectangular.

    # Define obstacle shape and pose
    obstacle_name = "box"
    obstacle_size = Vector3(0.28, 0.16, 0.14)
    obstacle_pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
    obstacle_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
    obstacle_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 0.35
    obstacle_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = obstacle_size.z/2.0

This example generates a dummy floor as an obstacle to move safely.

If this floor is unnecessary, please comment out some lines from crane_x7_examples/scripts/

    # Generate dummy floor
    floor_name = "floor"
    floor_size = (2.0, 2.0, 0.01)
    floor_pose = PoseStamped()
    floor_pose.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
    floor_pose.pose.position.z = -floor_size[2]/2.0
    scene.add_box(floor_name, floor_pose, floor_size)

If MoveIt did not generate trajectory to avoid an obstacle, CRANE-X7 will not move, the example server will return value result=False, then MoveIt will calculate a trajectory to next target position.

back to example list


This is an example to subscribe the servo motor status.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

This example subscribes topics of gripper joint crane_x7_gripper_finger_a_joint and displays the servo motor current, position and temperature to a terminal.

 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 2.69    dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 2.69    dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0

If the motor current exceed thresholds, the gripper will open/close. This function enables user to open/close the gripper by hand.

Please refere crane_x7_control/ for details of the topics.

back to example list


This is an example to grasp, pick up, carry and place an small object on Gazebo environments.

Launch nodes with the following command with arguments to control the gripper by EffortController.

roslaunch crane_x7_gazebo crane_x7_with_table.launch use_effort_gripper:=true

After Gazebo launch, run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples



back to example list


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged crane_x7_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-09-29
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • RT Corporation


  • Daisuke Sato
  • Hiroyuki Nomura

English | 日本語


This package includes examples to control CRANE-X7 using crane_x7_ros.

How to launch CRANE-X7 base packages

  1. Connect a communication cable from CRANE-X7 to a PC.
  2. Open terminal and launch demo.launch of crane_x7_bringup package.

This launch file has an argument to select CRANE-X7 or virtual CRANE-X7:

  • fake_execution (default: true)

Using virtual CRANE-X7

Launch virtual CRANE-X7 base packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=true

Using real CRANE-X7

Launch the base packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=false

Default serial port name is /dev/ttyUSB0. To change port name (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1), launch the packages with arguments:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=false port:=/dev/ttyUSB1

Using Gazebo simulator

Launch the packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_gazebo crane_x7_with_table.launch

Run Examples

Following examples will be executable after launch CRANE-X7 base packages.


This is an example to open/close the gripper.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example using group_state of SRDF.

CRANE-X7 changes its posture to home and vertical listed in SRDF file crane_x7_moveit_config/config/crane_x7.srdf.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example to change each joint values of arm one by one using moveit_commander.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example to plan a circular path that the hand follows using moveit_commander and Cartesian Path.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples


back to example list


This is an example to grasp, pick up, carry and place an small object.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

Real environment setup

Place the small object at a distance of 20 cm from CRANE-X7.

This orange ball can be purchased at this page in RT ROBOT SHOP.



back to example list


This is an example to change PID gains of servo motors in bulk using preset_reconfigure of crane_x7_control.

Lists of PID gain preset values can be edited in crane_x7_control/scripts/

Launch nodes and with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples preset_pid_gain_example.launch



back to example list


This is an example to generate an motion trajectory with direct teaching.

User can operate CRANE-X7 directly because the PID gains of servo motors will be small values.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples teaching_example.launch

Please see below for keyboard operation.

Teaching Mode

This is a mode at startup and the PID gains will be small values.

Key Function
s / S Save current posture
d / D Delete all posture data
m / M Transition to Action **Mode
q / Q Quit application

Action Mode

This is a mode transitioned from Teaching Mode and the PID gains will return to normal values.

Key Function
p / P Playback a posture data
a / A Playback all posture data consecutively
l / L Toggle loop playback (ON/OFF)
m / M Transition to Teaching **Mode
q / Q Quit application



back to example list


This is an example to use joystick controller to change the hand position and posture, or to open and close of the gripper, or to preset the PID gains or to generate a position trajectory with direct teaching.

Connect a joystick controller to a PC and check the device /dev/input/js0 existence then launch nodes with the following command:

for control CRANE-X7

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch

for control virtual CRANE-X7

Please add an argument sim to avoid an error.

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch sim:=true

Key configuration

This picture shows the default key configuration. The joystick controller is Logicool Wireless Gamepad F710.

Key assignments can be edited with key numbers in crane_x7_example/launch/joystick_example.launch.

 <node name="joystick_example" pkg="crane_x7_examples" type="" required="true" output="screen">
    <param name="button_shutdown_1" value="8" type="int" />
    <param name="button_shutdown_2" value="9" type="int" />

    <param name="button_name_enable" value="7" type="int" />
    <param name="button_name_home"  value="8" type="int" />

    <param name="button_preset_enable" value="7" type="int" />
    <param name="button_preset_no1" value="9" type="int" />

This picture shows the default key numbers.

Please display /joy topic with the command rostopic echo /joy to check the default key numbers.

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch sim:=true

# Enter the command in another terminal 
rostopic echo /joy

# Press buttons of a joystick controller
  seq: 1
    secs: 1549359364
    nsecs: 214800952
  frame_id: ''
axes: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
buttons: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]



back to example list


This is an example to use rosservice to add dummy obstacles and to avoid the obstacles.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples obstacle_avoidance_example.launch

This example uses a service file including target posture of CRANE-X7 and size and posture of an obstacle.

These values can be edited in crane_x7_examples/scripts/

The default obstacle shape is rectangular.

    # Define obstacle shape and pose
    obstacle_name = "box"
    obstacle_size = Vector3(0.28, 0.16, 0.14)
    obstacle_pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
    obstacle_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
    obstacle_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 0.35
    obstacle_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = obstacle_size.z/2.0

This example generates a dummy floor as an obstacle to move safely.

If this floor is unnecessary, please comment out some lines from crane_x7_examples/scripts/

    # Generate dummy floor
    floor_name = "floor"
    floor_size = (2.0, 2.0, 0.01)
    floor_pose = PoseStamped()
    floor_pose.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
    floor_pose.pose.position.z = -floor_size[2]/2.0
    scene.add_box(floor_name, floor_pose, floor_size)

If MoveIt did not generate trajectory to avoid an obstacle, CRANE-X7 will not move, the example server will return value result=False, then MoveIt will calculate a trajectory to next target position.

back to example list


This is an example to subscribe the servo motor status.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

This example subscribes topics of gripper joint crane_x7_gripper_finger_a_joint and displays the servo motor current, position and temperature to a terminal.

 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 2.69    dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 2.69    dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0

If the motor current exceed thresholds, the gripper will open/close. This function enables user to open/close the gripper by hand.

Please refere crane_x7_control/ for details of the topics.

back to example list


This is an example to grasp, pick up, carry and place an small object on Gazebo environments.

Launch nodes with the following command with arguments to control the gripper by EffortController.

roslaunch crane_x7_gazebo crane_x7_with_table.launch use_effort_gripper:=true

After Gazebo launch, run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples



back to example list


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged crane_x7_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.0.0
License Apache License 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-09-29
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

examples of CRANE-X7 ROS package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • RT Corporation


  • Daisuke Sato
  • Hiroyuki Nomura

English | 日本語


This package includes examples to control CRANE-X7 using crane_x7_ros.

How to launch CRANE-X7 base packages

  1. Connect a communication cable from CRANE-X7 to a PC.
  2. Open terminal and launch demo.launch of crane_x7_bringup package.

This launch file has an argument to select CRANE-X7 or virtual CRANE-X7:

  • fake_execution (default: true)

Using virtual CRANE-X7

Launch virtual CRANE-X7 base packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=true

Using real CRANE-X7

Launch the base packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=false

Default serial port name is /dev/ttyUSB0. To change port name (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1), launch the packages with arguments:

roslaunch crane_x7_bringup demo.launch fake_execution:=false port:=/dev/ttyUSB1

Using Gazebo simulator

Launch the packages with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_gazebo crane_x7_with_table.launch

Run Examples

Following examples will be executable after launch CRANE-X7 base packages.


This is an example to open/close the gripper.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example using group_state of SRDF.

CRANE-X7 changes its posture to home and vertical listed in SRDF file crane_x7_moveit_config/config/crane_x7.srdf.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example to change each joint values of arm one by one using moveit_commander.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

back to example list


This is an example to plan a circular path that the hand follows using moveit_commander and Cartesian Path.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples


back to example list


This is an example to grasp, pick up, carry and place an small object.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

Real environment setup

Place the small object at a distance of 20 cm from CRANE-X7.

This orange ball can be purchased at this page in RT ROBOT SHOP.



back to example list


This is an example to change PID gains of servo motors in bulk using preset_reconfigure of crane_x7_control.

Lists of PID gain preset values can be edited in crane_x7_control/scripts/

Launch nodes and with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples preset_pid_gain_example.launch



back to example list


This is an example to generate an motion trajectory with direct teaching.

User can operate CRANE-X7 directly because the PID gains of servo motors will be small values.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples teaching_example.launch

Please see below for keyboard operation.

Teaching Mode

This is a mode at startup and the PID gains will be small values.

Key Function
s / S Save current posture
d / D Delete all posture data
m / M Transition to Action **Mode
q / Q Quit application

Action Mode

This is a mode transitioned from Teaching Mode and the PID gains will return to normal values.

Key Function
p / P Playback a posture data
a / A Playback all posture data consecutively
l / L Toggle loop playback (ON/OFF)
m / M Transition to Teaching **Mode
q / Q Quit application



back to example list


This is an example to use joystick controller to change the hand position and posture, or to open and close of the gripper, or to preset the PID gains or to generate a position trajectory with direct teaching.

Connect a joystick controller to a PC and check the device /dev/input/js0 existence then launch nodes with the following command:

for control CRANE-X7

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch

for control virtual CRANE-X7

Please add an argument sim to avoid an error.

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch sim:=true

Key configuration

This picture shows the default key configuration. The joystick controller is Logicool Wireless Gamepad F710.

Key assignments can be edited with key numbers in crane_x7_example/launch/joystick_example.launch.

 <node name="joystick_example" pkg="crane_x7_examples" type="" required="true" output="screen">
    <param name="button_shutdown_1" value="8" type="int" />
    <param name="button_shutdown_2" value="9" type="int" />

    <param name="button_name_enable" value="7" type="int" />
    <param name="button_name_home"  value="8" type="int" />

    <param name="button_preset_enable" value="7" type="int" />
    <param name="button_preset_no1" value="9" type="int" />

This picture shows the default key numbers.

Please display /joy topic with the command rostopic echo /joy to check the default key numbers.

roslaunch crane_x7_examples joystick_example.launch sim:=true

# Enter the command in another terminal 
rostopic echo /joy

# Press buttons of a joystick controller
  seq: 1
    secs: 1549359364
    nsecs: 214800952
  frame_id: ''
axes: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
buttons: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]



back to example list


This is an example to use rosservice to add dummy obstacles and to avoid the obstacles.

Launch nodes with the following command:

roslaunch crane_x7_examples obstacle_avoidance_example.launch

This example uses a service file including target posture of CRANE-X7 and size and posture of an obstacle.

These values can be edited in crane_x7_examples/scripts/

The default obstacle shape is rectangular.

    # Define obstacle shape and pose
    obstacle_name = "box"
    obstacle_size = Vector3(0.28, 0.16, 0.14)
    obstacle_pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
    obstacle_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
    obstacle_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 0.35
    obstacle_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = obstacle_size.z/2.0

This example generates a dummy floor as an obstacle to move safely.

If this floor is unnecessary, please comment out some lines from crane_x7_examples/scripts/

    # Generate dummy floor
    floor_name = "floor"
    floor_size = (2.0, 2.0, 0.01)
    floor_pose = PoseStamped()
    floor_pose.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
    floor_pose.pose.position.z = -floor_size[2]/2.0
    scene.add_box(floor_name, floor_pose, floor_size)

If MoveIt did not generate trajectory to avoid an obstacle, CRANE-X7 will not move, the example server will return value result=False, then MoveIt will calculate a trajectory to next target position.

back to example list


This is an example to subscribe the servo motor status.

Run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples

This example subscribes topics of gripper joint crane_x7_gripper_finger_a_joint and displays the servo motor current, position and temperature to a terminal.

 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 2.69    dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 0.0     dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0  
 current [mA]: 2.69    dxl_position: 2634    temp [deg C]: 42.0

If the motor current exceed thresholds, the gripper will open/close. This function enables user to open/close the gripper by hand.

Please refere crane_x7_control/ for details of the topics.

back to example list


This is an example to grasp, pick up, carry and place an small object on Gazebo environments.

Launch nodes with the following command with arguments to control the gripper by EffortController.

roslaunch crane_x7_gazebo crane_x7_with_table.launch use_effort_gripper:=true

After Gazebo launch, run a node with the following command:

rosrun crane_x7_examples



back to example list


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged crane_x7_examples at Robotics Stack Exchange